Start Parameters - Utilities

This topic lists the parameters that administrators can use to start the different AE utilities in batch mode on the command line so that you automate and schedule them regularly. You can either use the Java loader or the utility to assign them.

Important! To be able to start utilities in batch mode, you must specify your particular settings once in the UI of the utility.

This page includes the following:


When the utilities AE DB Client Copy, AE DB Archive, or AE DB Reorg start in batch mode, they make an authorization check for single sign-on. For more information, see AE DB Client Copy, AE DB Archive, or AE DB Reorg.

Example: The relevant utility aborts if there is no User object for the OS user that logged into the AE system. The utility checks for the User object even if the UC_USER_LOGON system variable includes all relevant entries. Single sign-on provides increased security in batch mode. If a program starts with the Automic Web Interface, the single login function increases the ease of use. For more information, see UC_USER_LOGON - Single Logon.


By default, utilities start in batch mode when you use the corresponding *.exe files. Files that end on *g.exe start the utilities in normal mode, and you can assign parameters to them. *.jar files should not be used in batch mode.

Example: You want to call a specific INI file. The parameter -B must not be used in such a case.


By default, utilities start in batch mode when you use the corresponding *.sh files. You can use files without file ending to assign start parameters for batch calls.

Java Loader (Java Loader)

The following start parameters are available:

  • -F0File name

    Suppresses the splash screen

  • -IPath and File name

    Path and name of the INI file for the Java loader

  • -JParameter

    Parameter of the utility

  • You can use the Java loader to assign parameters to the utility. These parameters are added to the cmd section of the INI file. By doing so, you can specify a default setting in the INI file and handle specific situations through the Java loader.

    It is mandatory to use double quotations for path indications that include blanks. For example:

    -J -I"C:\AUTOMIC\my utilities\UCYBDBAR.ini"


Set the language by using a shortcut :

cmd="javaw" -jar -cp .;.\UC4LAF.jar UCYBDBar.jar

Pre-determine the language by using a shortcut:

UCYBDBarg.exe -F0 -J-LD

If you define an INI file for the utility, you must use the parameter -I twice, even if the Java loader and the utility use the same INI file.

Java loader and utility use the same INI file:

ucybdbccg -IUCYBDBCC.ini -J-IUCYBDBCC.ini

Different INI files are used:

ucybdbccg -IUCYBDBCC.ini -J-Iclientcopy.ini


This utility archives messages, reports and statistics. For more information, see AE DB Archive.


  • Archive Mode
  • UCYBDBAR -B -Smmmm [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage]

  • Report Mode
  • UCYBDBAR -B -Smmmm -XMode [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage]

    UCYBDBAR -B -Smmmm -Xlist [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] [-OPath and Filename] [-YNumber]

    UCYBDBAR -B -Smmmm -Xunload [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] [-OPath and Filename] [-YNumber] -RRunID [-TTimezone] [-TYReport type]

    UCYBDBAR -B -Smmmm -Xmark -RRunID [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] [-TYReport type]

    UCYBDBAR -B -Xreport -NObject [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] [-T1yyyymmddhhmmss] [-T2yyyymmddhhmmss] [-PPath and file prefix]

Start Parameters

The following start parameters are available:

  • -B

    Batch mode

  • -V

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number in the following format:

  • UCYBDBar version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -VPath and file name

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number to the specified file in the following format:

  • UCYBDBar version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -IFile name

    (Optional) Path and name of the INI file

  • -LLanguage

    (Optional) Language parameter

    Allowed values: D (German, E (English), F (French)

    If you do not define this parameter, the utility uses the language specified in the INI file.

In Archive Mode:

  • -Smmmm

    Number of the client that should be archived

  • Important! This client must include a User object for the user who starts this utility in batch mode.

    Example: There must be the User object SMITH/department name for the OS user Smith. No other User object must start with SMITH. It is not possible to use SMITH/AE and SMITH/TEST.

  • -Dmmmm

    (Windows only) The number of the client that should be archived

  • Important! This client must include a User object for the user who starts this utility in batch mode.

    Example: There must be the User object SMITH/AE for the OS user SMITH of the domain AE.

In Report Mode:

  • -Smmmm


    In report mode, you must always define a client, except for -Xreport. The same rules apply for the parameters -S and -D as in archiving mode.

  • Depending on the report mode you use, the client specification can have different meanings:

    • -Xlist

      The client whose reports should be listed

    • -Xunload and -Xmark

      The client is used for checking login data. A User object must be available. Otherwise, the utility cancels the process.

  • -XMode

    Type of report handling

  • For Output Management systems (see Open Interface to Output Management Systems ):

    • list

      Reports are listed

    • unload

      The report is unloaded

    • mark

      The report is marked as archived and is removed from the XRO database table.

    For combining log and trace files (see ):

    • report

      Files are generated from the log entries of server processes

  • Parameter for -Xlist

    • -OPath and file name

      (Optional) Path and name of the CSV file

      • If you do not specify a file name, the name uc_XROlist.csv is used.

      • If you do not specify a path, the file is stored in the folder in which the utility is stored.

    • -YNumber

      (Optional) Filter for the report selection

  • Parameters for -Xunload

    • -OPath and file name

      (Optional) Path and name of the text file

    • The dot character (.) is used as a separator between the file name and the extension. If the name contains several dot symbols, the last one is regarded as a separator between the file name and the extension. The text after the dot is handled as the file extension.

      A file with the additional suffix _Report type in its file-name part is created in the specified folder for each report of the task.


      -OOutputfile.txt -> Outputfile_ACT.txt -> Outputfile.job.name_ACT.txt

      -OOutputfile.job123456 -> Outputfile_ACT.job123456

      or generic:

      -OOutputfilename.extension (the last dot is used as extension separator) -> Outputfilename_ReportType.extension

      The name uc_XROreport_Report type.txt is used if you do not specify a file name. By default, the files are stored in the folder in which the utility is stored.

    • -YNumber

      (Optional) Sets a number that allows for later filtering

    • -RRunID

      RunID of the task

    • -TTimeZone

      (Optional) Name of a Time Zone object

    • Default: Universal Time (UTC) is used in unloaded reports. You can use this parameter to convert the time specifications to other time zones.

      UTC is used if this Time Zone object does not exist in the specified client.

    • -TYReport type

      (Optional) Type of the report (such as ACT)

    • If you do not define a report type, all reports of the task are exported to a separate file.

  • Parameters for -Xmark

    • -RRunID

      RunID of the task

    • -TYReport type

      (Optional) Type of the report (such as ACT)

    • If you do not define this parameter ,all report types are archived. A separate file is created for each report type. Names end with _report type (such as _ACT).

  • Parameters for -Xreport

    • -NObject

      The name of an object or a filter that uses an asterisk symbol (*) for several objects.
    • Separate several specifications with commas.

    • -T1yyyymmddhhmmss

      (Optional) The start date and the time for the server reports that should be selected
    • Default: The current date and time 00:00:00

    • -T2yyyymmddhhmmss

      (Optional) The end date and the time for the server reports that should be selected
    • Default: The current date and time

    • -PPath and file prefix

      (Optional) Path and file prefix for the target file
    • Default: The target files obtain the prefix unload. They are stored in the utility folder.

      The file name is structured as follows: Prefix.object name_date_time.txt


This example archives client 1:

UCYBDBar -B -S0001

The utility creates a report list and writes it to the file report01.csv:

UCYBDBar -B -Xlist -S1000 -OC:\AUTOMIC\REPORT\report01.csv

Report number 1791029 is unloaded to a text file and obtains the status 123:

UCYBDBar -B -Xunload -S1000 -R1791029 -Y123

AE DB Archive marks the report number 1791029 as archived and removes it from the database table:

UCYBDBar -B -Xmark -S1000 -R1791029

All server reports of March 15th, 2021 are unloaded:

UCYBDBar -B -Xreport -N"UC4#CP*,UC4#WP*" -T120210315000000 -T220210315235959 -P"C:\AUTOMIC\report\server"

The utility unload reports of the work processes WP001 and WP002:

UCYBDBar -B -Xreport -N"UC4#WP001,UC4#WP002" -T120070315000000 -T220070315235959


This utility changes objects that were transported with the Transport Case. For more information, see AEDB Change.


UCYBCHNG [-V[Path and file name]] -B -1Script File -2Transport File [-3Output File] [-LLanguage]

Start Parameters

The following start parameters are available:

  • -V

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and the hotfix number in the following format:

  • UCYBChng version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -VPath and file name

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and the hotfix number to the specified file in the following format:

  • UCYBChng version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -B

    Batch mode

  • -1Script File

    This file contains modification instructions (REPLACE).

  • -2Transport File

    Contains the original export data

    Default: UC_DATA.TXT

  • -3Output File

    (Optional) Modified data is written to this file

  • -LLanguage

    (Optional) Language parameter

    Allowed values: D (German, E (English), F (French)

    The language that is specified in the INI file is used if you do not specify this parameter.


ucybchng -b -1c:\AUTOMIC\uc_change.txt -2c:\AUTOMIC\uc_transport.txt -3c:\AUTOMIC\uc_transport_new.txt


This utility copies and deletes clients. For more information, see AE DB Client Copy.


  • Copy Mode
  • UCYBDBCC -B -C -Smmmm -Tmmmm -O [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] [-M][-A][-R] [-V] [-W]

  • Deletion Mode
  • UCYBDBCC -B -E -Smmmm [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage]

    UCYBDBCC -B -E -Tmmmm [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage]

Start Parameters

The following start parameters are available:

  • -B

    Starts the utility in batch mode, single sign-on is used

  • -V

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and the hotfix number in the following format:

  • UCYBDBcc version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -VPath and file name

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number to the specified file in the following format:

  • UCYBDBcc version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -IFile name

    (Optional) Path and name of the INI file

  • -LLanguage

    (Optional) Language parameter

    Allowed values: D (German, E (English), F (French)

    The language that is specified in the INI file is used if you do not specify this parameter.

In Copy Mode:

  • -C

    Copies the client

  • Note: The OS user must exist as anAEuser in both databases in system client 0000. Otherwise, the process aborts with an error message.

  • -Smmmm

    Number of the source client

  • Important: System client 0 must include a User object for the user who starts this utility in batch mode.

    Example: There must be the User object SMITH/department name for the OS user Smith. Note that no other User object must start with SMITH. It is not possible to use SMITH/AE and SMITH/TEST.

  • -Dmmmm

    (Windows only) The number of the source client

  • Important! 

    • Do not use the -D and -S parameters together.

    • System client 0 must include a User object for the user who starts this utility in batch mode.

    • Example: There must be the User object SMITH/AE for the OS user SMITH of the domain AE.

  • -Tmmmm

    The number of the target client

  • The same requirements apply to the user as described for the parameter -S.

  • -O

    Copies objects

  • -M

    (Optional) Copies messages

  • -A

    (Optional) Copies statistics and reports

  • -R

    (Optional) Resets password

  • -V

    (Optional) Copies version objects

  • -W

    (Optional) Deletes the work files after a successful copying process

In Deletion Mode:

  • -E

    Deletes a client

  • Important! The OS user must exist as an AE user in both databases in the system client 0. Otherwise, the process aborts with an error message.

  • -Smmmm, -Dmmmm, -Tmmmm

    You can define different databases for the source and the target in the INI file.

    • -S or -D

      Deletes the client in the source database

    • -T

      Deletes the target database

    The same requirements apply for these parameters as in copy mode.


Copy client: The objects, statistics and reports of client 38 are copied to the new client number 2:

UCYBDBcc -B -C -S0038 -T0002 -O -A

Delete client: Client 2 is deleted in the target database.

UCYBDBcc -B -E -T0002


This utility loads data to the database. For more information, see AE DB Load.

Note: To load the database for Rapid Automation solutions, you must use the .jar Loader (ucybdbld.jar). Loading with the utility using the binary executables (ucybdbld.exe for Windows or ucybdbld for Unix) in batch mode is not possible.


  • Load the Transport Case / Initial Data
  • UCYBDBLD -B -Cmmmm-XFile name [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-FFolder handling] [-LLanguage] [-EMode] [-UName/Department] [-GName] [-AAccess] [-MAccess] [-ZTablespace name]

  • Set the Authentication Method
  • UCYBDBLD -B -TAuthentication method -KCompany key string [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage]

Start Parameters

The following start parameters are available:

  • -B

    Batch mode

  • -Cmmmm

    The number of the client for processing

    • -C-1

      Keeps clients

    • -Cmmmm

      Loads the Transport Case to client mmmm

  • -XFile name

    The name of the file that should be loaded. This start parameter is obligatory.

  • -TAuthentication method and

    -KCompany key string Authentication details, see Agent Authentication

    Important! Only use the utility with these start parameters if you newly install without using the Automic Web Interface.

    Both parameters must be used together:

    • -T

      To set the authentication method

      Allowed values: NO, LOCAL, LOCAL_REMOTE

      To export a file that contains the authentication key:

      Allowed value: PACKAGE

    • -K Builds the company key

      Allowed values: Any characters

      Maximum length: 32

      Tip: Always specify a string for the company key even if you do not use authentication (-TNO).


      If the string includes special characters, you must specify it in quotation marks. If you intend to use a quotation mark within the string, set an additional quotation mark before it (Windows) or a "\" (Unix).

    Using these start parameters results in an error when the initial data is loaded for the first time. Use the utility to create the schema and then restart it to set the authentication details. For more information, see AE DB Load.


    java -jar ucybdbld.jar -B -TNO -Kabc

  • -V

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engineversion and the hotfix number

    Format: UCYBDBld version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -VPath and file name

    (Optional) Prints the  Automation Engine version and hotfix number to the specified file

    Format: UCYBDBld version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -IFile name

    (Optional) Path and name of the INI file

  • -FFolder handling

    (Optional) Defines the behavior of DB Load regarding folders. When objects or linked objects are replaced, the data of the home folder and the linked objects of the Transport Case are kept.

    Allowed value: OT

    Important! When this value is set, the data that is included in the data file of the Transport Case will overwrite already existing objects in the Automation Engine database.

  • -LLanguage

    (Optional) Language parameter

    Allowed values: D (German, E (English), F (French)

    The language that is specified in the INI file is used if you do not specify this parameter.

  • -ILM

    (Optional) Install ILM

    • -N[X]

      Number of active partitions

    • -SAH_part1|AH_part2|AH_part3

      List AH partitions separated by |

    • -RRH_part1>RH_part2|RH_part3

      List RH partitions separated by |

    • -OMisc_part1|Misc_part2|Misc_part3

      List Misc partitions separated by |

    • -D

      Do switch in and keep existing statistical records in the system.


    ucybdbld.exe -B -ILM -N3 "-SAH_1|AH_2|AH_3" "-RRH_1|RH_2|RH_3" "-OMisc_1|Misc_2|Misc_3" -D -X..\db\general\12.0\UC_UPD.TXT

  • -EMode

    (Optional) Processing mode for objects that exist already

    Note: Only available in batch mode

    Allowed values:

    • IGNORE The object is skipped (default)

      Important: IGNORE requires that the original object and the object that should be loaded are of the same type. Otherwise, processing will abort before the loading process starts.

    • ABEND Processing is canceled

    • REPLACE The existing object is replaced

  • -UName/Department

    (Optional) The name and the department of a default user

    This default user can be used if a specific user does not have access rights on object level.

  • -GName

    (Optional) The name of the default user group

    This default user group can be used if a specific user group does not have access rights on object level.

  • -AAccess

    (Optional) Loads access authorizations on object level, see Authorizations Page

    Allowed values:

    • Y (default)

    • N Access authorizations on object level are not loaded

  • -MAccess

    (Optional) Ignores access authorizations that refer to missing users and user groups

    Allowed values:

    • Y Ignores access authorizations for missing users and user groups. They are not loaded.

    • N (default) Cancels the loading process for access authorization of missing users and user groups

  • -ZTablespace name

    (Optional) Sets alternative DB TS_DATA and TS_INDEX tablespace names for the AE and Analytics databases respectively.


    UCYBDBld -ZTS_DATA=<AE data tablespace name> -ZTS_INDEX=<AE index tablespace name>

Alternatively, you can also use the utility's user interface.


The file UC_DATA.TXT is loaded to client 11 and the existing objects are replaced:


The LOCAL_REMOTE (Server and Agent) authentication method is set in the AE system:


The database is upgraded in batch (UNIX):

./ucybdbld -B -X/opt/automic/Automation.Platform/Utility/db/general/21.0/UC_UPD.TXT

The database is loaded for a Rapid Automation solution:

java -jar ucybdbld.jar -B -C0000 -X/tmp/WebService_SOAP_solution.jar


This utility reorganizes messages, reports, statistics, and object versions. For more information, see AE DB Reorg


UCYBDBRE -B -Smmmm [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage]

Start Parameters

The following start parameters are available:

  • -B

    Batch mode

  • -Smmmm

    The number of the client that should be reorganized

    Important! This client must include a User object for the user who starts this utility in batch mode.

    Example: There must be the User object SMITH/AE for the OS user SMITH of the domain AE

  • -V

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number in the following format:

  • UCYBDBre version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -VPath and file name

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number to the specified file in the following format:

  • UCYBDBre version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -IFile name

    (Optional) Path and name of the INI file

  • -LLanguage

    (Optional) Language parameter

    Allowed values: D (German, E (English), F (French)

    The language that is specified in the INI file is used if you do not specify this parameter.

  • Important! This client must include a User object for the user who starts this utility in batch mode.

    Example: There must be the User object SMITH/department name for the OS user Smith. Note that no other User object must start with SMITH. It is not possible to use SMITH/AE and SMITH/TEST.

  • -Dmmmm

    (Windows only) Number of the client that should be reorganized


The following example reorganizes client 98:

UCYBDBre -B -S0098

AE DB Reporting Tool (UCYBDBRT.EXE)

This utility facilitates user-defined AE queries. For more information, see AE DB Reporting Tool.


UCYBDBRT -XPath and filename [-Cmmmm] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] [-Ryyyymmdd[hhmm]] [-S] [-OPath and filename] [-TFile type]

Start Parameters

The following start parameters are available:

  • -XPath and file name

    Path and the name of the XML file

  • -Cmmmm

    (Optional) Client number for processing

    It overwrites the client that is specified in the query definition.

  • -IPath and file name

    (Optional) Path and the name of the INI file

  • -LLanguage

    (Optional) Language parameter

    Allowed values: D (German, E (English), F (French)

  • -Ryyyymmdd[hhmm]

    (Optional) Reference date for the analysis of statistics and forecasts

  • It overwrites the query definition.

    Tip: The entries of the AE database are stored in UTC. Therefore, use this time zone also for specifying the reference time.

  • -S

    (Optional) Returns the number of output lines

  • -OPath and file name

    Path and name of the output file

  • -TFile type

    (Optional) Type of the output file

    Allowed values: CSV and HTML


The query that is defined in the jobtop10.d.xml file is used to create an analysis for client 100:

UCYBDBRT -C0100 -XC:\AUTOMIC\Utilities\analyses\jobtop10.d.xml

AEDB Revision Report (UCYBDBRR.EXE)

This utility creates revision reports. For more information, see AE DB Revision Report.


UCYBDBRR -B -Cmmmm [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] [-OPath and filename] [-FType1,Type2,...] [-D1yyyymmddhhmmss] [-D2yyyymmddhhmmss] [-A] [-X]

Start Parameters

The following start parameters are available:

  • -B

    Batch mode

  • -Cmmmm

    Client number for processing

  • -V

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number in the following format:

  • UCYBDBRR version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -VPath and file name

    (Optional) Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number to the specified file in the following format:

  • UCYBDBRR version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -IPath and file name

    (Optional) Path and name of the INI file

  • -LLanguage

    (Optional) Language parameter

    Allowed values: D (German, E (English), F (French)

    The language that is specified in the INI file is used if you do not specify this parameter.

  • -OPath and file name

    (Optional) Path and name of the revision report

  • Default: The report is stored as UCYBDBRRoutput.txt in the utility folder.

  • -FType1,Type2,...

    (Optional) Handles the required contents of the auditing report. Indicate your preferred content types separated by commas. If you do not use this parameter, or if you use -F*, the utility outputs all contents to the revision report.

  • Allowed values:

    • ACCESS
      Unauthorized access

    • CANCEL
      Tasks aborted

    • CREATE
      New objects created

    • DELETE
      Objects deleted

    • IMPORT
      Objects imported

    • MOVE
      Objects moved

    • OBJ_MOD
      Object modifications

    • RENAME
      Objects renamed

      Tasks restarted

      Objects restored

    • RUN_MOD
      Objects modified at runtime

    • START
      Tasks started

      Objects transported

    • USER
      Successful user logons and logoffs

  • -D1yyyymmddhhmmss

    (Optional) Start date and time for logging

  • Default: The selection is not limited by a start time. It is recommended that you specify a start time, as otherwise the Revision Report will be very large.

    The time zone of the client is used. If the client does not include a time zone definition, the one of system client 0 is used. If system client 0 does not include a time zone definition either, UTC is used.

    If the time parameters -D1 and -D2 are not used, all modification data is written to the report. The -F and -X filters are taken into account.

  • -D2yyyymmddhhmmss

    (Optional) The end date and the time for logging

  • Default: Current date and time

    The time zone of the client is used. If the client does not include a time zone definition, the one of system client 0 is used. If system client 0 does not include a time zone definition either, UTC is used.

    If the time parameters -D1 and -D2 are not used, all modification data is written to the report. The -F and -X filters are taken into account.

  • -A

    (Optional) Archive flags are set when you use this parameter. It is related to the parameter -X.

  • The start of tasks is retrieved from the statistical records, see start parameter -FSTART. Therefore, the utility cannot set archive flags for these data records.

  • -X

    (Optional) Use this parameter to have only modification entries that have never been output by the utility before written to the report such as entries that do not have archive flags.


All revision information of client 1 that was logged between 1 May 2021 00:00 o'clock and the current date is output to a report:

UCYBDBRR -B -C0001 -O/uc4/reports/report01.txt -D120210501000000

All start and restart points between 1 October 2021, 08:00 o'clock, and 12 October 2021, 20:00 is output in a report:

UCYBDBRR -B -LD -C0100 -FSTART,RESTART -D120211001080000 -D220211001200000


This utility unloads data. For more information, see AEDB Unload.


UCYBDBUN [-V[Path and file name]] [-IFile name] [-LLanguage] -BMode [-D][-Cmmmm] [-XFile name] [-K]

Start Parameters

The following start parameters are available:

  • -V

    Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number in the following format:

  • UCYBDBun version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -VPath and file name

    Prints the Automation Engine version and hotfix number to the specified file in the following format:

  • UCYBDBun version Automation Engine version plus hotfix number

  • -IFile name

    Path and name of the INI file

  • -LLanguage

    Language parameter

    Allowed values: D (German, E (English), F (French)

    The language that is specified in the INI file is used if you do not specify this parameter.

  • -BMode

    Batch mode and processing mode

  • AE system-wide:

    • NORMAL

      All data from all database tables is unloaded.


      Data is taken from client 0. Only initial data such as XREQs is unloaded.


      Default data of the system is unloaded (such as client 0, initial user and user group).

    • REPAIR

      The folder structure of the Explorer is checked and repaired.

    AE system-wide and client-wide:

    • REORG

      The database is reorganized.


      The Transport Case is unloaded.


      All objects are transported. To remove objects from the Transport Case after the unloading process, use -D.


      Archive flags are reset, see AE DB Archive


      Deletion flags are reset, see AE DB Reorg

  • -D

    This start parameter removes all objects from the Transport Case after the unloading process.

  • -Cmmmm

    Number of the client that is used to unload the Transport Case

  • All clients are unloaded if you do not define a client here.

    Important! You cannot unload client 0. Even if you use -C0, all clients will be unloaded except for client 0.

  • -XFile name

    The name of the file that should receive the unloaded data

  • If you do not use this parameter, the utility uses the name and path of the file that is specified in the output = parameter of its INI file.

    Important! You cannot use this parameter with the mode -BREORG because these specific files are subject to a given naming convention.

  • -K

    Setting this parameter has the effect that deleted objects are still available in the Recycle Bin after the unloading process.


The AE database is reorganized.


The Transport Case of client 11 is unloaded and the utility uses the path and file names that are specified in the OUTPUT= section of the utility's INI file. The Transport Case is cleared afterward.


The utility has sent the message U0021148 which refers to error in the folder structure of a client. Therefore, you want to call the correction function.


See also: