Release Notes 6.4.3

This topic provides information about the new features and enhancements, bug fixes, and database changes that have been implemented in Automation Analytics & Intelligence 6.4.3 and higher:


We have restructured and enhanced the documentation to present content according to user roles, that is, areas of responsibility, and to make finding information easier. Key enhancements are the addition of guidance for getting started and planning the initial business implementation. Links to videos and to the newly introduced education courses on the Broadcom Academy are included throughout.

The enhancement of the documentation is on-going. In the upcoming releases, we will keep you posted about major additions and revisions in the release notes.


  • Support for On-Hold job status for Automic Automation.

    If a workflow or a job within Automic Automation is suspended (put on hold), the job shows up in the Gantt chart with an on hold icon. Any jobs downstream of the job that is on hold are not predicted to run. Any jobstream that contains this workflow/job is presented with a status of Not Predicted To Finish (NPTF). The root cause of the Not Predicted To Finish (NPTF) status is that a job is on hold, referencing the specific job.

  • Support for Skipped job run status for Automic Automation.

    If a workflow or a job within Automic Automation is "skipped", the job shows up in the Gantt chart with a skipped icon and does not affect the prediction of any target job that is downstream of it.

  • Added support for predicting Automic Automation C_PERIOD objects.

  • Added support for monitoring Automic Automation Event (EVNT) objects.

More information:

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed an issue where jobstream alerts (such as Exceeded SLA) were sometimes not generated when a jobstream only ran for a few seconds.

    Associated Ticket: DE499785

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in the system calculated late end time for a jobstream run being set to the next day because the average duration was used rather than average end time. This occurred for jobstreams that ran once per day for approximately the same duration, but with varying start times. A new server parameter (jobStreamDailyEndtimeConsistencyThreshold) is available within the less commonly configured Params options of the Configuration Tool if further tuning is required.

    Associated Ticket: DE510996

  • Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in an Exceeded SLA alert not generated when a target job breached the late time.

    Associated Ticket: DE535413

  • Added the ability to enable the Exceeded SLA jobstream alert for jobstream runs in an Unknown status. The default behavior has not changed: No alerts are sent while a jobstream run is in an Unknown status. To change the default behavior you must modify the sendExceededSLAAlertForUnknownJobStreamRun hidden parameter.

  • Fixed a cache issue that prevented AAI from starting up.

    Associated Ticket: DE537624

  • Fixed an issue that prevented Vision reports from being downloaded as .csv files.

  • Renamed the column Job Stream Annotation to Description in a downloaded .csv file for a Vision Job Stream Status panel to match the column name in the Vision UI.

  • Changed the definition of the Custom parameter for the Days of run history option on the Add/Edit Jobstream > General panel so that an entry of 0 is not allowed. An Input Error message is displayed indicating that valid entries are 1 or above.

  • Fixed an issue that caused a Null Pointer Exception when rebuilding jobstream run history.

  • Removed all High Impact issues as determined by Coverity.

Automic Automation

Fixed the Automic Automation Scheduler add/edit screen to properly save the scheduler parameters.


  • Fixed an issue that allowed an AutoSys jobstream run to start in some cases even when it should not have due to the Allow new run based on force started job option being selected.

    Associated Ticket: DE511412

  • Made the Allow new run based on force started job feature work for jobstreams in an AutoSys Next Generation (V2) scheduler within AAI.

    Associated Ticket: DE532832

AutoSys/CA7 Cross-Instance

  • Resolved a TransientObjectException that occurred during an AutoSys Jammer cycle while processing job runs. The failure caused the internal cache to be out of sync and the last event time for the scheduler to not get properly updated resulting in the exception during a cross instance AutoSys / CA7 prediction.

    Associated Ticket: DE534943

  • Fixed an issue in the JammerManager cycle while processing a AutoSys / CA7 cross-instance jobstream run details that resulted in the following issues:

    • 1) JawsException: Could not associate new runs and

    • 2) llegalStateException: Duplicate key com.termalabs.common.hibernate.jaws.JobStreamRun

    Associated Ticket: DE541834

  • Fixed an issue in AutoSys / CA7 cross-instance environments that resulted in no AutoSys job predictions in a cross scheduler job stream.

    Associated Ticket: DE542774

  • Resolved a NullPointerException seen during the Predicted Jobstream Run Builder phase for AutoSys/CA7 cross-instance processing.

Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.4.2-5

Modified Tables


Table Name Change Type Column(s) Affected
JobCondition Add recurringMaxReps

Connector Framework 6.4.3


Added shell script to simplify and provide a more consistent user experience for Linux installation, upgrade, and uninstallation of framework-based connectors (

Bug Fixes

Resolved the following security vulnerabilities in the connector framework:

  • BDSA-2018-2507

  • BDSA-2021-0311

  • CVE-2018-10237 (BDSA-2018-1358)

  • CVE-2019-10219

  • CVE-2020-13956 (BDSA-2020-2701)

  • CVE-2020-8908 (BDSA-2020-3736)

  • CVE-2021-23463 (BDSA-2021-3744)

  • CVE-2021-2471 (BDSA-2021-3118)

  • CVE-2021-3449

  • CVE-2021-3450

  • CVE-2021-3711

  • CVE-2021-3712

  • CVE-2021-42392 (BDSA-2022-0048)

  • CVE-2022-21363 (BDSA-2022-0160)

  • CVE-2022-21824

  • CVE-2022-23221 (BDSA-2022-0186)

  • CVE-2022-24823 (BDSA-2022-1283)

  • CVE-2022-29885 (BDSA-2022-1306)

Automic Connector 3.0.0


This version of the Automic Connector includes the following enhancements:

  • In Automic Automic Automation, the EXECUTION_TRIGGER parameter has been added to the UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS variable.

    Important! Make sure it is set to Y[es]; otherwise, Automic Automation cannot establish the connection to the Automic Connector.

    This variable also causes an enhancement on the system's performance while fetching data to be sent to Automation Analytics & Intelligence.

  • The default for the Historical Data Initial Load Period (days) field of the Automic Automation scheduler has been modified to seven days. This parameter cannot be modified.

  • When the Automic Connector starts, the connector version is written into its log file.

For more information, see Setting Up the Automic Connector .

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue in which the Automic Connector filled up certain DB tables when the SECURITY_AUDIT and OBJECT_AUDIT parameters were enabled thus leading to a decrease in the performance of the AE DB and the Automic Automation system.

    Associated Ticket: TERMA_CON_AUTOMIC-82

  • Resolved an issue that prevented the system from passing the MonitorSRT property to AAI regardless of its definition in Automic Automation.

  • Resolved an issue in which a missing scheduler attribute caused the job definition synchronization to break.

  • Fixed an issue in which the connector took the object type from the task definition instead of from the object header resulting in the error message: "Universal job validation errors:\nJob\/SourceJob mismatch.".

  • Fixed an issue in which the connector would not publish jobs to AAI if a Schedule object did not have a starttime defined.

Control-M Connector 1.2.6


Added shell script to simplify and provide a more consistent user experience for Linux installation, upgrade, and uninstallation.