
It is possible to retrieve information about different runtimes of tasks because forecasts also consider calendar conditions and the settings specified for the runtime monitoring and the earliest and latest start and end times.

All executable objects - excluding workflows, groups and schedules - use the estimated runtime (ERT) for the creation of forecasts. One minute is the default value for tasks that do not yet have an ERT.

Non-executed (skipped) tasks are taken into account with a calculated runtime of one second. This is the time the Automation Engine requires for handling the particular tasks.

Settings Considered in Forecast Calculations

Condition of Predecessor(s) 


Earliest Start

Latest Start

Latest End

Maximum runtime (MRT)

Minimum runtime (SRT)

Time Checkpoint

Settings Not Considered in Forecast Calculations

Sync Objects

Script Elements

Number of Jobs per Host

External Workflow Dependencies

See also:

User Guide - Forecast