CONS Events

As a developer and object designer you define CONS (Console) Events to monitor the content of the messages, message queues, etc. returned by the console (the target system). For example, they check with a specific frequency and, optionally, at certain dates or times, whether a particular string of characters is present in the messages. If the conditions you define on the Event Process page are met, the CONS Event triggers the actions that you define on its Event Process page. These actions are usually the execution of further objects. CONS Events are in Sleeping status as long as the frequency and time conditions are not met and change to Checking when they are.

You can use the following functions of the Automation Engine scripting language to retrieve relevant data for the Event object:

This page includes the following:

Monitored Agents

Console event objects monitor the output and messages returned by the following Agents:

The script statements and functions that are specified in the Event Process page are executed if conditions such as the Event ID or message filter apply.

Message filter specifications must always start with a wildcard character.

Defining CONSOLE Events

Define the properties of the Console Event on two pages:

Console Event Section

The Agent and Agent Type combo boxers are common to all Agents.

  1. In Agent do one of the following:

    • Select an entry from the list.
    • Click the folder icon to open the Select Agent dialog and search for the one you need.
    • Either type the name of the Agent or enter a variable that retrieves it name and select the appropriate Agent Type.

      Use this option if the Agent is not assigned to the current Client but to Client 0 and is therefore not listed here.

    For the first two options, the Agent Type is automatically selected and cannot be edited.

    Depending on the Agent you have selected, the rest of the fields in this section vary.

  2. In the Events table you define the conditions that the monitored console output should meet for the actions in the Event Process page to be triggered. See the Event Conditions below for details. You can use the following wildcard characters:

    • * (any number of characters)
    • ? (one specific character)

Specify the conditions:

Time Parameters Section

In Frequency you specify how often the event object should be activated:

Time and Date Conditions Section

These conditions are always checked. An event will only be triggered in one of the following cases:

The Time Zone assigned to the event is considered as well. This means that activating an event and specifying a logical time does not make sense.

See Tables On Pages.

Next Steps

See also: