Service Level Objectives (SLO)

{"URL":["/*.*/awa/administration_slo"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_SLO_intro","customCards":[{"id":"ice_SLO_list","title":"Service Level Objectives List","type":"customize","url":"*.*/Automic%20Automation%20Guides/Content/AWA/AdministrationPerspective/AG_SLO.htm","languages":["en-us"]},{"id":"ice_SLO_Examples","title":"Examples","type":"customize","role":"*.*/Automic%20Automation%20Guides/Content/AWA/Objects/obj_SLO_SLO.htm","languages":["en-us"]},{"id":"ice_administration_perspective","title":"Understanding the Administration Perspective","type":"customize","url":"*.*/Automic%20Automation%20Guides/Content/AWA/Admin/AdministrationPerspective.htm","languages":["en-us"]},{"id":"ice_Overview_AWI","title":"Understanding the User Interface","type":"customize","url":"*.*/Automic%20Automation%20Guides/Content/_Common/GettingStarted/GS_OverviewAWI.htm","languages":["en-us"]}]}

Service Level Objectives (SLO) support Service Level Agreements (SLAs). They depict the parties, the services, the expectations regarding those services and the reactions in case the expectations are met or not met:

  • SLA beneficiaries, which can be external or internal consumers of the services and are defined by the custom attributes that you assign to the services (objects)

  • Services, which are Automation Engine objects or groups of objects. Their execution and performance is the subject of the SLA.

  • Expectations, which are stipulated in the SLA and defined by the criteria defined in the SLO object.

  • Reactions, which are the objects to be executed in case the expectations are fulfilled or violated.

Although Service Level Objective (SLO) objects can be created in the Administration perspective, this is mainly a task for object designers. For this reason you can find the user-related documentation in the Using Automic Automation guide.

The following topics describe what are SLO objects and how to set them up:

The following topics describe how to monitor and react to them in case of violations:

The following examples illustrate how you can define and use them:

Service Level Objectives List

In the Administration perspective, the following columns are displayed by default:

  • Service Level Objective

    Name of the Service Level Objective

  • Title

    (Optional) Short description to recognize the SLO at a glance

  • Enabled

    Weather SLO is enabled or not

  • Last Modification

    Time and date of the last modification

  • Version

    Objective version

    Displays how many times the objective has been modified.

In the toolbar, the buttons Export and Refresh are available by default. These buttons allow you to refresh the content of the table and export it as a CSV file, see Exporting Tables to CSV.

Filtering the Content of the Service Level Objectives List

It is possible to use different filters to customize the content of the Service Level Objectives list. Click the Filter button on the toolbar to open the Filter pane. Service Level Objective, Title and Enabled are always displayed but you can add additional criteria.

Tip: You can share filtered lists with other users. You can also bookmark the filtered list to be able to access it quickly next time. For more information, see Bookmarking and Sharing Links.

See also: