Configuring the Reporting Server

This page guides you through the configuration of the Reporting Server.


Every installation or upgrade of the Reporting Server requires you to configure it. No installation or upgrade process is complete without the configuration steps. Make sure you save each panel.

Follow the instructions below to configure the Reporting Server.

  1. Log in to AAI with a user with Administrator permissions, see Logging In to AAI .



  2. Click System Tools on the right side at the bottom of the MY PAGES section.

  3. Click the tab labeled Reporting Configuration.

  4. Update the Reporting Server location details, if needed. Make sure you save each panel.

    • Protocol: Reporting Server protocol (http or https)

      For more information on how to set up TLS authentication, see Configuring the Reporting Server for TLS Authentication.

    • Host: Reporting Server hostname

      It is recommended using the fully qualified domain name, rather than the short name, when defining the reporting server hostname.

    • Port: 8080 (Default)

    • User: superuser (Default)

    • Password: TermaPassword (Default)


    Change the port number if AAI is already using port 8080 and runs on the same physical server.

  5. Save your changes and click the tab labeled Vision User for Reporting.

  6. On this tab, provide the AAI user that the Reporting Server will use to communicate with the AAI Server. This is used to log into the AAI application.

    • User: admin (Default)

    • Password: password (Default)

    • Domain: Jaws (Default)

  7. Save your changes and click the tab labeled Reporting Database.

  8. To configure the database access, provide the location of the Reporting Server Database.

    • Database Type: <Oracle or SQL Server>

    • Host: <Database Server hostname>

    • Port: Oracle <1521> or SQL Server <1433>

    • Database Name: <Oracle SID/Service Name or SQL Server Database Name>

    • Database Name Type: <Service Name or SID (Oracle Only)>

    • User: <Database user with Read permissions>

    • Password: <Password for Database User>


    Hover the mouse over the fields for hints.

  9. Save your changes.

See also: