Adding, Editing, and Deleting Applications Manager Objects

Add, edit, and delete objects using the selector windows. Jobs and Process Flows selector windows include an Application box.

You add, edit, and delete objects using the selector windows. The Queues Selector window is shown below..

To open a selector window, do one of the following:

Adding and Editing Objects

To add, edit, or delete an Applications Manager object:

  1. Open the selector window that corresponds to the object you wish to add or edit.
  2. To add a new object or edit or delete an existing object, click the appropriate button.

    Only the objects assigned to you via user groups will be displayed in the selector window. In the image above, the Queues Selector window is open.

    The Jobs and Process Flows selector windows include an Application box. Applications specify a group of jobs and process flows. The application you select determines which jobs and process flows are listed in the table. For more information on applications, see Defining Applications.

    Selector windows are not displayed on the taskbar because they do not contain unique information. For more information on using the Applications Manager desktop, see the User Guide.

  3. To update an existing object, select the object and click Edit. To refresh the list of objects on the selector window, click Refresh.
  4. You can type the first few letters of an object's name in the Search field, and Applications Manager will find it. The Search field accepts valid UNIX regular expressions. For example, to search for all jobs starting with the letters A and T, you would enter [at] in the Search field. For more information on syntax accepted by regular expressions, see Appendix A: Regular Expression Tables.

  5. To define a new object, click New.
  6. Applications Manager opens an object definition window. If you are defining a new object, the fields will be empty except where defaults come preselected.

    Required fields are marked with a '*' symbol to their right.

  7. Enter values for the fields on the various tabs of the object.
  8. When you enter or change a field value, Applications Manager displays a blue triangle next to the current tab's label to signify unsaved changes. A red triangle signifies unsaved changes made to a sub-element of a tab. For more information, see Updating Unsaved Changes.

    If a supporting object is selected in another object's field, and a user does not have access to the supporting object, that field will be grayed out. For example, assume the MONITOR thread schedule is assigned to the BATCH queue. A user named Pat has the BATCH queue in an edit user group, but she doesn't have the MONITOR thread schedule in any user groups. Pat can edit the BATCH queue, but she cannot change its thread schedule, because the field is grayed out for her (showing MONITOR as its selection).

  9. If you wish, you can select the User Groups tab to assign the object to one or more user groups. For more information on assigning objects to user groups, see the Administration Guide.
  10. If you are assigned to a Maintenance user group, the object will automatically be assigned to your user group. You can view a list of objects that you have access to from the View menu by selecting View Assigned Objects. If you do not have access to the object, see your Applications Manager administrator.

  11. Select the appropriate button:

Deleting Objects

To delete an object, highlight the object in its selector window and click Delete. If the object you are deleting is referenced by one or more objects, you must remove the references before it can be deleted. If you try to delete an object without first removing the references, Applications Manager will display a message saying it is in use. For information on viewing references for an object, see Viewing Object References.

If jobs or process flows are in the Backlog, you cannot delete their definitions. You will need to wait until they complete executing.