Agent information and settings are mostly stored in agent variables. These variables are either available as Variable objects in the system client 0000 or directly stored in the database. If they are stored in the database, they are referred to as "virtual agent variables". They can be read with the GET_VAR script element, but they cannot be set with the :PUT_VAR statement.
The correct syntax is: GET_VAR (Agent variable, Agent name)
For example: :SET &jobreport# = GET_VAR('UC_EX_PATH_JOBREPORT','WIN01')
The administrator can specify all agent variables in the agent's INI file (section [VARIABLES]). In doing so, values can be set in accordance with your environment.
For example:
Agent Variables in the System Client 0000
Agent Variable |
Description |
UC_EX_ERP_CONNECT - Connection to Enterprise Business Solutions |
Contains connection specifications for the particular Enterprise Business Solution. |
Contains particular settings for one or several agents. |
Virtual Agent Variables
Virtual agent variables are usually defined in the agent INI file in the [VARIABLES] section. The values of some agent variables are automatically retrieved by the agent. In this case, there is no need to define them in the INI file (see the table below).
When the agent starts, all virtual variables will be passed on to the Automation Engine.
Note that you cannot define variables that are not listed below. Although you can create user-defined variables, they cannot be read.
Agent Variable |
Description |
Definition in INI file |
This variable checks whether the current time is Daylight Savings Time. The agent retrieves this information from the system time and passes it on to the Automation Engine. Allowed values: "Y" and "N" The value of this variable is automatically set and cannot be defined in the INI file. |
No |
The agent's role. Any name that can be used as a filter in Agent Groups (HOSTG). Several role names must be separated with a ";" character. This parameter is limited to 256 characters. Roles are converted to uppercase letters. This definition does not affect the agent itself. |
Yes |
The IP address or the host name. When the agent starts, it retrieves the IP address of the computer on which it is running automatically. It passes this information on to the Automation Engine where it is stored in this variable. The Automation Engine uses the agent's IP address and port number (variable UC_EX_IP_PORT) in the Header and Trailer Includes and passes this information on to the Job Messenger. The Job Messenger uses this data to connect to the agent. The agent itself usually uses these values only for the Sysplex configurations of a z/OS mainframe system (z/OS agent). If the agent runs in a cluster, you can enter this cluster virtual IP address here. For details see Automation Engine and Clusters |
No |
The port number of the agent. For further information, see also the description of UC_EX_IP_ADDR. |
No |
The path and file name of the Job Messenger. This variable must be defined. When the agent starts, it checks this value and terminates when the path is not valid. This value is used in the Header and Trailer objects which include the messenger calls for the job start and job end. |
Required |
The license class according to the acquired license as well as the hardware and software that is used. When the license class is set to "S", the agent passes the value "" on when it starts instead of the host's actual IP address. |
Yes |
Additional information about the agent for the MIB ( |
No |
This variable indicates whether the agent's availability is monitored. Allowed values: "0" and "1" |
No |
The directory in which the backup files of the file rollback of jobs and file transfers are stored. For details see Rollback Page. Only affects Windows and UNIX agents. Default value: If the directory does not yet exist, it will be created when the agent starts. Within the backup folder, the files are stored in the following structure /<Client>/<Date>/<RunID>/ The backup directory for the filebased rollback is automatically created when you start the agent. This directory is available for jobs and file transfers. You can define the path for the backup directory in the agent variable UC_EX_PATH_BACKUP. Note that for using the filebased rollback, you need the OS user under which the related jobs and file transfers are started, and write access to the backup directory. |
Yes |
The directory in which the agent is installed. This variable must be defined. When the agent starts, it checks this value and terminates when the path is not valid. Please note that the path to the working directory may be defined either as a relative or an absolute path. If all agent variables have been defined, you can use one of the two path definition variants. |
Required |
This directory is used to store client-wide resources. In the client-wide resource directory you should clean up unused files yourself. |
Yes |
The directory in which the agent stores job reports. This variable must be defined. When the agent starts, it checks this value and terminates when the path is not valid. The SAP agent stores the restart file also in this directory. |
Required |
The directory in which the agent stores generated jobs on a temporary basis. This variable must be defined. When the agent starts, it checks this value and terminates when the path is not valid. |
Required |
The IFS directory in which the StatusStore files of file transfers should be stored. Only relevant for OS/400 agents, and only when the value "IFS" is set in the INI file parameter store_key. For details see OS/400 Agent . |
Yes |
The version of the agent. The agent retrieves this value automatically. |
No |
The name of the code table of the system client 0000. Default value: "UC_CODE" The character version that is defined here is used for transporting jobs to the host and for the automatic file transfer of the job report. |
Yes |
UC_HOST_CONN_ABAP | Connection object for the ABAP basis that should be used in the Agent object. | Yes |
UC_HOST_CONN_JAVA | The Connection object for the Java basis that should beused in the Agent object. | Yes |
UC_HOST_CONN_PI | The Connection object for the Process Integration that should be used in the Agent object. | Yes |
UC_HOST_CONN_SLD | The Connection object for the Landscape Directory which should be used in the Agent object | Yes |
The hardware information of the computer (such as the system type, the number of processors or the processor type). The agent retrieves this value automatically. |
No |
The reference to Includes that are used when the job is generated. These are generally the Includes HEADER.*, TRAILER.* and RESTART.* of the system client 0000. User-defined Includes can also be used. |
Yes |
The operating system of the computer. The agent retrieves this value automatically. |
No |
The OS version. The agent retrieves this value automatically. |
No |
The directory in which the Siebel log files are stored. |
Yes |
The directory in which the Siebel Server Manager (srvrmgr.exe) is stored. |
Yes |
See also: