With AE, information about the execution of tasks can also be exported to files so that object names, states and return codes are available. The execution report is additionally available in form of a text file. Structured data allows for quick and easy report analyses.
You can access information about job executions, reports and file transfers.
Report data can either be edited with the utility AE DB Archive or directly by accessing the database table "XRO" which supports your self-developed programs.
This special form of report editing is by default not active and must be activated for each client. Do so with the key XRO_REPORTS in the variable UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS.
An entry containing the object names, time of execution and a reference to the report is written for each job runs or file transfer that takes place. This data can be edited with the utility AE DB Archive
Note that XRO entries should regularly be removed from the tables in order to reduce the ever growing amount of data in the database. Details are described in the section "Removing Table Entries".
Listing Reports |
Start AE DB Archive in batch mode with the syntax shown below. As a result, a CSV file listing all non-archived task executions is supplied:
UCYBDBAR -B -Xlist -Sclient/-Dclient [-Opath and file name] [-Ystatus]
If no path is indicated, the file "uc_XROlist.csv" is created in the folder of this utility.
The file content is exactly the same as the content of the database table "XRO". Its structure is described at the end of this document.
The utility cancels the procedure if a file of the same name already exists.
If the result file should not contain all table entries, the start parameter _Y can be used. Hence, only the lines with the indicated status (Column "XRO_CusStatus") are selected. Any value (a number) of your choice can be used and specified when the report is unloaded.
AE DB Archive creates an empty file if there is no report data.
Unloading Reports |
Call AE DB Archive in batch mode using the following syntax to export reports to text files:
UCYBDBAR -B -Xunload -Sclient/-Dclient -RRunID of the task [-TYReport type] [-Opath and file name] [-Ystatus]
Specify a task's RunID and the report type to unload a particular report. Only specifying the RunID and no report type has the effect that all reports of the particular execution are supplied.
To unload reports from a specific client, the Windows account user has to exist under exact same name in the Automation Engine.
If no path is specified, the file "uc_XROreport.txt" is created in the folder of this utility. This text file contains the report data content.
The utility cancels the procedure if a file of the same name already exists.
The start parameter -Y can be used to set a report status. Specify any number of your choice and enter it in the column XRO_CusStatus. This value can then be used to filter the report list.
Unloading a report does not delete the report entries in the table "XRO". This is done in the next step.
You cannot unload reports from specific users through the command line.
Removing Table Entries |
There are two ways of reorganizing table entries:
Structure of the Database Table XRO
The exported CSV file contains the content and structure of the database table "XRO". Both have the following columns:
Column name |
Description |
XRO_Client |
Client |
XRO_AH_Idnr |
Run number (RunID) of the task execution |
XRO_RType |
Report type |
XRO_System |
Name of the AE system |
XRO_OType |
Object type (JOBS, JOBF) |
XRO_Object |
Name of the object |
XRO_HostDst |
Name of the agent on the target host |
XRO_LoginDst |
User name under which the object is processed |
XRO_HostScr |
Name of the agent on the source host (only for file transfers) |
XRO_LoginSrc |
User name for the source host (only for file transfers) |
XRO_TimeStamp1 |
Start time of the execution |
XRO_TimeStamp4 |
End time of the execution |
XRO_RetCode |
Return code of the task |
XRO_Status |
Status of the task |
XRO_RRetCode |
Return code of the report transfer "0" - Report was successfully transferred |
XRO_ReportSize |
Report size in bytes Note that file transfers always contain "0" in this column. |
XRO_UserTime |
Consumed user time |
XRO_KernelTime |
Consumed Kernel time |
XRO_CpuTime |
Consumed CPU time |
XRO_Archive1 |
First archive key of the object |
XRO_Archive2 |
Second archive key of the object |
XRO_CusStatus |
User-defined number for filter usage |
See also: