Executing AWS Glue Jobs

Jobs can be executed either manually or automatically. After defining an object, you should execute it manually to check if it behaves as expected.

This topic is a brief introduction to the most important aspects of job execution. To learn more about it, please refer to the Automic Automation product documentation at Executing Objects.

Executing Jobs Manually

You define Jobs and trigger their execution manually in the Process Assembly perspective. You have the following execution options:

  • Execute immediately

    The Execute option executes the object immediately using the values entered in its definition.

    To execute an object immediately, right-click it and select Execution Options > Execute or use the Execute button in the toolbar. If the object contains PromptSets or :READs, a message is displayed that prompts you to enter the required data.

    A message indicates whether the execution has been successful or not. If successful, a pop up is displayed that provides one of the following links, depending on the type of object you have executed:

    • Open Monitor
    • Open Report
  • Execute Once

    Use the Execute Once option in the following situations:

    • You want to test the results of the execution and, if necessary, change the object properties, test its execution again, and so forth. These changes affect only this execution of the object and not its definition.

    • Specify a later point in time for its execution

    • Check the execution of an object when switching Agents at runtime

      When executing an object, you may want to switch the Agent at runtime. Execute it once and activate the test options that provide information about the results. If something goes wrong, you can react immediately.

    • Avoid conflicts during maintenance activities

      Some maintenance activities such as database backups or reorganizations are performed during non-office hours. For these purposes, select this execution option and set a time outside the working hours at your company.

  • Execute Recurring

    This option lets you execute the Jobs at intervals that are shorter than one day. Jobs that are executed using this option are called Runtime Objects. They are only visible on the Task list of the Process Monitoring perspective as long as they are active. Their type is C_PERIOD. As soon as their executions have finished, they are no longer visible unless you use the Include deactivated tasks option when filtering tasks.

Executing Jobs Automatically

Automic Automation is a product suite that provides workload automation capabilities that include batch processing and job scheduling, among others. Once you have designed a Job, you can reuse it across your system. You can insert it in Workflow and in Schedule objects, for example.

Workflows orchestrate the automatic processing of other objects (such as Jobs). You assemble processes (objects) in a Workflow and connect them. This way, you determine the sequence with which they will be executed. By defining specific configuration settings per object in a Workflow, you determine the conditions under which the objects are executed.

Schedulers let you design event and time-driven task management. You collect tasks in a Schedule object and define the scheduling parameters that will govern regular intervals at which they should be executed.

To learn more about Automic Automation objects please refer to the Automic Automation product documentation at Object Types.

See also: