AAI Integration for AutoSys

AAI for AutoSys allows you to put add multiple AutoSys instances, including definitional data and event data, into a single AAI instance. This allows you to have a single pane of glass across multiple AutoSys instances as well as other scheduler instances that are included in your AAI installation.


The AutoSys Connector is a native connector and it is built into the AAI Platform; therefore it does not require a separate component for the integration. It connects with the AutoSys database to periodically extract job definitions and executions (current and historical runs) and import them into AAI.

When preparing for the AAI installation for AutoSys, make sure you cover the following AutoSys-specific steps:

  1. Create a read-only ID for the AutoSys database(s) that AAI will use to query AutoSys.

    For Oracle, ensure read-only ID has synonyms set up on the AutoSys database so that non-dbo queries do not require dbo.tablename.

  2. Create a non-clustered, non-unique index on the event_time_gmt column in the event or proc_event table on any AutoSys databases that will be accessed by AAI.

  3. Determine the format of your AutoSys archive files (i.e., MM.DD.YY).

For more information, see Installation and Upgrade.

Once you have your system up and running, you have to add AutoSys schedulers to your AAI environment. To do so, go to System > Schedulers in your user interface and follow the steps in the dialog to add an AutoSys scheduler. For more information, see Adding/Editing/Deleting AutoSys Schedulers (Web UI) or Configuring AutoSys Schedulers (Thick Client), depending on which version you are working in.

If the process was successful, the new schedulers are listed with all the schedulers available in your system.

You must add a new AutoSys scheduler for each AutoSys datacenter that you want to integrate into your AAI environment.

Important !
  • Check the compatibility matrix (compatibility matrix) to find the relevant information on supported versions and possible dependencies. For more information, see Compatibility Information.

  • When upgrading AAI and connectors, make sure you take down the relevant connectors, upgrade and start AAI, and then upgrade and start each connector.