Release Notes 6.4.6

This topic provides information about the new features and enhancements, bug fixes, and database changes that have been implemented in Automation Analytics & Intelligence 6.4.6 and higher:


The upgrade to 6.4.6 may take longer than some due to the associated database schema updates, see Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.4.5-1.


  • REST API Subscription Service - Integration to third-party applications such as ServiceNow, Slack, and so on.

    When using the subscription service, you can now create templates to format alert data that can be used to interact with the REST API of any third-party application that provides a REST interface. The subscription service REST API includes standard default templates for ServiceNow, Slack and DX OI, and others can be created as needed. For more information, see REST API Specification for Subscription Services.

  • Improved performance of jobstream building.

    The performance for adding and rebuilding jobstreams has been improved. The performance improvements are more dramatic when you use SQL Server as the AAI database. Further optimizations for Oracle will follow.

  • Headless Installer for Windows.

    AAI can now be installed on Windows from the command line using properties that are stored in a configuration file so it is no longer necessary to have an attended install on the Windows platform. The functionality already exists for the UNIX/Linus platform. For more information, see Installing AAI in Quiet Mode (Headless Installer - UNIX and Windows).

  • The database commits for updating statistics in the database have been modified to be batched to improve the overall performance of the Statistics Generator process within AAI. The stats.maxJobsPerTransaction server parameter (default=10000) is used to control the batch size.

  • Added additional jobstream-specific data to the output of the GET /jobstreams REST API endpoint.

  • On the thick client, the Tools > Launch Web UI menu item has been updated to launch the next generation UI (http{s}://{hostname:port}/aai/web/v2).

    That is the same page that you can access from the third URL on the web browser launch page. You can access the Web UI Reports page using the second URL on the web browser launch page. For more information, see Accessing AAI and Web UI Reports.

Bug Fixes


  • Updated the Gantt view rendering for in-progress jobstream runs so that predecessor and successor job run lines are anchored and drawn correctly.

  • Fixed an issue where the AAI thick client occasionally became unresponsive when a user attempted to open the Gantt view for a jobstream run in a Not Predicted to Finish (NPTF) status.

    Associated Ticket: DE541934

  • Upgraded Jettison - Json Stax from version 1.1 to version 1.5.3 to remove the following Black Duck security vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2022-45685

    • CVE-2022-40150

    • CVE-2022-40149

    • CVE-2022-45693

  • Resolved an issue that prevented job run durations from properly being returned via REST API calls.

  • Fixed an issue where Business Area filters did not always return the correct results from the GET /jobstreamRuns REST API endpoint.

  • Fixed an issue that resulted in multiple email (SMTP) alerts sent for a single Jobstream Late, Jobstream Complete or Jobstream Not Predicted to Finish alert.

    Associated Ticket: DE559352

  • Fixed an issue with the GET /jobstreams REST API endpoint that prevented results from properly being returned when an ascending businessArea sort filter was used.

  • Resolved an issue with the new Web UI that resulted in a WARN message ([ConversionReportGenerator] Error while parsing conversion log:) in the jaws.log file every time a Universal scheduler configuration was edited.

Automic Automation

Updated the Job Status field within the Jobs panel of the Web UI to accurately reflect the status shown in the Automic Automation scheduler.

Associated Ticket: DE555584


  • Added the ability to select Sybase as the Scheduler DBMS for the AutoSys scheduler type from the Web UI.

  • Changed the instanceName and autosysVersion properties to be optional for AutoSys schedulers added from the REST API.

AutoSys/CA7 Cross-Instance

Fixed an issue in AutoSys/CA7 cross-scheduler environments that prevented predictions for some jobs within jobstreams with circular dependencies.

Associated Ticket: DE558864

Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.4.5-1

New Tables

  • Report

  • ReportShare_UserProfile

  • ReportFavorite_UserProfile

  • Template


Table Name Change Type Column(s) Affected
JobRun Add originatorId
PubSub_V2 Add templateId
PubSub_V2 Add header1
PubSub_V2 Add header2
PubSub_V2 Add header3
PubSub_V2 Add suppressionEnabled
PubSub_V2 Add suppressionTime
PubSub_V2 Add inboundTimezone

Connector Framework 6.4.6

Added a new eventOriginator Key to the Event object definition for the POST and GET /v2/events REST API endpoints.

ESP Connector 1.0.3

  • Check for snakeyml and httpinvoker instantization

  • Fix condition parser qualifier and upper casing

    Associated Ticket: DE559807

  • Add missing aai-service.output.enabled property

  • Upgraded libs - Springboot to 2.7.10

Automic Connector 3.1.0-1

A problem has been fix where the Automic Connector caused AAI REST API server request timeouts.