Accessible AWI

Broadcom prioritizes a culture of inclusion and diversity. In this light, Broadcom's team are continuously working to make AWI accessible and user-friendly to all its users.

This topic provides a brief summary of AWI's accessibility features:

Browser Zoom

AWI supports zooming into the content of its pages. The entire page and all its components are zoomed in. When necessary, scroll bars appear that let you navigate through the content of zoomed-in elements, such as toolbars, lists, and so forth.

Color Contrast

AWI is delivered with a default theme that provides an accessible color contrast ratio between text and background. This helps all users better perceive the content of its pages. Administrators can customize AWI's theme for the entire system in Client 0 on the AWI Management > Theming page in the Administration perspective.

Important: Broadcom prioritizes a culture of inclusion and diversity. If you customize AWI's theme, we strongly recommend that you select a color combination that ensures accessibility.

The following colors are customizable:

  • Theme color

    Color used to highlight the borders of selected UI elements. For example, this is the color of the underline that indicates that a perspective is in focus, the lines that encircle a selected checkbox, button, input field, etc.

  • Selection color

    Background color of the selected UI element.

  • Text selection color

    Color of the text of the selected UI element.

For more information, see Configuring AWI's Appearance.

Visible Focus

AWI shows where you are when you use the keyboard by displaying a line around the element that you are currently on. If you press Enter or Space on that element, you either select it or trigger the corresponding function. When an element is selected, its background color also changes. Your Automic Automation administrator defines the color on the AWI Management > Theming page in Client 0.

Keyboard Navigation

You can navigate through AWI's perspectives, views and dialogs using your keyboard. All fields are ordered logically, allowing you to move sequentially from one field to the next or to the previous one by pressing Tab or Tab + Shift. Also, related elements are grouped in sections that facilitate both visual comprehension and keyboard navigation.

For information about the key combinations, see Keyboard Navigation.


Broadcom's Automic Automation teams are constantly working to make AWI accessible to all users. This is a long effort that will span over various releases. At the time of releasing this version, the following areas provide keyboard navigation capabilities:

  • Process Monitoring perspective

    • Task Fulfillments (SLA) view

    • Forecasts Autoforecasts view

    • Agent Slots view

  • Process Assembly perspective

    • Explorer view

    • Packs view

    • Version Management view

  • Common Object Views

    • General page

      • Sync page

      • Runtime page

      • Object Authorizations page

    • Pre Process, Process and Post Process pages

    • Attributes

    • Output

      • External Output Files

      • Output-Scan

    • Variables

    • Rollback

    • Version Management

    • (Unstructured) Documentation

  • Object-Specific Pages

    • Schedule Editor

    • Schedule Monitor

    • Script

    • User

    • User Group

    • Period

    • Windows Job

Note: Tables do not provide full keyboard navigation support yet.

See also: