Jobstream Status Report

The Jobstream Status report contains basically the same information as the Monitoring tab in the AAI client. It reports on the performance of the Jobstreams in your system.

Working with the Report

Click the icon on the top right corner of the panel to open a menu with the configuration options:

  • Edit

    Opens the configuration dialog where you can edit the name, published status, and filter criteria used for the report. For each data source you can add as many criteria as you need to narrow down the scope of the report. Combinations of these criteria are evaluated as logical OR relationships.

  • Copy

    Creates a copy of the panel that you can then re-configure and adapt to your needs.

  • Move

    Moves the panel to a different page (dashboard).

  • Delete

    Deletes the panel.

  • Shorter/Taller

    Resizes the panel vertically.

  • Download

    Downloads the report in the format you choose: PDF, XLSX, XLS, RTF, CSV, ODT, ODS, DOCX, or PPTX.

  • Get Link

    Creates a link to the report that you can share with other users.

See also:

Web UI Reports