CDA 12.2 Release Highlights

Release Notes

Visit to get lists of new features, fixed bugs, and known issues.

Checking Application, Platform and Database Compatibility

Visit Automic Compatibility Matrix and select the Product, Component, Sub-Component, and Version to check which applications, platforms, and databases are compatible.

Release Policy

It is recommendable to install always the latest Service Pack or Hotfix. Both contain valuable corrections and bug fixes between Major and Minor Releases, where new features and enhancements are introduced.

The software version information consists of the following identifiers, as shown in this example:

12.2.1 HF 1


License Key Checks

The requirement for a License Key based on customer contracted entitlement was removed from the products in V12.2.2.

This was for a number of reasons:


The Telemetry capability was added into the solution in V12.2.2. This enables information about product usage to be sent to CA Technologies, a Broadcom Company (CA).

Telemetry does not collect Personal Identifiable Information (PII) that could identify components (Servers, Network addresses etc) .

The information is restricted to the following:

Automic Workload Automation

Continuous Delivery Automation

Automic Service Orchestration

For more information, see Telemetry.

Continuous Delivery Automation

View our short introductory video on what is new:

Analytics and Reporting on External Data

Event Engine

DCS (Data Service Collection)