Jobstream Administrators

jobstream administrator user role,user role

Jobstreams are the principal objects in AAI. A jobstream administrator is the person who maintains all parts of a jobstream definition for a scheduler or process area to ensure that they are always up to date and consistently well defined. Having a dedicated administrator assures your teams that they can see all their jobstreams in AAI and ensures that the are getting the optimal functional advantages that the AAI jobstream structure offers.


In the AAI documentation, "jobstream administrator" refers to someone who maintains jobstreams, whereas "AAI administrator" refers to the technical IT staff who take care of the technical infrastructure of AAI. For information, see AAI Administrators.

This page includes the following:

Responsibilities of Jobstream Administrators

Jobstream administrators have two functions:

  • Ensuring that AAI continually reflects the workload on the schedulers

  • Maintaining jobstream definitions in AAI

Ensuring that AAI reflects the scheduler workload

jobstream administrator user role,user role,responsibilities of jobstream administrators

Jobstream administrators are in close contact with their scheduler teams—they might even be part of the scheduler teams. They need to be aware of changes that occur to the workload that runs on the scheduler. They ensure that AAI is keeping up with the evolution of the workload.

When changes happen within process flow definitions on the scheduler, the jobstream administrator ensures that the jobstreams in AAI are modified accordingly.

When new processes are rolled out on the scheduler, the jobstream administrator creates new jobstreams for them in AAI.

Maintaining jobstream definitions

jobstream administrator user role,user role,responsibilities of jobstream administrators

Although AAI creates jobstreams from your scheduler jobs automatically, many of the jobstream specifications need to be added or modified manually to get the targeted behavior that serves your teams best. These specifications include the following:

  • Jobstream name

  • Alerts

  • SLAs

  • Trimming

  • Assignment to business areas

A fundamental feature of AAI is that you can run jobs from a variety of schedulers and have a single, common view of all of them on the same screen or report. Having jobstream administrators who maintain jobstreams supports an AAI environment that can give you the most of that capability. Dedicated jobstream administrators ensure that jobstream definitions are consistently defined so that they do the following:

  • Follow naming conventions that are agreed upon and recognizable across applications and schedulers

  • Adhere to company policies

  • Satisfy external customer needs

  • Follow a consistent alert strategy

Jobstream administrators might maintain the jobstreams related to only one process area or scheduler. By aligning with the business area coordinator's strategic direction, all jobstream administrators can follow the same overall guidelines to ensure consistency across all teams.

Who Jobstream Administrators Work With

Jobstream administrators work with the following people:

  • The business area coordinator for AAI, to get the naming conventions, alert policies, and guidelines to other details required for the jobstream definitions

  • The teams who maintain the applications or schedulers with the jobs that connect to the related AAI jobstream.

    This is important when initially defining jobstreams, and more important later when changes occur in the jobs and job flows and when jobs need to be modified to optimize the jobstream execution.

  • Developers who can script batch updates to jobstreams

Knowledge and Skills of AAI Jobstream Administrators

An effective jobstream administrator has the following knowledge and abilities:

  • Knowledge of the jobs in the scheduler or applications they are responsible for

  • Knowledge of the significance of each of the jobstream detail options

  • Some understanding of the goals of the internal or external customers who depend on the output of the individual jobstreams

  • Ability to work with the business area coordinator and their scheduler or application team to get guidance and support as required

  • Ability to recognize potential threats as well as optimization potentials for jobstreams

  • Ability to triage jobstreams or knows who can

See also:

Getting Started for Jobstream Administrators