Defining Message Templates

Use message templates to specify text to include in notification output files. Message templates allow the use of substitution variables and replacement values for variable text.

Use message templates to specify text to include in notification output files. An advantage of message templates is that you can include subvars and replacement values such as #today and {run_id}.

The Message Templates window

Applications Manager user groups control access to message templates. If you do not have access to them, see your Applications Manager administrator.


To define a new message template:

  1. From the Message Templates Selector window, click New.
  2. Applications Manager opens the Message Templates window.

    For information on using selector windows, see Adding, Editing, and Deleting Applications Manager Objects.

  3. Enter a name and description for the message template.
  4. Enter the message to include in your notifications. To include substitution variables or replacement values in the text search, click the { } button.

What Users See

The message template shown below is assigned to a notification. That notification is assigned to a job. When that job aborts, the text from the message template is written to an output file named notif_<run_id>_<series>. Note that the values for the substitution variable and replacement values are displayed in the output file.

Values for substitution variables and replacement values in message templates are resolved when the action is taken for their notification.