Working with Packs and Plug-ins

As an Administrator, you can install Packs and Plug-ins to enhance the CDA functionality and allow integrations with third-party products. Packs and Plug-ins that are integrated into AWI can be managed from the user interface (by using the Plugin Manager plug-in) or via the Package Manager CLI. To know how to manage CDA plug-ins for third-party products, see Working with CDA Plug-ins for Third-Party Products.

Important! From version 12.3, Action Packs can be imported and exported in two different formats: .xml (old, compatible with former versions of CDA) and .json (new, compatible with v12.3 and higher). You can define which format to use in the PACKS_COMPATIBILITY_MODE parameter of the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS (Plugin Manager) or by adding the corresponding option in the apm download command (Package Manager).

For more information, see:

Graphic depicting dependencies of Action Builder, Package Manager, Plugin Manager, content artifacts, and Marketplace

This page includes the following:

Viewing Packs

To View Packs (GUI)

Packs can be accessed:


To View Packs (CLI)

  1. Update the Package Manager index to fetch new and edited packs from the local repository:

    apm update

  2. Search for a Pack in the local repository:

    apm search [<any part of package name>]


    apm search Siebel


    • If [<any part of package name>] is not specified, all available packages are displayed.
    • To get a full list of installed Packs, enter the following command: apm list

Viewing the Release Notes of a Pack

A short description of the release notes of a Pack (new features, bug fixes and know issues) is displayed in the Details panel of the Packs view (Administration perspective) after selecting a Pack. This information helps you decide if you want to install the latest version of a Pack.


Note: Visit to read the full description of the release notes.

Installing Packs


To Download and Install a Pack from the Marketplace (GUI)

Important! This method can only be used to install Packs that are available in the GIT index.

  1. Open the Administration perspective.
  2. Select the Packs tab.
  3. Select one or more Packs from the list.
  4. Click the Install button in the toolbar. The Packs are downloaded from
  5. Select the Ignore dependencies checkbox if you want to ignore possible dependencies to other Packs.

To Install a Pack from a File (GUI)

  1. Download the Pack you want to install from and save it to a local folder.

    Note: To find the Action Packs on the Marketplace, search for their descriptive names (for example: Json Action Pack).

  2. Open the Administration perspective in AWI.
  3. Select the Packs tab.
  4. Click the Install from File button in the toolbar.
  5. Click the Upload button, navigate to the location where you have downloaded the Pack (.zip file), and follow the wizard instructions.
  6. Select the Ignore dependencies checkbox if you want to ignore possible dependencies to other Packs.

After the installation is complete, the new Action Pack can be found in the PACKAGES folder of the Process Assembly perspective.

Some Packs may contain AWI plug-ins, which are installed together with the Pack. To check if the Plug-in has been registered correctly, log out and log back into AWI, select the arrow in the user and session information area (top-right corner) and select About

About section in the Web interface showing plugin is installed

For more information, see Logging In and Out.


To Install a Pack (CLI)

Use this command to install a Pack from your local file system to a target AE client.

Use the following command to install a Pack:

apm install [option] <pack name>

Alternatively, you can install a Pack from a file:

apm install --from-file <path to the pack archive or directory>

Where [option] can be one of the following:



Single Pack installation:

apm install --from-file C:\

Multiple Pack installation:

apm install PCK.AUTOMIC_HTTP PCK.AUTOMIC_FTP -H automicdev -S AUTOMIC -p 1234 -c 123

Important! The installation of a Pack may be restricted to a limited number of clients. You can use the option -c <number> to change the target client of the installation or enter the following command to bypass the client check: --ignore-client-restriction.

Application Pack Installation

After installing an Application Pack, the new Application and its related entities are available in the Release Automation perspective.


To Upload a Pack (CLI)

Upload Packs from the working directory to the Automation Engine client.

Important! A package.yml file must exist in the current working directory. If the file does not exist, call the following command to create it: apm init <pack_name>

apm upload [option]

Where [option] can be one of the following:

Upgrading Packs

To Upgrade a Pack (GUI)

Important! This method can only be used to upgrade Packs that are available in the GIT index.

Tip: Use the Upgrades option in the Version filter to show the Packs for which an upgrade is available.

  1. Open the Administration perspective.
  2. Select the Packs tab.
  3. Select one or more Packs from the list.
  4. Click the Upgrade button in the toolbar. The latest version is downloaded from
  5. Select the Ignore dependencies checkbox if you want to ignore possible dependencies to other Packs.
  6. Click Upgrade.


To Upgrade a Pack (CLI)

Use the following commands to upgrade Packs:

Command for updating the Pack index (to be run only once):

Important! Upgrading a Pack may be restricted to a reduced number of clients. You can use the option -c <number> to change the target client of the upgrade or enter the following command to bypass the client check: --ignore-client-restriction.


Creating Packs

The following should be defined before creating an Action Pack:

The following graphic depicts the typical workflow when creating an Action Pack:

Graphic depicting typical workflow when creating action packs

To Create a Pack (GUI)

  1. In the Process Assembly perspective, click the Packs tab in the sidebar.
  2. Select Add Action Pack. The New Action Pack dialog is displayed.
  3. Enter a title for the Action Pack. The name for the Action Pack is suggested automatically and consists of the following parts:
  4. Select Add Action Pack.


To Build a Pack (CLI)

Use this command to build a Pack in the AE and make it transferable to other systems.

apm build [option] <package_name>


apm build PCK.AUTOMIC_SHARED -o tar -d /home/deploy/pmRepo -bm xml

Where [option] can be one of the following:

Important! This command overrides the setting defined in PACKS_COMPATIBILITY_MODE.

Creating Application Packs


To Create Application Packs (GUI)

  1. Go to the Release Automation perspective.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Right-click an Application and select one of the following options:
      • Add to Application Pack

        Click it to create an Application Pack.

      • Application Pack > Save

        If a Pack for this Application already exists, this option is shown instead. Click it to update the information that is contained in the Pack.

    • Double-click an Application to open it and click the Properties tab.

      Click the Application Pack drop-down in the toolbar and select Save.

  3. Enter a new title (name) for the Application Pack or edit the existing one:

    • The recommended naming convention is PCK.APP.[Application Pack Name]
    • Name/Title fields can contain up to 255 characters
    • The name must be unique and may only contain alphanumeric characters, ".", "-", "_", "@", "$", "#"
    • Special characters and space characters are not supported. They are replaced by underscores.
  4. Enter a new version number or leave the default value.


    • If the default value remains unchanged, saving your changes creates a new minor version of the Pack.
    • For manually defined versions, only semantic versioning is supported. Example: 1.0.0+HF.1
  5. Click Add/Save.
    • If the Application uses objects that are stored outside the Application folder or that are not related to any Action Pack, you are prompted to confirm the creation of the Application Pack without the objects. Alternatively, you can cancel the creation process, add the objects to the Application folder, and start again.
    • The new Application Pack is created in the PACKAGES folder of the Process Assembly perspective


Creating Template Action Packs for Component Workflows

Templates for component workflows can be easily distributed and installed on different CDA systems by using CA Automic Package Manager.

Note: The Action Builder must be installed and configured.

To Create a Template Action Pack for Component Workflows (GUI)

  1. Create the Action Pack structure:
    1. Go to the Process Assembly perspective and click the Packs accordion tab in the sidebar.
    2. Click Add Action Pack. The New Action Pack window is displayed.
    3. Enter a title for the Action Pack (for example: Component Workflow Template). The name for the Action Pack is suggested automatically.

      Image displaying New Action Pack dialog

    4. Click Add Action Pack.
  2. Clean up and define the Action Pack metadata:
    1. Switch to the Explorer.
    2. Navigate to the Action Pack, which is located in the PACKAGES sub-folder.
    3. Delete the following folders:
      • ACTIONS
      • RESOURCES and its subfolders.
      • SOURCE (this folder should only be deleted if not needed. The sub-workflows (SOURCE/SHARED/JOBP) and PrompSets (SOURCE/SHARED/PROMPTSETS) are stored here).
    4. Delete the VARA object that is located in the CONFIG folder (for example: PCK_CUSTOM_COMPONENT_WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE.PUB.PROMPT_EXTERNAL.MAP).
    5. Add a new XML VARA object:
      1. Click Add Object.
      3. Optionally, enter a title.
      4. Click Rename.
      5. Click Add Key to create a key and name it Interface.

      6. Click the new key and add the following XML-structure to list the Workflow Templates with the corresponding settings for the component custom type:






        For example:


    6. Go to the Action Pack main folder (for example: PCK.CUSTOM_COMPONENT_WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE).
    7. Open the metadata VARA object (for example: PCK.CUSTOM_COMPONENT_WORKFLOW_TEMPLATE.PUB.VAR.METADATA) and redefine the files if needed.
      1.  In the Dependencies row, enter any dependent Action Pack. (An Action Pack depends on another if Actions of this Action Pack are used inside the Template workflow).
      2. Optionally, enter a description for the Action Pack.
    8. Open the DOCUMENTATION folder and double-click the PUB.DOC DOCU object.

    9. Click the Documentation accordion tab and enter any general information that may be helpful to use the Action Pack.

    10. Back to the DOCUMENTATION folder, open the PUB.LICENSES DOCU object and enter any relevant information related to licensing (for example: this Action Pack may not be modified).
  3. Create template workflows:
    1. Open the TEMPLATES folder.
    2. Click Add Object.
    3. Unfold the Workflow (_FLOWS) object and select COMPONENT_FLOW Workflow.
    4. Click Add Object. The Rename Object dialog is displayed.
    5. Enter the same names as the ones specified in the XML VARA object and set the title accordingly.
    6. Use the Process Assembly to design the template workflows by dragging and dropping the desired Actions into the workflow and setting the parameters.

      Note: A copy of an existing component workflow can be used as a starting point to design a workflow template.

      Important! The keys that are specified in the interface-XML must follow the previously mentioned structure. Workflow names must follow the naming conventions too.

  4. Export the Action Pack (see Exporting Packs)

    This Action Pack can be used to install the created workflow template into another CDA systems.

    Note: Templates can only be used in the same AE/ARA-System where the Action Pack was created if they are installed via the Package Manager.

Configuring Sync Interval of Application Packs

The new Application and its related entities will be available in the Release Automation perspective after installing an Application Pack.

The synchronization interval between the Application Pack installed in the Automation Engine and the CDA system can be configured in the Application section of the customer.config file (Automic\Release.Manager\WebUI\customer.config). See: Configuring the Web Application - Customer.Config.

Exporting Packs

Packs can be exported in the Process Assembly perspective to be reused in another client or system.


To Export an Action Pack (GUI)

  1. On the Packs page of the Process Assembly perspective, right-click the relevant Action Pack and select Export.

  2. On the Export Pack window, select Export to validate and build the Pack automatically.

  3. Select Download to download the Pack and select a destination.

A semantic check is performed before exporting the Action Pack, thus ensuring that the Actions are defined correctly. The following properties are checked:

Tip: Do not export Action Packs with a hard-coded Agent/Login set.

Note: You can configure the export method in the PACKS_COMPATIBILITY_MODE parameter of the UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS (see:UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - Various Client Settings).

To Export an Application Pack (GUI)

Applications that have already been added to an Application Pack can be exported.

To Download a Pack (CLI)

Use this command to download Packs from the Automation Engine client to the working directory.

Important! A package.yml file must exist in the current working directory. If the file does not exist, call the following command to create it: apm init <pack_name>

apm download [option]

Where [option] can be one of the following:

Cloning Packs

The cloning functionality of the Action Builder allows you to save time when creating Packs which are similar to existing ones.


Note: Cloning an Action Pack results in all Actions and objects that directly belong to it (Includes, Prompsets, Workflows) to be copied.

To Clone Packs

  1. On the Packs page of the Process Assembly perspective, right-click the relevant Action Pack and select Clone.

  2. (Optional) Change the title for the cloned Action Pack.

    Tip: Enter a descriptive name. The title helps you and others to identify better the purpose of the Action Pack.

  3. Enter a Name. A prefix is automatically added by the system to adhere to the Action Pack naming conventions.

    Note: Prefixes can be configured via the action.builder file.

The cloned Action Pack is displayed on the list.

Deleting Packs

To Delete a Pack (GUI)

  1. On the Packs page of the Administration perspective, select the Pack that you want to remove. To select multiple Packs, hold the Ctrl key.
  2. Click the Remove button in the toolbar.
  3. Select the Ignore dependencies checkbox if you want to ignore possible dependencies to other Packs.
  4. Click Yes


To Delete a Pack (CLI)

Use the following commands to remove Packs:

Note: Deleting an Application Pack does not remove the imported Application, its Components, or definitions from the system.

Where [option] can be one of the following:

Getting Help and Further Commands (CLI)

For more details on sub-commands, options and syntax, refer to the built-in help.

Command Structure

The APM CLI uses a multipart structure. Each command consists of:

All APM commands have the following syntax:

apm <command> [option] [<arguments>]


Passwords can be specified with the following commands: -pw or --password.

Important! The values are not displayed in the command line while typing.

Common Options

The following options are available for all APM commands:

Common Options for Automation Engine Connection Commands

Get Help for a Command

For details on commands, call apm <command> -h or apm <command> --help.

Find More Commands

For a list of available commands, call apm -h or apm --help.

Analyze and Display Current Environment Issues

apm doctor check

Fix Current Environment Issues Detected by the Doctor Check Command

apm doctor fix

Note: Extended Packs: run this command if you want to scan for and update missing hooks and VARA objects of base Packs.

Display Pack Content

apm show [option] <pack_name>

Where [option] can be one of the following:

Working with CDA Plug-ins for Third-Party Products

You can download the CDA plug-ins from:

Refer to the CDA Plug-ins for Third-Party Products section for more information about how to install and manage the CDA plug-ins.

See also: