Getting Started for Business Area Coordinators

As a business area coordinator, your primary objective is to plan and manage the business implementation. For more information, see Business Area Coordinator. To fulfill your objectives, you need to have broad knowledge of all AAI functions and capabilities, as well as detailed understanding about the capabilities of those functions so that you can make the best decisions for the business implementation.

The business area coordinator needs to gain a good deal of understanding about the structures, features, and capabilities of AAI. A good way to start is to do the following:

Learn about AAI

Because you need such a broad understanding, the best place to begin is with the videos in Broadcom's AAI education courses. For information, see Free Online Courses.

At the same time, you can look at these introductory topics in the documentation:

After that, familiarize yourself with the information available in this documentation by, at the very least, looking at all the first-level topics. These typically have overview information for the topic areas.

Executing the business implementation

When approaching the business implementation, see the section devoted to that project. There you will find a detailed roadmap to guide you through all phases of the business implementation from planning to going live in a production and then starting to identify optimization opportunities.

For detailed information, see Business Implementation.