Accessing AAI

Automation Analytics & Intelligence has the following three UIs: the thick client, the Web UI (v1) and the next generation Web UI (v2). This section guides you through accessing, logging in and out all three of them.

This page includes the following:


Once AAI has been successfully installed and the AAI server is running, you can start the AAI client from any web browser. Your administrator has given you your user ID and a password as well as the following URL:


This URL opens the login mask for the AAI next generation Web UI. The login mask also provides links to the other two AAI UIs: the thick client and the AAI UI (v1). Therefore, you can access all three AAI UIs from this URL.

  • The next generation Web UI

    Over the next months you will see how this UI has more and more functions until it definitely replaces the thick client and the AAI Web UI. This Web UI is structured to give you a high-level business-level view from which you drill down to the lowest level, the job. It also provides powerful job search and a simulation feature for AutoSys. For more information, see Launching and Logging In to the AAI Next Generation Web UI below.

  • The thick client

    This is the classic, Java-based AAI UI. It requires Java JDK and runs on a desktop. Currently it is still your main interface to interact with the application. It allows you to perform daily operations such as monitoring jobstreams, accessing analysis data, and so on. You have two options to launch AAI's thick client; we explain both later in this topic.


    The thick client is being replaced gradually with the next generation Web UI.

    For more information, see Launching and Logging In to the Thick Client (Classic UI) below.

  • The Web UI (v1)

    This UI lets you create, configure and generate the Web UI reports for auditing and analysis. It is also the access point to the Reporting Engine, a reporting tool that is JasperSoft based. The next generation Web UI will also replace this UI in the future. For more information, see Launching and Logging In to the AAI Web UI (v1) below.

Launching and Logging In to the AAI Next Generation Web UI

You have the following options to launch and log in to the next generation Web UI:

  • By entering the URL that your system administrator provided directly on your browser: https://<ServerName>:<port>/aai/web/v2/login

  • From the thick client by clicking Tools > Launch Web UI in the thick client's menu bar.

  • From the Web UI (v1) by clicking the AAI WEB UI (NEW) icon.

All of these three actions open the next generation Web UI login mask, where you can enter your credentials, select the relevant domain, and log into the system.

Launching and Logging In to the Thick Client (Classic UI)

There are two ways to access the thick client:

  • From the next generation Web UI login mask.



    To use this option you must have Java WebStart installed.

    1. Use the URL mentioned above to get to the login mask.

    2. Click Sign in to AAI - Classic. This triggers AAI to download a Java applet.

    3. When the Security Certificate confirmation dialog appears, click Yes.

    4. Optionally, change the Default Port. Use the Configuration Tool to do so if needed. For more information, see Configuration Tool.

    5. Launch Automation Analytics & Intelligence.

    6. Use your credentials to log in to the thick client.

    7. Click Login.

    This option allows you to create a desktop shortcut to access the thick client.

  • From the Web UI (v1)


    This option assumes you are already logged into the AAI Web UI (v1). For more information on how to log into it, see Launching and Logging In to the AAI Web UI (v1) below.

    1. To download the thick client, click the AAI Thick Client link on the UNIFY icon. The file is called jaws.jnpl.

    2. Go to your Downloads folder and double click jaws.jnpl.

    3. Use your credentials to log in to the thick client.

    4. Click Login.


Only one session of AAI can be launched on a client machine. If you need to run multiple AAI sessions at once, contact your AAI administrator.

Launching and Logging In to the AAI Web UI (v1)

There are two ways to access the Web UI (v1) thick client:

  • From the next generation Web UI login mask:


    On the login mask, click Sign in to AAI - Web v1. This opens the AAI Web UI login mask, where you can enter your credentials, select the relevant domain, and log into the system.

  • By entering the URL directly on your browser:


This Web UI also gives you access to the System Tools where administrators can configure different aspects of the system.

Logging Out and Exiting AAI

log out versus exit,log out of AAI,exit AAI

You can either log out from or exit AAI thick client. The difference between these options is the following:

  • Log out: Closes the AAI thick client and re-displays the AAI log in dialog. In this case, you do not need to access the system using one of the log in options.

  • Exit: - Closes the AAI thick client completely and you need to access the system using one of the log in options.

You can access both options from the File menu on the main menu bar at the top left corner of the user interface.

To log out from the AAI Web UI, go to the top right corner of your browser and click Logout.

To log out from the AAI next generation UI, go to the top right corner of your browser, click the user icon to display the options available and select Logout.

Important Consideration

As of version 6.0.2, the link to launch the main AAI page changed from http{s}://hostname:port/jaws to http{s}://hostname:port/aai.

If you have a desktop shortcut to access a version prior to 6.0.2 of the AAI main client/UI, you have to delete that shortcut and any local copy of the jaws.jnlp file so that the upgraded software can download the new version of the .jnlp file and regenerate the desktop shortcut.

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Delete any AAI (JAWS) desktop shortcuts.

  2. Search for all copies of jaws.jnlp on the local client hard drive and delete them.

  3. Clear the browser's temporary files.

  4. Re-launch the classic UI from the main launch page (http{s}://hostname:port/aai).

See also: