Special Reports for SAP Jobs
SAP Jobs produce extra, SAP-specific reports. This feature is available if you use the Automic Web Interface and XBP 2.0.
XBP 2.0
An extra report is available for canceled SAP Jobs containing current messages of the SAP system log. This facilitates error analysis, as referring to the SAP system is not necessary.
This report type is called SLOG and can be also used in PREP_PROCESS_REPORT the script element.
System administrators can handle this with the parameters that are provided in the SAP Agent Connection (CONN).
Example, the number of current SAP system log messages which should be output in the report can be reduced.
Deactivate the creation of reports if you do not need abstracts of the SAP system log.
XBP 3.0
Further reports are available if XBP 3.0 is used:
- Application logs
- Spool directory
- Step lists
- Statistics
When defining SAP Jobs, you select the reports the Agent should store in the statistical record.
The additional reports include data in the form of XML files. The following advantages include:
- You can determine the content and the graphical display using Style Sheet (XSL)
- You can easily read the individual values using XML script element. For more information, see Script Functions for XML Elements.
Note: Report data can be complex and can have adverse effects on performance. Select only the report types you really need and reduce their contents using style sheets.
See also: