Configuring Alerts in Jobstreams

As a jobstream administrator, when you define the properties of a jobstream you also configure the alerts that you want AAI to send as soon as it detects that the timely completion of the jobstream is jeopardized. All alerts are displayed in the Monitoring console but you can also add SNMP traps (provided you have the required infrastructure) and emails. The alerts include detailed information about the jobstream run. Not all alerts indicate a negative impact in the jobstream completion; you can also set alerts to track the execution progress, the jobstream completion, and so on.

Not all alerts indicate a negative impact in the jobstream completion; you can also set alerts to track the execution progress, the jobstream completion, and so on.

Types of Alerts

AAI can send the following types of alerts:


Late alerts build early warning systems.

For long-running processes, the AAI prediction engine can determine that an SLA is in jeopardy long before the SLA is due. This is possible because AAI uses actual, real-time data to perform its calculations and this data come from the scheduler.

Late alerts are generated as soon as the AAI prediction engine determines that the SLA will not be met based on what you have defined in the Late Criterion tab.

For more information, see Jobstream Late Properties.


For information purposes only.

AAI sends an alert when the jobstream execution has reached a specific percentage. This percentage is based on historical run times.

Checkpoint alerts are useful if you want to create prediction statistics for AAI. By setting the checkpoint, you can later see how accurate your predictions are at given times during the jobstream runs.


AAI sends an alert with information about the run of the jobstream is sent when the target job completes.

In the thick client, this information is normally not available in the Monitoring Alert panel because the jobstream is moved to the Analysis tab as soon as it completes. However, this alert can be sent via SNMP to an event console. In the Web interface, the alert appears on the Alerts tab of a jobstream definition and emails are sent when that action is defined for the alert in the jobstream.

Back on Track

After a Late alert has been sent, it is possible that the time could be made up later during the subsequent running of the jobstream in a variety of ways.

This alert notifies that the jobstream is predicted to be back on track.

Not Predicted to Finish

A number of conditions during runtime could cause AAI to predict that the target job will not successfully complete (for example, an upstream job fails and the target job depends on the successful completion of that job and all of its downstream jobs). This alert is sent in these cases.

Jobstream Started

AAI sends an alert with information about the run of the jobstream as soon as the jobstream starts. It is sent every time the jobstream starts, that is, any time that the first job or box (group of jobs) in the jobstream has a start event.

Target Job Started

AAI sends an alert with information about the run of the jobstream as soon as the target job starts. It is sent every time the target job in the jobstream starts.

Jobstream Not Started

AAI sends an alert with information about the jobstream when the forecasted time passes.

If the jobstream is selected to be forecasted this alert will be fired when the forecasted start time occurs and the jobstream does not start. For more information, see Make this jobstream available for forecasting in Adding and Editing Jobstreams.

Exceeded SLA

AAI sends this alert when the jobstream reaches the time of the SLA (the time configured as Late Criterion in the jobsrteam) and the target job has not yet completed successfully.


Activate Alerts

In the Activate Alerts section you select the types of alerts that you want AAI to send. Each type of alert can send emails and SNMP messages.

  • Email alerts

    AAI sends emails to the addresses of the users that are defined in the business areas to which you have assigned this jobstream. You can add additional addresses by clicking the emails addresses button and adding them separated by commas.

  • SNMP alerts

    AAI can also send SNMP messages to other applications in your environment. The information available is defined by a set of managed objects referred to as the SNMP Management Information Base (MIB). All of the properties that are listed in the jobstream alerts are made available in the MIB. For more information, see SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) Details.

This table provides a list of the alerts that AAI can sedn and describes them:

Jobstream Late Properties

In the Jobstream Late Properties section you configure how often the alerts should be sent: Once, every a specific number of minutes or whenever the lateness of the jobstream increases by a specific factor of time.

In Only alert if jobstream is at least <X> % complete you can choose to have alerts sent only after a certain percentage of the jobstream has completed.


The later in the jobstream execution, the more accurate that AAI's prediction engine will be able to calculate the jobstream End Time or Duration. You may want to receive alerts only after the jobstream has progressed past a certain point. That percentage is based on historical run times.


The details about the jobstream run provided by the alerts usually contain various timestamps. If your organization has teams that are located in different time zones than the one where you are defining the jobstream properties, make sure that you set the time zone here. As a result, the alerts will indicate the time zone in which the jobstream is running.

Important !
  • Time zones apply only to email and SNMP notifications. They do not affect the times that are displayed in the Monitoring tab. The times displayed on the AAI user interface are either in the time zone of the scheduler on which the jobstreams are running or in the time zone that users have set in their personal preferences. For more information, see Setting the Time Zone.

  • The time zone that you define for jobstream alert criteria applies to all the alerts for that jobstream.

  • The default time zone is the time zone of the server that you are logged onto.

The Timezone dropdown list displays the time zones that are nearest to the default time zone. To see a complete list of all time zones, select Show all time zones.

Minimizing Email Traffic

The Don't send alerts between ... options lets you avoid sending emails on specific days at specific times, for example during business hours. Since the console alerts are always displayed, you may want to minimize email traffic during business hours, since the teams will be monitoring the console anyway.

See also: