AAI Integration for IWSz Using the IWSz Server for AAI

In addition to the IWS Connector, which receives the data from an IWS instance and then makes it available to the AAI server and database, data files from the IWSz instance must be prepared and delivered to the IWS Connector. One way to get that data is to use the IWSz Server for AAI, a software solution that AAI provides for this purpose.

Alternatively, you can provide this data to the IWS Connector using specialized batch executions. For information AAI Integration for IWSz Using Batch Executions.

The topics in this section take you through all the preparation, installation and configuration steps to implement the IWSz Server for AAI and then establish the connections between all three components (IWSz Server for AAI, IWS Connector and the AAI server) so that job, scheduling, and execution data can be delivered to AAI. This section also contains information about how to best maintain the IWSz Server for AAI and to manage disaster recovery.

This section includes the following pages: