List of Predefined Variables for System and Object Values

This topic includes the names and descriptions of all predefined variables that can be used in the attributes or scripts of executable objects.

You can insert the variables either manually or by using the Insert Variables dialog. The predefined variables represent values that can also be retrieved by using a script. The substitution takes place at the object's runtime.

Column descriptions for the System Properties, Object - Script Values, and Object - Attributes tables below are:

System Properties

[System Properties] [Object - Script Values] [Object - Attributes] [Date and Time Formats for Automation Engine and Object Properties Variables]

The following variables represent values that are consistent throughout the system. They can be used in any executable object.

Name Variable Name Description Script Element Security level
Automation Engine system (language) &$SYS_LANGUAGE# Supplies the language in which the Server generates the log files. SYS_USER_LANGUAGE 1
Automation Engine system (name) &$SYSTEM# Retrieves the name of the Automation Engine system. GET_UC_SYSTEM_NAME 1
Client &$CLIENT# Returns the number of the current client. SYS_ACT_CLIENT, SYS_USER_CLIENT 1
Client title &$CLIENT_DESC# Returns the text of the current client. SYS_ACT_CLIENT_TEXT 1
Current date &$PHYS_DATE_format# Retrieves the current date. SYS_DATE_PHYSICAL 1
Current time &$PHYS_TIME_format#

Determines the current time of day.

The behavior of the variable &$PHYS_TIME_format# differs from the script function SYS_TIME_PHYSICAL. Calling this script function several times can result in different time values (depending on the time of the call). The value of the predefined variable is set during its generation and remains constant for the complete execution.

SNMP Connection &$SNMP_ACTIVE# Checks whether AE's SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) connection is active. SYS_SNMP_ACTIVE 1
User (department) &$DEPARTMENT# The department of the user who has started the task. SYS_USER_DEP 1
User (object activator) &$USER#

Supplies the name of the user who has started the task.

The user who is currently logged on is used for the preview if this variable is used in the SQL statements of a Variable object. This behavior also applies to the variables &$DEPARTMENT# and &USER_FL#. Whether the predefined variables are triggered will depend, however, on the security settings.

User (first and last name) &$USER_FL# Supplies the first and last name of the user who has started the task. SYS_USER_LNAME 1
Task-specific cache path &$AGENT_RESOURCES_TASK#

Value represents the task-specific cache path.

Important in connection with the usage of :ATTACH_RES, whose functionality is available on UNIX and Windows.

Client-wide cache path &$AGENT_RESOURCES_CLIENT#

Value represents the client-wide cache path.

Important in connection with the usage of :ATTACH_RES, whose functionality is available on UNIX and Windows.


Object - Script Values

[System Properties] [Object - Script Values] [Object - Attributes] [Date and Time Formats for Automation Engine and Object Properties Variables]

The following variables supply object-related values that can also be retrieved by using the specified script functions. They can be used in all executable objects. Exception: &$IN_PROCESSFLOW#, &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_NAME# and &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_RUNID# cannot be used in combination with Schedule objects.

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Name Variable Name Description Script Element Security level
Activator (name)

&$ACTIVATOR# Returns the name of the superordinate task. SYS_ACT_PARENT_NAME 1
Activator (RunID) &$ACTIVATOR_RUNID# Returns either the RunID of the superordinate task or the user's session ID (manual activation). SYS_ACT_PARENT_NR 1
Activator (object type) &$ACTIVATOR_TYPE #

Checks whether the task has been started by a user, a CallAPI or another task.

"USER" - For manual activation.
"API" - For activation via CallAPI.
Object type of the activating task.

Alias &$ALIAS#

Retrieves the task's alias name.

If no alias name has been assigned, the object name is returned. In this case, the variable has the same value as &$NAME#.

Alias names can be assigned for workflow tasks and objects that are activated once or recurrently.

There is no script element for this variable.

- 1
Component name &$COMPONENT_NAME# Retrieves the component name of a workflow task - 1
Date of script generation &$DATE_format# Retrieves the current date at the beginning of script processing. SYS_DATE 1
Interpreter &$EXT_INTERPRETER#

Retrieves the name of the interpreter between :BEGIN_EXT_INTERPRETERS and :END_EXT_INTERPRETERS.

Activation through a Workflow &$IN_PROCESSFLOW# Checks whether a task has been activated by a workflow.
This variable cannot be used in Schedule objects.
Logical date &$LDATE_format# Retrieves the logical date. SYS_LDATE 1
Loop count &$LOOP_COUNT# The number of ForEach workflow iterations. This variable can only be used with ForEach workflows. There is no script element for this variable. - 1
Loop index &$LOOP_INDEX# Current loop count of ForEach-workflows. This variable can only be used within ForEach workflows. There is no script element for this variable. - 1
Maximum runtime &$MRT#

The object's maximum runtime in seconds.

The value depends on the definition that has been made in the Runtime tab:

  • No definition = 0
  • A fixed value = The specified value converted to seconds.
  • ERT n % = The maximum runtime calculation is based on the ERT (it is a negative value when n > 100)
  • The current date + n days = The difference of the task's start date and a predefined time converted to seconds.
- 1
Object name &$NAME# Returns the name of the object in which the script function is used. SYS_ACT_ME_NAME 1
Object type &$OBJECT_TYPE# Returns the type of the object in which the script function is used. SYS_ACT_ME_TYPE 1
Activation type &$PARTNER_TYPE#

Retrieves the task's activation type.

"D" - Activation through the Java UserInterface
"C" - Activation through CallAPI
"A" - Activation through Java Application Interface / Deployment Descriptor / Automic Web Interface

Platform &$Platform# Retrieves the platform of executable object.   1
Processor (name) &$PROCESSOR# Supplies the name of the superordinate task. SYS_ACT_PARENT_NAME 1
Processor (RunID) &$PROCESSOR_RUNID# Supplies the run number (RunID) of the superordinate task. SYS_ACT_PARENT_NR 1
Processor (object type) &$PROCESSOR_TYPE# Returns the object type of the superordinate task. SYS_ACT_PARENT_TYPE 1
Number of previous restarts &$RESTART_COUNT# Supplies the number of restarts that have been made for a workflow task using the Postconditions tab (statement: RESTART TASK). SYS_ACT_RESTART_COUNT 1
Restart point &$RESTART_POINT# Supplies the restart point from which the object will be executed. SYS_RESTART_POINT 1
RunID of the restart &$RESTART_RUNID#

Returns the run number (RunID) of the object in which the script function is used, even if the task was not restarted.

Returns the run number (RunID) of the object in which the script function is used, even if the task was not restarted.SYS_ACT_RESTART_ME_NR1
Activation by restart &$RESTARTED# Determines whether the object has been activated in restart mode. SYS_ACT_RESTART 1
Return code &$RETURNCODE# The task's current return code. Can only be used within the Postconditions tab which is available in the properties of workflow tasks. There is no script element for this variable. See Preconditions, Postconditions.   1

Returns the run number (RunID) of the object in which the script function is used. In case of a restart, it returns the RunID of the restarted task. if a task gets restarted multiple times, it always returns the first (original) RunID.

Returns the run number (RunID) of the object in which the script function is used. In case of a restart, it returns the RunID of the restarted task. if a task gets restarted multiple times, it always returns the first (original) RunID.SYS_ACT_ME_NR1
Run mode &$RUNMODE#

Retrieves whether the task was started to run backup or Rollback actions.

Possible values:

  • BACKUP - The task was activated to run the user-defined backup of another task.
  • ROLLBACK - The task runs the user-defined rollback of another task.
  • NORMAL - The task does not run backup or rollback actions.
  • RERUN - The command Rerun has been called for the workflow.
- 1
Current runtime &$RUNTIME#

The task's current runtime in seconds.

This value will always be 0 when you use the variable in the Pre-Process or Process tab. This is because the variable will be resolved at the same time as the script is being generated.

- 1
Minimum runtime &$SRT#

The object's minimum runtime in seconds.

The value depends on the definition that has been made in the Runtime tab:

  • No definition = 0
  • A fixed value = The specified value converted to seconds.
  • ERT n % = The maximum runtime calculation is based on the ERT (it is a negative value when n > 100)
- 1
Status &$STATUS# The task's current return status. Can only be used within the Post Conditions tab which is available in the properties of workflow tasks. There is no script element for this variable. See Preconditions, Postconditions. - 1
Task name &$TASK_NAME#

Actual object name of a workflow task.

Can only be used in the properties of workflow tasks in the Alias field (General Tab). All other variables that are used here refer to the workflow (for example, &$NAME# returns the workflow name).

Time of script generation &$TIME_format# Determines the current time at the beginning of script processing. SYS_TIME 1
Top workflow (name) &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_NAME# Supplies the name of the top workflow.
This variable cannot be used in Schedule objects.
Top workflow (RunID) &$TOP_PROCESSFLOW_RUNID# Retrieves the run number (RunID) of the top workflow.
This variable cannot be used in Schedule objects.

Object - Attributes

[System Properties] [Object - Script Values] [Object - Attributes] [Date and Time Formats for Automation Engine and Object Properties Variables]

The variables that are shown in the following tables represent object attributes. The object types in which you can use them are shown in the Object type column. The name of the corresponding attribute is also listed.

Name Variable Name Description Attribute Object type Security level
Spool-list recipient (address type) &$ADDRESSTYPE# The type of address. SAP_ADDRESSTYPE JOBS (SAP) 2
Agent &$AGENT# The name of the agent on which the task should be processed. HOST EVNT, JOBQ, JOBS, 2
Agent ID &$AGENT_ID# An agent ID can be specified if a particular agent should be used. AGENT_ID JOBS (JMX) 2
Responsibility (application short name) &$APPL_NAME# Profile option for Oracle users: short name of the application. OA_APPL_NAME JOBS (OA) 2
Archive key 1 &$ARCHIVE_KEY1# Freely definable term that is used in the statistics. ARCHIVE_KEY1 All executable objects 2
Archive key 2 &$ARCHIVE_KEY2# Freely definable term that is used in the statistics. ARCHIVE_KEY2 All executable objects 2
Attach a file &$ATTACH_FILE# The path and the name of the file that should be included with the email. ATTACH_FILE CALL 2
Attach reports from task (RunID) &$ATTACH_REPORTS_RUNID# The RunID of the task whose reports should be attached to the email. ATTACH_REPORTS_RUNID CALL 2
Attach reports from task (RunID) &$ATTACH_REPORTS_SOURCE# The report sources that are attached to the email (database, external files or all). ATTACH_REPORTS_SOURCE CALL 2
Queue for child tasks &$CHILD_QUEUE# The name of the Queue object in which the child tasks are processed. CHILD_QUEUE JOBG, JOBP, JSCH 2
Start parameter (command) &$CMD# The individual shell command or sequence of shell commands. UNIX_CMD JOBS (UNIX) 2
Start parameter (command) &$CMD# The program that should be executed. WIN_CMD JOBS (WIN) 2
CodeTable &$CODE# The name of the CodeTable that is used by the task. CODE JOBS 2
Connection (MS Access file name) &$DATA_SOURCE# The path and file name of the MS Access database. DATA_SOURCE JOBS (SQL) 2
Connection (database) &$DATABASE_NAME# The name of the database. DATABASE_NAME JOBS (SQL) 2
Target: agent &$DST_AGENT# The name of the destination agent. FT_DST_HOST JOBF 2
Target: login info
(SAP client)
&$DST_CLIENT# The SAP client of the destination's Login object. FT_DST_CLIENT JOBF 1
Target: CodeTable &$DST_CODE# The name of the destination's CodeTable. FT_DST_CODE JOBF 2
Target: file &$DST_FILE# The name of the source file (using directory, folder or ID plus wildcard characters in partially qualified file transfers). FT_DST_FILE JOBF 2
Target: file attributes &$DST_FILE_ATTRIBUTES# Additional specification of file attributes for the destination file. FT_DST_FILE_ATTRIBUTES JOBF 2
Target: login &$DST_LOGIN# The name of the Login object that should be used to log on to the destination system. FT_DST_LOGIN JOBF 2
Start parameter (destination system) &$DST_SYSTEM# The destination system in SAP. SAP_DST_SYSTEM JOBS (SAP) 2
Enter parameter &$ENTER_PARAMS# Any parameters that should be entered. ENTER_PARAMS, ENTER_PAR, EP JOBS (BS2000) 2
Start parameter (Enterprise Server) &$ENTERPRISE_SERVER# The name of the Enterprise Server. ENTERPRISE_SERVER JOBS
Escalation after n minutes &$ESCAL_TIME# The time limit in minutes after which the responsible recipient must respond. CO_RISING_TIME CALL 2
Escalation notification &$ESCALATION# Additional Notification object that is activated if the responsible recipient does not respond. CO_RISING_NAME CALL 2
File name for the job &$FILENAME_JOB# Name of the file (without path) that the agent creates for the job that should be executed. FILENAME_JOB JOBS 1
File name for the system output (SYSLST) &$FILENAME_SYSLST# The name of the file (without path) that the agent creates for the system output (SYSLST). FILENAME_SYSLST JOBS 1
File name for the system output (report) &$FILENAME_SYSOUT# The name of the file (without path) that the agent creates for the system output (report). FILENAME_SYSOUT JOBS 1
Agent for the file check &$FSC_AGENT# The name of the agent that should be used for the Output Scan. FSC_HOST JOBF, JOBQ, JOBS 2
Login for the file check &$FSC_LOGIN# The name of the Login object that should be used for the Output Scan. FSC_LOGIN JOBF, JOBQ, JOBS 2
Start parameter (Gateway Server) &$GATEWAY_SERVER# The network address of the Siebel Gateway computer. GATEWAY_SERVER JOBS
Report selection (message classes) &$GET_MSGCLASSES# The message classes that should be read and routed. MVS_GETMSGCLASSES JOBS (ZOS) 2
Group &$GROUP# The name of the group in which the task should be processed. GROUP, START_TYPE, S CALL, EVNT, JOB, JOBP, JOBS, JSCH, SCRI 2
Start parameter (virtual terminal) &$HOME_TERMINAL# HP NonStop Server device name. HOME_TERMINAL JOBS (NSK) 2
Initial Context Factory &$INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY# Indicates the Initial Context Factory. INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY JOBS (JMX) 2
Runtime options (input priority) &$INPUTPRIO# Input priority (INPRI). MPE_INPUTPRIO JOBS (MPE) 2
Account &$INT_ACCOUNT# The specification of an internal account. INT_ACCOUNT, INT_ACC, K CALL, EVNT, JOBF, JOBP, JOBS, JSCH, SCRI 2
Runtime options (OS/390 file name) &$JCL_SOURCE# The name of the dataset or member that includes the job's JCL or the job's JCL and its job card. JCL_SOURCE JOBS (ZOS) 2
Job class &$JOB_CLASS# The job class in which the job should run. JOB_CLASS, JC JOBS (BS2000, SAP, ZOS) 2
Job name &$JOB_NAME# The name that should be used to execute the job in the destination system. JOB_NAME, JN JOBS (BS2000, MPE, OS400, SAP, VMS, ZOS) 2
Runtime option (job parameter) &$JOB_PARAMS# Further job parameters. MVS_JOB_PARAMS JOBS (ZOS) 2
Job type &$JOB_TYPE# Type of z/OS job (such as JCL from z/OS). MVS_JOBTYPE JOBS (ZOS) 1
Job type &$JOB_TYPE# The type of NSK job (such as TACL). NSK_JOB_TYPE JOBS (NSK) 1
Job type &$JOB_TYPE# The type of OS/400 job (such as CMD). OS400_JOBTYPE JOBS (OS400) 2
Job type &$JOB_TYPE# The type of SAP job (such as ABAP Engine/Business Intelligence). SAP_JOB_TYPE JOBS (SAP) 1
Job type &$JOB_TYPE# The type of Unix job (such as Shell). UNIX_TYPE JOBS (UNIX) 2
Job type &$JOB_TYPE# The type of Windows job (such as BAT). WIN_TYP JOBS (WIN) 2
Runtime option (job description) &$JOBD# The name of the job description that is used for this job in the form library/job description. OS400_JOBD JOBS (OS400) 2
Spool &$JOBLOG# Spool extent (for example, only QPJOBLOG or everything) OS400_JOBLOG JOBS (OS400) 2
Runtime option (job queue) &$JOBQ# The name of the job queue in which the job should be queued. OS400_JOBQ JOBS (OS400) 2
Start parameter (language) &$LANGUAGE# Login language. LANGUAGE JOBS (SIEBEL) 2
Start parameter (language) &$LANGUAGE# The language that is used in SAP. SAP_LANG JOBS (SAP) 2
Date of last object usage &$LAST_DATE# Last used on. LAST_DATE All executable objects 1
User (last object usage) &$LAST_USER# Last used by. LAST_USER All executable objects 1
Login &$LOGIN# The name of the Login object that should be used to log on to the destination system. LOGIN JOBS 2
Max. parallel-running jobs &$MAX_PARALLEL_START# The maximum number of jobs that can run at the same time. MAX_PARALLEL_START JOBQ 2
Max. parallel-running executions &$MAX_PARALLEL_TASKS# The setting that defines the maximum number of parallel executions for this object. MAX_PARALLEL_TASKS CALL, EVNT, JOBF, JOBP, JOBS, JSCH, SCRI 2
Max. parallel-running file transfers &$MAX_PARALLEL_TRANSFERS# The maximum number of partially-qualified file transfer files that can be transferred at the same time. MAX_PARALLEL_TRANSFERS JOBF 2
Runtime option (message class) &$MSG_CLASS# The job log assignment to an output class. MVS_MSGCLASS JOBS (ZOS) 2
Runtime option (message level) &$MSG_LEVEL# The output option (trace option) for the report. MVS_MSG_LEVEL JOBS (ZOS) 2
Runtime option (notify) &$NOTIFY# The notification indication on OS/390. MVS_NOTIFY JOBS (ZOS) 2
Object title &$OBJECT_TITLE# The title of the object. OBJECT_TITLE All executable objects 1
Platform &$PLATFORM# Supplies the platform of the OS Job. PLATFORM JOBS 1
Priority &$PRIORITY# The importance of the notification. CO_PRIORITY CALL 2
Priority &$PRIORITY# The priority that should be used to run the job. PRIORITY, P JOBS (BS2000, NSK, OS400, VMS, ZOS) 2
Pass on AE priority to workflow children &$PASS_UC4_PRIORITY# Determines, if the AE priority is passed on to workflow children through the whole workflow structure. PASS_UC4_PRIORITY JOBP 1
Runtime option (prog. name) &$PROG_NAME# Identifies the owner or the group of the job. MVS_PROG_NAME JOBS (ZOS) 2
Queue &$QUEUE# The name of the Queue object in which the task will be processed. QUEUE CALL, EVNT, JOBF, JOBG, JOBP, JOBQ, JOBS, JSCH, SCRI  
Spool-list recipient (receipt) &$RECEIPT# Sends a receipt of delivery. SAP_DELIVER JOBS (SAP) 2
Spool-list recipient (address) &$RECIPIENT# Recipient. SAP_RECIPIENT JOBS (SAP) 2
Report handling (release) &$RELMSGCLASS# Releases the job log for printing. MVS_RELMSGCLASS JOBS (ZOS) 2
Resource consumption &$RESOURCE_CONSUMPTION# The resources that are consumed during the execution. RESOURCE_CONSUMPTION JOBF, JOBQ, JOBS 2
Responsibility (key) &$RESP_NAME# The profile option for the Oracle user: Responsibility key. OA_RESP_NAME JOBS (OA) 2
Report handling (route) &$ROUTEMSGCLASS# The message classes that should be routed. MVS_ROUTEMSGCLASS JOBS (ZOS) 2
Runtime option (routing data) &$RTGDTA# The routing data that initiates the job's first routing step. OS400_RTGDTA JOBS (OS400) 2
Login info (SAP client) &$SAP_CLIENT# The SAP client that is specified in the Login object. SAP_CLIENT JOBS (SAP) 2
Connection (Server) &$SERVER_NAME# The name of the computer on which the database is available. SERVER_NAME JOBS (SQL) 2
Server URL &$SERVER_URL# The URL of the computer on which the MBean Server is available. SERVER_URL JOBS (JMX) 2
Start parameter (Shell) &$SHELL# The Unix Shell that should be used to run the job. UNIX_SHELL JOBS (UNIX) 2
Start parameter (Shell options) &$SHELL_OPTIONS# Indication of Shell options. UNIX_SHELL_OPTIONS JOBS (UNIX) 2
Start parameter (Siebel Server) &$SIEBEL_SERVERS# The name of the Siebel Server. SIEBEL_SERVERS JOBS (SIEBEL) 2
Source: agent &$SRC_AGENT# The name of the source agent. FT_SRC_HOST JOBF 2
Source: login info
(SAP client)
&$SRC_CLIENT# The SAP client of the source's Login object. FT_SRC_CLIENT JOBF 1
Source: CodeTable &$SRC_CODE# The name of the source's CodeTable. FT_SRC_CODE JOBF 2
Source: file &$SRC_FILE# The name of the destination using a file name, directory, folder or ID. FT_SRC_FILE JOBF 2
Source: file attributes &$SRC_FILE_ATTRIBUTES# Additional specification of file attributes for the source file. FT_SRC_FILE_ATTRIBUTES JOBF 2
Source: login &$SRC_LOGIN# The name of the Login object that should be used in order to log on to the source system. FT_SRC_LOGIN JOBF 2
Start parameter (start mode) &$STARTMODE# The method that should be used to start the job (such as immediately). SAP_STARTMODE JOBS (SAP) 2
Spool list recipient (report status by mail) &$STATUSBYMAIL# Sends a confirmation of receipt by mail. SAP_STATUSBYMAIL JOBS (SAP) 2
Subject &$SUBJECT# Subject of the notification. SUBJECT CALL 2
TimeZone &$TIMEZONE# The name of a TimeZone object. TIMEZONE CALL, EVNT, JOBF, JOBG, JOBP, JOBQ, JOBS, JSCH, SCRI 2
Type &$TYPE# Notification types are request, alert, etc. CO_TYPE CALL 2
Type &$TYPE# The type of Event object. EVENT_TYPE, EVENT_TYP EVNT 2
AE priority &$UC4_PRIORITY# The priority that should be used in order to execute this object in AE. UC4_PRIORITY CALL, EVNT, JOBF, JOBP, JOBQ, JOBS, JSCH, SCRI 2
Number of object usages &$USAGE_COUNT# The number of times that the object has been used so far. USAGE_COUNT All executable objects 1
User (object creator) &$USER_CREATED# The name of the User object. USAGE_CREATED All executable objects 1
User (last object modification) &$USER_MODIFIED# The name of the User object. USER_MODIFIED All executable objects 1
Start parameter (Queue name) &$VMS_QUEUE# The VMS queue in which the job should be executed. VMS_QUEUE_NAME JOBS (VMS) 2
Start parameter (start directory) &$WORK_DIR# The working directory in which the job should run. WIN_WORK_DIR JOBS (WIN) 2

Date and Time Formats for Automation Engine and Object Properties Variables

[System Properties] [Object - Script Values] [Object - Attributes] [Date and Time Formats for Automation Engine and Object Properties Variables]

You must specify a date and time format within the name of the variables that return a date or a time. The following table lists the variables that are affected and informs you about the formats that are supported.

Certain characters that occur in some formats must not be used in variable names. Therefore, you must specify the formats that include such characters in the variable name as shown below:


Date/Time Format to be used within the variable Format that will be displayed Variables
Date YY YY &$DATE_format#

Special formats that you must specify as shown below in the variable name:

  • WEEK_NR: The number of the week to which the date belongs to is returned (43, for example).
  • WEEKDAY_NR: The number of the week day (7, for example)
  • YEAR_9999: The year is shown as a four-digit number (2012, for example)
  • YEAR_99: The year is shown in a two-digit number (12, for example)
  • WEEKDAY_XX: The variable returns the two-digit abbreviation of the weekday that belongs to the date.