Release Notes 6.5.2

This topic provides information about the new features and enhancements, bug fixes, and database changes that have been implemented in Automation Analytics & Intelligence 6.5.2 and higher:


This AAI release includes the enhancements listed below.

Airflow 1.0.0

AAI 6.5.2 is the first version that supports Airflow for Apache Airflow and the Google Cloud Composer. The AAI Airflow integration provides visibility in a single pane of glass for siloed Airflow applications as well as for the traditional on-premise automation solutions.

Since it is mainly a developer tool, Airflow lacks visibility into how its workload is performing. Also, it has ver limited reporting and auditing capabilities (it displays analytics at DAG level only, failing workflows are not visible, and so on).

With the AAI Airflow integration you gain visibility into your existing DAGs and take advantage of all of the sophisticated analytics that AAI provides: Sophisticated analytics, a centralized view of all of your automation processes in one single location, SLA management and so forth.

For more information, see:

Improved Performance

This version significantly improves the time required to build a jobstream, helping you quickly complete the necessary setup before you can start reaping the benefits of using AAI's capabilities.

Also, the performance of the rendering of the Timeline View with all Jobstreams as well as the Actual and Relative to SLA tabs of the Jobstreams Run Details page has been improved.

Web UI v2

This AAI version includes the following next generation Web UI enhancements:

Job Search

This version provides a new advanced and flexible job search facility that allows you to search for individual jobs based on any combination of job properties (run times, definitional data, etc.). For example, you can now find all of your jobs that belong to a particular business application and run on a particular agent.

For more information, see Using the Advanced Search.

Jobstream Actions

As of 6.5.2 you have the full range of actions available to work with jobstreams. You can add and edit the SLA, the alert criteria, the business area hierarchy, trim jobs, define a specific start job and so forth. You can also delete jobstreams now. These functions are available from the following jobstream pages:

  • Jobstream Definitions

  • Jobstream Runs - Timeline

For more information, see:

Close Button on the Add/Edit Scheduler Dialogs

A Close button has been added to the Add/Edit Scheduler dialogs so that you can cancel your changes if you do not want to keep tem.

Renamed Column Headers in Jobstream Views

To improve clarity on the various Jobstream views, several column headers with abbreviations have been renamed, for example:

  • MRR Start Time is now Last Start Time

  • MRR End Time is now Last End Time

  • NPR Start Time is now Next Predicted Start

  • NPR End Time is now Next Predicted End

  • NPR Status is now Next Predicted Status

Out-of-Order Event for Universal Scheduler Types

As of this version, AAI can handle Out-of-Order events for Universal Scheduler Types. This means that AAI now takes into consideration all job events, also those that were delayed in reaching AAI. This improves the accuracy of statistical information and of the resulting predictions. It also enables improves the accuracy in showing the job status of universal schedulers such as Automic Automation, Control-M and so on.

Start Conditions Support

AAI 6.5.2 supports Start Conditions that are represented by a CRON expression.

Bug Fixes

This AAI version includes the bug fixes listed below:


  • Fixed an issue that caused the connection to the database to fail when trying to change the user/password using the Configuration Tool.

    Associated ticket: DE578580

  • An issue has been solved where the Run History of the Jobstream was not rebuilt after rebuilding the Jobstream.

    Associated ticket: DE584017

  • An issue has been solved where the Scheduler filter drop-down options were sorted randomly and not in alphabetic/alphanumeric order

  • Solved an issue where the Most Recent Run did not show the Jobstream run that was currently running.

    Associated ticket: DE585351

  • Solved an issue where the traps did not include the SysUptime OID with timetick value (according to RFC standard). Now the message body is correct so that AAI alert traps are successfully parsed by 3rd Party SNMP manager applications.

    Associated ticket: DE587212

  • Fixed an issue where a Business Area name containing special characters was not encoded correctly for the request URI search parameter.

    Associated ticket: DE587226

  • Fixed an issue that caused a 401 Unauthorized after updating a Business Area because the user had no View permission.

  • Solved an issue where special characters in the search parameter of an AAI REST API request URL were not handled correctly.

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the REST Template subscription from working.

  • Fixes an issue where Jammer, under certain conditions, stopped working and threw a unique constraint violation.

    Associated ticket: DE563948

The following component upgrades were made to resolve security vulnerabilities:

  • Upgraded the Apache ActiveMQ component from version 5.16.3 to version 5.16.7 to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2023-46604 (BDSA-2023-2967)

  • Upgraded the Google-guava component from version 19,23,31.1 to version 32.0.1-jre to resolve the following security vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2023-2976 (BDSA-2016-1748)

    • CVE-2018-10237 (BDSA-2018-1358)

  • Upgraded the H2 Database Engine component from version 2.1.210 to version 2.2.224 to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2022-45868 (BDSA-2022-3649)

  • Upgraded JSON-java component from version 20230227 to 20231013 to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2023-5072 (BDSA-2023-2760)

  • Upgraded jsoup from version 1.8.3 to version 1.17.1 to resolve the following security vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2021-37714 (BDSA-2021-2510)

    • CVE-2022-36033 (BDSA-2022-2382)

  • Upgraded spring-boot-starter-log4j2 component from version 2.6.14 to version 2.7.18 to resolve the following security vulnerabilities:

    • CVE-2023-20883 (BDSA-2023-1225)

    • CVE-2023-34055 (BDSA-2023-3275)

  • Removed vulnerable Java classes from the log4j-1.2.17.jar and log4j-jboss-logmanager-1.1.4.Final-redhat-1.jar files to resolve the following security vulnerability:

    • CVE-2021-4104

Web UI v2

  • An issue in which the times on the Average Runs tab of job details were presented in UTC rather than the time zone of the workload scheduler, as they should be, was fixed.

  • Fixed an issue that kept the Jobstream row on the Jobstream Definitions page active while a Jobstream update was in progress instead of being deactivated until the update completed.

  • Fixed an issue with the expansion of the Business Area in the Jobstream Hierarchy tab while adding/editing a Jobstream.

  • Fixed an issue where changes to the settings in the Average Duration tab of the Gantt Settings dialog in the new Web UI was not going into effect on the Gantt timeline.

  • Solved an issue where the time zone reported in the .csv file exported from the Jobstream Runs Grid view had the server time zone and not the Scheduler time zone, as expected.

    Associated ticket: DE586641

  • Fixed an issue in the REST API so that newly added users, by default, see run times in the default time zone of the related schedulers.

  • Fixed an issue that caused the Edit Jobstream dialog to stay open after a jobstream is deleted.

  • Fixed an issue on the Trim tab of a Jobstream definition, where the Auto Trim toggles were not responding to clicks correctly and the Restore Defaults button was activating/deactivating unexpectedly.

  • Fixed an issue in Web UI wherein the Gantt view page sometimes did not appear when the system response lagged.

  • Fixed an issue that caused tooltips for jobs on the Gantt timeline to linger on the screen even after mousing away, and to stay even after leaving the Gantt timeline.

Automic Connector

  • Solved an issue where the calendar conditions for an Automic job running in a workflow were not considered correctly and affected the forecast.

    Associated ticket: DE556586

  • An issue was fixed where Start Time and Start Date were not displayed correctly for forecasted Automic jobs when they were defined using the server default option.

  • An issue has been solved where the forcasted run date was not displayed correctly for Automic jobs when they were defined using the container option for the jobstream.


  • Fixed an issue that allowed eEM users without the manageContents role for jobstreams were still able to edit them.

  • Fixed an issue that allowed eEM users without the manageContents role for jobstreams to delete them.

  • Fixed two issues that occurred when users had no explicit eEM view permissions to specific business areas. One problem hid the Business Areas link in the navigation panel, and the other blocked the user from seeing any jobstreams, not even the default, root business area All Jobstreams.

    Associated ticket: DE585781

Known Issues

  • On the Web UI v2, the Business Area filter will not include a Business Area that has no runs if the user that is logged in is not an admin user.

  • The following WARN message may appear in the hibernate.log file: "WARN [pooling] HHH10001002: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)".

    This warning is related to an unreleased feature. There are no real issues for any type of environment and it does not affect your system's functionality.

Database Schema Upgrade Summary from 6.5.1

The following new tables have been added:

  • UnresolvedJobRunCausedBy

The following tables have been modified:


Table Name Change Type Column(s) Affected
Report Add groupBy
Report Add secondaryGroupBy
Report Add schedule
SchedulerAuditHistory Add jobName
SchedulerAuditHistory Add command
SchedulerAuditHistory Add jobSchedulerName

Reporting Server 2.0.2

  • If your Reporting Server is still on version 1.1x, you must upgrade to v2.0.0 first and then to v2.0.2.

  • Upgrading the Reporting Server from v2.0.0 to v2.0.2 can only be done manually. For more information, see Upgrading the Reporting Server from v2.0.x to v2.0.3

Bug Fixes

Upgraded the Jasper Server to version 8.2.0 to fix an issue where the ad hoc Jobstream Runs Max SLA and Jobstream Runs reports failed to export after a Chrome patch.

Associated ticket: DE574208

Known Issue

Exporting Job Run History Graph Reports not working with Reporting Server v2.0.2. This issue will be solved in a future release.

ESP Connector

This version of the ESP Connector includes the following enhancements and bug fixes.


  • Updated the ESP Connector to the AAI Connector Framework version 6.5.1.

  • Upgraded Spring Boot to version 2.7.18.

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue that occurred when a time shift caused the jobs definition job to be requested more frequently than expected.