The Cache page of the Administration perspective offers an overview of and information on all items currently stored in the system's cache which is specially useful when setting up the system's server input buffer size.
The information called from the database is stored in the server input buffer and can be accessed quickly when required. This improves the system's performance as it is less time-consuming than repeatedly calling the database.
Note: Keep this in mind when specifying the maximum size of the server input buffer in the Processes & Usage page. The value depends on the memory that is available on your computer.
To work with this page, access the Administration perspective and click Cache.
Use the Refresh button in the toolbar to refresh the content of the table. The Export button lets you export the content of the table as a CSV file. Both buttons are available by default.
The table provides the following information:
Area of the server input buffer:
SCRIPT (scripts)
VARA (variables)
MQMEM (message queues)
ODOC and XREQ (Automic Web Interface)
USER (user lists)
OBJECT_IDNR (object codes)
OBJECT_NAME (object names)
Threshold value
Limit for the cache's memory release, specified in the server properties.
Data is stored in the cache until the maximum size has been reached, in which case the server deletes entries that are no longer required. The cache's maximum size is ignored if it is not possible to remove data.
Current size
Cache size currently used
Number of cache entries
Weather caching is active or not
Number of input buffer calls
Number of entries found in the cache
Hit ratio (%)
Hits of the primary work process in percent
Time used
Total time consumed by the work processes for cache calls
See also: