Setting Preferences for Business Areas (Web Interface)

{"URL":["/aai/web/v2/preferences/business-areas"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_user_preferences_date_and_time_intro","customCards":[{"id":"ice_user_preferences_business_areas_steps","title":"Defining Your Default Business Areas","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/GettingStarted/GS_SettingUserPrefs_Business_Areas.htm","languages":["en-us"]},{"id":"ice_user_preferences_date_and_time_steps","title":"Defining Your Date, Time, and Time Zone Preferences","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/GettingStarted/GS_SettingUserPrefs_DateFormat_TimeZone.htm","languages":["en-us"]}]}

Large AAI environments can contain many business areas. Each business area can contain hundreds if not thousands of jobstreams. To help you focus on the data that you need, you can set your preferred business area filters to be used on the jobstream views so that you see the jobstreams that you need to work with. As a result, the different jobstream views display only data from your preferred business areas. However, this setting does not restrict your access to other business areas. You can always change business area filters dynamically whenever you need.

Setting Default Business Areas

To set your default business areas to be applied to the Jobstream Definitions, Jobstream Runs - Grid View, and Jobstream Runs - Timeline View, do the following:

  1. Open your user preferences:

    1. From any AAI web page, click your user icon in the top right corner the page. It is a circle with your user initial on it, to the right of the notification bell icon.

    2. Select User Preferences.

  2. Switch to the Business Areas tab.

    By default, All Jobstreams is selected. This means that AAI displays the data of all business areas.

    Select it and click Remove to move it to the Available pane under Select Format, choose how you want dates, times and time zones to appear on your screens and reports:

    1. Select a Date and Time format.

    2. Select a Time Zone format

  3. Open the business area tree and check the business areas you want to include as your default subset of visible business areas.


    Selecting a business area does not automatically include its subordinate business areas. Only the business areas that are explicitly checked at each lever are included in your default set.

  4. Click Save.

For more information on business areas, see Business Areas.

See also:

Getting Started with AAI

Setting Preferences for Date and Time (Web Interface)

Setting User Preferences (Thick Client)