Reports of Windows Jobs

The reports of Windows jobs have some special features.

Generating Job Reports Through Script

Use the host specific Windows tab to specify when the job report should be stored in the database and/or in a file. It is also possible to define that a report should only be stored in case of an error.

The option Is generated by script serves programs whose outputs are supplied in files. If this specification has been activated, the job reports contain the program outputs.

With each job execution, an extra file is created for  the job report. Use the attribute "FILENAME_SYSOUT" to retrieve these files' names which are composed of the individual run numbers (RunID). The path for the job report can be set with the variable "UC_EX_PATH_JOBREPORT" and read with the script function GET_VAR. Finally, the retrieved information can be assigned to the program.

For example:

:SET &job_report_path# = GET_VAR(UC_EX_PATH_JOBREPORT)
SET &job_report_filename# = GET_ATT(FILENAME_SYSOUT)

isqlw -S PC1\SQL2000 -d TEST_DB -U sa -i c:\temp\test.sql -o &job_report_path#&job_report_filename#

Windows Job Object

Reports of Windows jobs show whether a particular job used a Windows Job object. The end of the AE Job Messenger then supplies different information:

For example: Without a Job object:

UCMDJP: *******************************************************************
UCMDJP: ** JOB 26181380 (ProcID:0000005796) ENDED AT 22.07.2004/15:02:10 **
UCMDJP: ** ------------------------------------------------------------- **
UCMDJP: **                                  USED:          @ CPU         **
UCMDJP: *******************************************************************

For example: With a Job object:

UCMDJP: *******************************************************************
UCMDJP: ** JOB 26181383 (ProcID:0000001416) ENDED AT 22.07.2004/15:03:09 **
UCMDJP: ** ------------------------------------------------------------- **
UCMDJP: **                                  USED:      0.188 CPU         **
UCMDJP: **                                              1154 PAGE FAULTS **
UCMDJP: **                                                 3 PROCESSES   **
UCMDJP: *******************************************************************

See also:

Reports for Executable Objects