Default values have been specified for most parameters. They can be changed if required. Parameters that must be adjusted to your system environment re written in red letters.
Structure of the INI File UCXJO41
Section/Parameter | Description |
(GLOBAL) | |
The name of the AE system. |
The name of the agent. The agent name is limited to 32 of the following characters: A-Z, 0-9, _, ., $, @, - and #. The host name is used instead if this parameter is not defined. Lowercase letters are converted to uppercase letters. Hyphens ("-") are only allowed in agent names. They must not be used in the names of any other objects. |
CheckLogon= |
This parameter checks the user data in the Login object. Allowed value: "0" and "1" (default value) "0" - The Login object is not checked. OS/400 jobs: The User ID that is specified in the Login object must also be activated on the OS/400 platform as otherwise, you will not be able to start jobs. |
logcount= |
The number of stored log files. |
logging= |
The name of the log file. The number signs are used as placeholders for a numbering in ascending order. When you start starting the agent, log files are renamed so that the most current log file is always the one with the number "00". If no file name is specified, the logging is written to the spool file of the agent's job. |
language= |
The language that should be used for the logging. You can specify a primary and a secondary language. Allowed values: "E", "D",
"F" If there is no message in the primary language, the system searches for a message in the secondary language. |
helplib= | The name of the message file. |
The license class that corresponds to the acquired license
and the hard and software that is used.
Allowed values: "1" to "9" |
spool= | This parameter refers to the spool files of a job run: "delete" = The spool files should be deleted. "keep" = The spool files should be kept in the spool. |
dqname= |
The name of the data queue of the agent's job. Default: "DQ" If several instances of an agent are run from the same library, a data queue name must be provided for each instance. If this entry is deactivated in the INI file, the agent sets the data queue name in the form "DQ######" (###### = 6 figure job number). |
You can specify here whether the submitted job is written to the log file. Allowed values: "0" and "1" (default value) "0" - The submitted job is not written to
the log file. |
The start parameter for the submitted job. |
console= |
The name of the message queue that should be monitored with a "Console" event type. |
userid_type= | An alternative to the OS that can be used to allow or reject
certain users.
Allowed values: "INCL", "EXCL" "INCL" = Access must be allowed to each individual user
under (USERID). |
ft_temp_file_ifs= |
This parameter creates temporary files in file transfers . This setting can only be specified if IFS is used as the file system. Allowed values: "yes" and "no" (default) "yes" - The file obtains a name that is composed of a "T" and the RunID which has been converted to letters. The new file transferr additionally appends a file ID to obtain a unique file name because basically, only a RunID is provided. The file is renamed after it has successfully been transferred. "no" - The agent assigns the final file name when the file transfer starts. |
tcp_nodelay= |
Nagle algorithm usage for file transfers and all the agent's other sockets. Allowed values: yes (default value) and no no = Activates the Nagle algorithm. Activating the Nagle algorithm can improve the performance of file transfers, especially if you transfer many small files. The BS2000 agent always uses the Nagle algorithm. Therefore, it does not include this INI-file parameter. Note that this parameter should only be set in close cooperation with Automic Support! |
store_type= |
You use this parameter to determine the locations where the StatusStore files of file transfers should be stored. Allowed values: "QSYS" (default) or "IFS" |
InitialPackage= |
The name and the path of the file that includes the authentication package (company-key file). This parameter must be specified if you use the authentication methods "Server" or "Server and Agent". Any attempt to log in fails if the company-key file cannot be found. When the agent starts, it reads the company-key file and stores its information in the file that is specified in the parameter KeyStore=. The first file is deleted afterward. |
KeyStore= |
The name and the path of the file that includes the information of the authentication package (see parameter InitialPackage=). If no file name and/or path is specified, the system uses the name (file ending *.kstr) or the path of the agent's INI file. If you define a file name, the ending *.kstr is not automatically appended. The KeyStore file is created when the agent starts for the first time. You must not delete, rename or move it subsequently. Regardless of the authentication method that you use, any attempt to log in will fail if the agent cannot find this file when it starts. In this case, you must open the menu item "Renew transfer key" in the affected agent's System Overview. |
Specification of authorized OS/400 users in the format: Specification of non-authorized OS/400 users
in the format: |
This section contains the agent variables which include agent settings and information. |
file= | The file name of the trace file.
The number signs are used as placeholders for a numbering in ascending order. When you deactivate a trace, the trace files are renamed so that the most current trace file is always the one with the number "00". |
trccount= | The number of stored trace files. |
tcp/ip= filetransfer= job= event= CONTROLFLOW= VARIABLE= MESSAGE= DUMP= MISCELLANEOUS= memory= |
The trace flags of the agent.
Allowed values: "0" (default value) to "9" Trace flags must only be used in close cooperation with Automic Support. |
(TCP/IP) |
port= | The port number of the agent.
Other agents and the Job Messenger establish a connection with the agent by using this port number. |
bindaddr= |
The IP address or host name for the connection to the agent. You can usse this parameter when the connection should be established with a particular IP address (for example, the computer has more than one network interface card). Alternately, you can also specify the IP address or host name in port= (Format: port=IP address:port or DNS name:port). Specifications made in bindaddr= are then ignored. |
bindlocal= |
Consideration of the local host ( Use this parameter together with bindaddr=. Allowed values: "0" (default value), "1" "0" - No listen socket is created. |
connect= |
The time interval in seconds in which the agent tries to establish
connection to the Automation Engines. This affects the connection setup for a
restart or after a lost connection. This parameter is only effective until the first successful logon to the AE system. Afterwards, you can use the parameter RECONNECT_TIME in the host characteristics for this purpose. |
maxrepcnt= | The maximum number of report blocks that should be transferred
to the Automation Engine at the same time. Default: 8 blocks |
maxMsgSize= |
Maximum length of messages (in bytes) that the agent accepts. Default value: 500 000 |
SendBufferSize= |
The size of the TCP/IP input buffer for messages that should be sent (Byte). Default value: 1048576 Byte |
RecvBufferSize= |
The size of the TCP/IP input buffer for messages that should be received (Byte). Default value: 1048576 Byte |
CP= |
The address of the communication process in the AE system to which the agent should connect. Allowed formats: |
Assignment of an agent's name to its address (DNS name or TCP/IP address) if it cannot directly be accessed through the address that is stored in the server. Specify several assignments line by line, there is no upper limit for the number of assignments. In file transfers, the sending agent obtains the destination agent's internal address from the Automation Engine. The sending agent replaces this internal address by the external address that is defined here. This setting is only required if you run file transfers with agents that cannot directly establish a TCP/IP connection between each other by using the address that they have received from the Server. This can happen if the agents that are involved in the file transfer are located on different networks or if a firewall is used.
A list of communication processes. This list is created when the agent starts and is extended when new communication processes are activated. You will find more detailed information about establishing a connection in the chapter Multi-Server Operation. The communication process that has been defined in the parameter cp= in section (TCP/IP) is not included in the cp list. Format: |
Example of an INI File
; <AE-name>=<dns-name> or
; <AE-name>=<ip-addr>
See also:
Notes for Configuration-File Adjustments