Upgrading AAI
This section describes the AAI upgrade procedure:
Check the compatibility matrix (compatibility matrix) to find the relevant information on supported versions and possible dependencies. For more information, see Compatibility Information.
When upgrading AAI and connectors, make sure you take down the relevant connectors, upgrade and start AAI, and then upgrade and start each connector.
Shut down the AAI server. The upgrade will not execute if the server is running.
If you have not done so yet, download the relevant AAI product or solution. For more information, see Downloads.
Extract the upgrade bundle into a temporary directory. Ensure the following directories and file are present:
Execute the upgrade script. Select the directory for the AAI installation.
Note:For Oracle, you will need to specify the Oracle Table Space Definitions.
Specify Telemetry Configuration Options.
AAI uses telemetry to send product usage and system configuration information to Broadcom. Specify whether the upgrade is related to a new or additional planned usage under a Portfolio License Agreement (PLA) with Broadcom by selecting Yes or No.
Send telemetry data: Specifies whether you want to send the telemetry data to Broadcom or not.
Company Domain: Specifies the domain name of your company. It is the last part of your company's email address.
Enterprise Site ID: Specifies your company's unique login site ID that is listed on the Broadcom Support portal.
Internal Identifier: (Optional) Specifies your department's non-personally identifiable information (non-PII) identifier that you use for your company's tracking needs. Specify whether you want to use a proxy to send the telemetry data to Broadcom.
Proxy URI: Specifies the URI to access the proxy server.
Username: (Optional) Specifies the user name that is required for proxy authentication.
Password: (Optional) Specifies the AES encrypted password that is associated with the proxy URI user name.
Click OK to continue after completing your selections.
A dialog will be displayed if the AAI upgrade is successful. Click OK to continue.
The upgrade will perform the following:
Create a timestamped tarball from the existing AAI server installation in the directory install\backup
If needed, generate a SQL script for upgrading the database schema in the <Automation_Analytics_Intelligence>\scripts directory
Log the details in the install\l\og\upgrade.log
Store upgrade related properties in install\properties\upgrade.properties
A second dialog will be displayed if the AAI upgrade is successful. Click OK to continue.
Use an administration tool specific to your DBMS (a command line or GUI) to run the SQL upgrade script to update the AAI database schema.
Note:This step is not necessary if there are no changes to the database.
Restart AAI and confirm the server operates properly.
See also: