Rolling Back a Failed Provisioning Process

CDA can be automatically rolled back to its original state in case the provisioning process fails. That means that all CDA entities (for example, Stacks, Deployment Targets) and the physical resources (for example, virtual machines) created so far during the process are removed.

Important! The actions that you can perform depend on your folder permissions. See: Assigning Release Automation Permissions.

The table below describes the tasks performed during the provisioning process and their corresponding rollback actions:

Order Task Possible Errors Rollback
1 Create Environment   Remove Environment
2 Create Deployment Tasks   Remove parent Environment + all children Deployment Targets
3 Assign Deployment Targets to the Environment   Remove parent Environment + all children Deployment Targets
4 Create Stack   Trigger "Delete Stack" on all Stacks provisioned so far during the provisioning process.
5 Clone Virtual Machine from the Stack Template
  • no connection
  • missing VM template

Trigger the "Delete Stack" action on all Stacks provisioned so far during the provisioning process.

Note: This action also removes the agent object from the Automation Engine

6 Agent rollout
  • wrong user/pwd to access the VM
  • no write permissions on the target
7 Service Manager rollout
  • wrong user/pwd to access the VM
  • no write permissions on the target
8 Agent start -> AE (registration)
  • no connection to the AE

To Roll Back a Failed Provisioning Process

  1. Open the Release Automation perspective.
  2. Navigate to Provisioning > Blueprints.
  3. Select a Blueprint.
  4. Select the Rollback on Failure checkbox displayed in the General panel of the sidebar.

If the provisioning process fails, all entities created so far are automatically removed.