Timeline View Pop-Up Menu Options

You can access a number of options trough a pop-up menu. To access the pop-up menu, right-click any job, jobstream, or machine and the functions available for the component selected are listed. These options allow you to modify the view and access properties and details for the items listed in the timeline view to assist you in your analysis of a particular run.


The thick client is being gradually replaced with a new generation WebUI. The information here describes the functionality in the thick client.


Not all options are available for all components. The options listed depend on the component that you have selected.

The following options are available on the pop-up menu.

  • Job/Jobstream/Machine Details: Allow you to see details for either a job (box/group), a jobstream, or a Machine/Agent. For more information, see Details - Toolbar and Pop-Up Menu Options.

  • Icon Help: Displays an HTML page listing all of the icons used in AAI and their definitions. For more information, see .

  • View: Allows you to view or hide the following elements:

    • Critical Path: Displays lines in red

    • Cross-instance Dependencies: Displays lines in green

    • Predecessors: Displays lines in blue

    • Successors: Displays lines in light blue

    • Average Durations: Displays black bars indicating average duration

    More information:

  • View Settings: Allows you to select the Lines, Average Durations, and Runs that are used globally for all jobstream Gantt Chart views. For more information, see View Settings - Toolbar and Pop-Up Menu Options.

  • Expand: Allow you to expand a jobstream to display all jobs and boxes (groups) within. You can use the scaling scroll bar to expand each box (group) and display a list of jobs in the box (group). The expanded box (group) is marked with a blue border.

  • Collapse: Allow you to collapse a jobstream to the highest level view.

  • Expand Critical Path: Allows you to expand a jobstream but including only those jobs and boxes (groups) on the critical path. If a box (group) is on the critical path, all of the jobs inside that box (group) are also included. For more information, see Critical Path - Toolbar and Pop-Up Menu Options.

  • Copy Job/Box Name: Allows you to copy the name of the selected job or box (group) in the jobstream to the clipboard. You can then switch to another application and paste the name.

  • Create Jobstream... Allows you to select a job in an existing jobstream and create a new jobstream.

  • Add/Remove Trim Point: Allows you to open the Trim Point Type dialog, which allows you to exclude predecessors to the selected job or to exclude the selected job and predecessors.

  • Add/Remove Start Job: Allows you to open the Edit Jobstream Dialog - Start Jobs tab. This option is available for all scheduler other than Legacy CA7 and IWSd.

  • Go to Previous Critical Path Job: Allow you to navigate up the jobs on the critical path. The dependency lines are turned off by default. For more information, see Critical Path - Toolbar and Pop-Up Menu Options.

  • Go to Next Critical Path Job: Allow you to navigate down the jobs on the critical path. The dependency lines are turned off by default. For more information, see Critical Path - Toolbar and Pop-Up Menu Options.

  • Go to Parent Box (Group): Allows you to move your selection to the box (group) in which the selected job is contained.

  • Go to Dependency: Allows you to quickly move from the selected job to any immediate downstream job. If there is more than one downstream dependency, you will see the names of the jobs available and you can select the one to which you want to move the section.

  • Go to Predecessor: Allows you to select a predecessor from the list and go directly to that job.

  • Go to Successor: Allows you to select a successor from the list and go directly to that job.

  • New/Edit/Delete Predicted Duration... Allows you to override the average duration calculated by the system at job level. For more information, see Predicted Duration.

  • Custom Actions: AAI administrators can define custom actions. Once create, users with the necessary permissions can execute them. These custom actions are displayed at the bottom of the pop-up menu. For more information, see Custom Actions.

  • AutoSys-Specific Options: Depending on the settings and the user permissions, the pop-up menu also displays the WCC Integration and Create Send Event menu options. For more information, see AutoSys-Specific Menu Options.

See also:

Timeline View - Toolbar