Upgrading the Reporting Server from v1.1.x to v2.0.0

As an AAI administrator, you upgrade the Reporting Server in Windows or Linux. This page guides you through the upgrade process from version 1.1.x to 2.0.0.


If you are on version 1.x and you want to upgrade to a 2.x version, you have to first upgrade from your version 1.x to 2.0.0 and then to a higher (2.0.x) version.

This page includes the following:

Considerations for Upgrade

Regardless of whether you are upgrading the Reporting Server on a Windows or Linux operating system, before upgrading, note the following considerations:

  • The Reporting Server must be running for the entire upgrade. Anyone triggering a report at the time of the upgrade will get an error message. Therefore, to avoid confusion among your users, it is recommended that you announce the upgrade and plan it for a time of low activity, such as non-business hours.

  • You can upgrade the Reporting Server at any time. You do not need to shut down the AAI Server nor take down the connectors.

  • Please note that, even on very fast hardware, your Reporting Server upgrade may take at least ten minutes to complete.

  • If you are upgrading from version 1.0 or 1.1, you need to add mail options to the command line or add the parameters listed below to the configuration file corresponding to your operating system (termaBi-config.bat for Windows, termaBi.config for Linux).

    set MAIL_AUTH=<true or false>
    set MAIL_PORT=25
    set MAIL_PROTOCOL=smtp

Upgrading the Reporting Server on Windows

After reviewing the considerations for upgrade and taking any required actions, you are ready to begin the Reporting Server upgrade using the following steps.

  1. If you have not done so yet, go to https://downloads.automic.com/, log in with your Broadcom account and download the relevant AAI product or solution. For more information, see Downloads.

  2. Unpack the necessary files:

    1. Unzip the downloaded product or solution zip file.

    2. Unzip AAI.BI_Installer.Windows_<version and build>.zip to get the following Windows-relevant file:


      Note that, if you downloaded from the Products tab, you find this in the Reporting.Server folder after unzipping the downloaded file.

  3. Make sure that your Reporting Server is running.

  4. From the unzipped files, run the terma-bi-windows-installer-<version>.exe file.


    You might notice that this is the same terma-bi-windows-installer executable file that was used for the installation. This time it checks for previous versions and performs an upgrade.

    The install4J Wizard launches and, after a moment, the AAI -BI-Server Setup Wizard window opens and tells you that a previous installation has been detected.

  5. Select Yes, update the existing installation, and then click the Next > button.

    A Powershell window opens, and the update process begins by expanding the archive and running some preparatory steps, including making a backup of the data files.

    Depending on the size of your reporting database, the first task of making a backup can take quite a while before you see additional messages. Unless you get an error message, all is well and working as it should.

  6. The only input you need to provide is the following:

    • If the upgrade process detects that there is no Chrome available on the system, a message explaining that is displayed.


    You do not need to enter configuration values because the upgrade script uses the configuration settings defined in the termaBi-config.bat file of your current installation. This file was created by the installation script based on the parameters that you provided at installation. For information, see Installing and Uninstalling the Reporting Server on Windows.  

  7. When the upgrade is finished, the Completing the AAI-BI_Server Setup Wizard window appears. Click Finish.


    If you want to check the upgrade logs, open the upgrade-logs.txt file located in the AAI.BI_Installer.Windows_<version and build>\upgrade folder.

  8. After the upgrade finishes, configure the Reporting Server definitions accordingly, see Configuring the Reporting Server. No upgrade is complete without this step.

Upgrading the Reporting Server on Linux

This section outlines all relevant issues for a successful upgrade on Linux.

Prerequisites for an Upgrade on Linux

Before upgrading your Reporting Server from v.1.1.x on Linux, make sure you meet the following requirements:

  • Ensure that the current Reporting Server installation is working correctly.

  • Backup your current Reporting Server installation or snapshot the virtual machine on which it is running with the machine powered off.

  • Ensure that you have the permissions to run scripts as root/sudo, because that is how you have to run the upgrader script.

  • Ensure that there is no systemd service defined for the Reporting Server. If there are custom services, make sure you disable and remove them, as the upgrade will install a systemd service.

  • Ensure that systemctl daemon-reload has been executed as root after removing the systemd service definition.

  • Ensure that the symlink from /etc/aai/bi-reporting/terma-bi-install.conf points to the termaBi.config file corresponding to your current installation.


    Make sure that the termaBi.config file is available in your installation. If the file is not available, you must create it using the parameters of the current version (the one that you want to upgrade).

  • Ensure that the Reporting Server service account has the following file permissions:

    • Read and write permissions for the symlink configuration file

    • Permission to create files in the /etc/aai/bi-reporting/ directory

Upgrading Steps for Linux

After reviewing the prerequisites and taking any required actions, you are ready to begin the Reporting Server upgrade using the following steps.

  1. If you have not done so yet, go to https://downloads.automic.com/, log in with your Broadcom account and download the relevant AAI product or solution. For more information, see Downloads.

  2. Unpack the necessary files:

    1. Unzip the downloaded product or solution zip file.

    2. Unzip AAI.BI_Installer.Linux_<version and build>.zip to get the following Linux-relevant files:

      • terma-bi-linux-installer-<version>.rpm

      • terma-bi-configure-rpm.sh

      Note that, if you downloaded from the Products tab, you find these in the Reporting.Server folder after unzipping the downloaded file.

  3. Make sure that your Reporting Server is running.

  4. From the unzipped files, run the terma-bi-configure-rpm.sh file.

    • If you have $JAVA_HOME set in your environment use the following command:

      sudo ./terma-bi-configure-rpm.sh

    • Otherwise, specify where you have Java installed in the command, like this, where </opt/java> is your Java location:

      sudo JAVA_HOME=</opt/java> ./terma-bi-configure-rpm.sh


    You might notice that this is the same terma-bi-configure-rpm.sh file that was used for the installation. It checks for previous versions and, when it finds one, it performs an upgrade instead.

  5. Confirm or enter configuration values to be used for the upgrade.

    The upgrade process retrieves most configuration values from your current installation, and they appear in square brackets. To accept the value for the upgrade, just press Enter. Otherwise, enter a new value at the prompt.

    You must enter values at the following prompts when they appear:

    • Select the Automation Analytics & Intelligence protocol: 1) HTTP; 2) HTTPS.

    • Select the database type for Automation Analytics & Intelligence reports: 1)MSSQL; 2)ORACLE

    • Select whether the mail server requires authentication 1) Y; 2) N

    • If no Chrome path is defined, you are prompted to enter a path for the Chrome installation.

      It is recommended to have a Chrome installation and specify its location here. The upgrade process can continue without having Chrome; however, you will not be able to export reports, data insights, or dashboards to PDF, CSV, DOCX, or other output formats.


    The configuration values that appear without a prompt are the ones that are stored in the /etc/aai/bi-reporting/terma-bi-install.conf file. This was originally created by the installation script based on the parameters that you provided at installation. For information, see Installing and Uninstalling the Reporting Server on Linux.

  6. When prompted with "Do you want to continue to install the BI server [Yn]:", enter Y to upgrade the Reporting Server using the configuration values that you entered when prompted.


After upgrading the Reporting Server, the Jasperserver-pro password for the superuser is reset to the default TermaPassword. If you are not using the default password, make sure you define it again (http(s)://hostname:post/jasperserver-pro/login.html).

See also: