The RM.CLIENT_SETTINGS and RM.SYSTEM_SETTINGS VARA objects contain global definitions (general configurations for the web applications), application, approval, deployment-related, and execution parameters for CDA. The RM.CLIENT_SETTINGS VARA object is created by the Release Manager Unified Upgrade tool.

If you have installed a new CDA system manually or with the ONE Installer, or if you have performed a manual upgrade of the system, you can change the default configuration by creating the objects manually or importing the VARA templates located in the Automic\Release.Manager\AE folder.

Note: The RM.CLIENT_SETTINGS and RM.SYSTEM_SETTINGS VARA objects are case sensitive. Make sure to define them in uppercase if you create them manually.

Folder Location

The RM.SYSTEM_SETTINGS (only in client 0) and RM.CLIENT_SETTINGS VARA objects are located in the <No Folder> folder of the Process Assembly Explorer.

Important! This page shows the list of settings that can be configured in the VARA objects. Note that not all these settings are defined in the VARA object templates located in the installation bundle (Automic\Release.Manager\AE).
