Installing the ServiceManager

The following steps will help you install the Automation Engine, the ServiceManager, JWP and the JCP. Also, it will guide you through setting up a distributed server environment.

Important! Information security services, such as the TLS implementation of the ServiceManager, require features provided by the CAPKI (Public Key Infrastructure) package. You need to install CAPKI on all computers in which the Automation Engine processes or the ServiceManager and any of its clients will run.

More information:


To Install the ServiceManager on Windows

Server computer or host computer.

  1. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package.

    This installation step can be omitted if the required version of the package is already installed. Refer to Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs to see if the package is installed , and if so, which version.

    • Host (32 bit): install the package from the IMAGE:CRTS\WINDOWS\X86 directory.
    • Host (64 bit): install the package from the IMAGE:CRTS\WINDOWS\X64 or IMAGE:CRTS\WINDOWS\IA64 directory.
  2. Install the ServiceManager.

    • Host (32 bit)
      1. Start the program SETUP.EXE in the corresponding subdirectory of IMAGE:SERVICEMANAGER\WINDOWS\X86.
      2. Adjust the INI file UCYBSMGR.INI to your system environment.
      3. Adjust the definitions file (SMD file).
    • Host (64 bit)
      1. Start the program SETUP.EXE in the corresponding subdirectory of IMAGE:SERVICEMANAGER\WINDOWS\X64 or IMAGE:SERVICEMANAGER\WINDOWS\IA64.
      2. Adjust the INI file UCYBSMGR.INI to your system environment, see Service Manager Service.
      3. Adjust the definitions file (SMD file), see Setting Up an SMD File.
  3. Install the Dialog and Command Line Programs of the ServiceManager.

    • Host (32 bit)
      1. Start the program SETUP.EXE in the corresponding subdirectory of IMAGE:SERVICEMANAGERDIALOG\WINDOWS\X86.
      2. Adjust the INI file UCYBSMDI.INI according to your system environment, see Service Manager Dialog.
      3. These programs can also be installed on computers where no ServiceManager runs, which enables the ServiceManager to be operated from these computers.
    • Host (64 bit)
      1. Start the program SETUP.EXE in the corresponding subdirectory of IMAGE:SERVICEMANAGERDIALOG\WINDOWS\X64 or IMAGE:SERVICEMANAGERDIALOG\WINDOWS\IA64.
      2. Adjust the INI file UCYBSMDI.INI according to your system environment, see Service Manager Dialog.
      3. These programs can also be installed on computers where no ServiceManager runs, thereby facilitating that the ServiceManager can be operated from these computers.
  4. Install the ServiceManager as a service.

    1. Open an MS DOS window
    2. Start the program UCYBSMGR.EXE using the command:

      UCYBSMGR[.EXE] -install Phrase [-iPath and name of the INI file]

      The ServiceManager is entered in Windows as a service. You can use a string of your choice as the phrase.

    3. Verify in the Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services that the service is correctly entered. The name displayed here is structured  - as follows: "UC4.ServiceManager [Phrase]".
    4. Set the start type to "Automatic" if needed.
    5. The phrase name is "UC4" by default. If you choose to use a different term, you must adjust the following section in the INI file UCYBSMGR.INI:

      [Destination Phrase]
      deffile=Path to the SMD file
      cmdfile=Path to the SMC file


      [Destination UC4PROD]

    The ServiceManager can be installed as a service multiple times. This means that different ServiceManager environments can be created; one that serves as a test system and one that serves as a production system, for example. If several of these services are used, they are distinguished by the ServiceManager environment name (default name: UC4).

    Note: The ServiceManager service must be started under a Windows user with administrator rights because the ServiceManager can be used to start components that can start processes for various different users.

  5. Start services using the ServiceManager.

    Important! Make sure that the ODBC data source is set up as a system DSN (Data Source Name) so that the Automation Engines (program UCSRVCP.EXE and UCSRVWP.EXE) are executable as a service.

    The ODBC data source is configured in the UCSrv.INI file.

    1. Start the dialog program of the ServiceManager.
    2. Select the computer and the ServiceManager environment (phrase).
    3. All provided services are displayed (status "stopped").
    4. Right-click to start the service or to change a particular service's properties (such as starting automatically when the system starts or delaying its start).

Potential Problems

Further information can be obtained from the ServiceManager's log file (default name of the latest file: SMgr_LOGG_00.txt), which is found in the TEMP folder and which contains detailed information on all procedures.

To Uninstall the ServiceManager on Windows

In some cases it is necessary to uninstall a specific ServiceManager environment (Phrase).

  1. Open an MS DOS window.
  2. Start the program UCYBSMGR.EXE with the following command:

    UCYBSMGR -remove Phrase

    Example: UCYBSMGR -remove AE

    This command uninstalls the ServiceManager environment as a service under Windows.

  3. Check the Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services in order to verify that the service has been removed.


Note: Because the ServiceManager for UNIX is available for different platforms, a three-figure code has been supplied for each supported UNIX platform. In this document, the specific code is replaced with the characters "???."

To Install the ServiceManager on UNIX

  1. Transfer the tar file to the Host and set up the system environment. (Host)

    1. Log on using the user ID AE.

    2. Transfer the TAR file ucsmgr??.tar.gz to a directory (such as smgr) via FTP. Do not install the ServiceManager in the directory of a different application, such as an Agent.

    3. Navigate to the ServiceManager directory:cd servicemanager

    4. Unpack the tar file:
      gzip -d ucsmgr???.tar.gz
      or gunzip ucsmgr???.tar.gz
      tar xvfo ucsmgr???.tar

    5. The files will appear in their corresponding directories. The tar file can be deleted after unpacking.

    6. Important! Be sure to note any tar messages (which can be called up by various users) and verify that all files have been correctly unpacked.

    7. Verify that all files have the correct owner and group entries. AE must be the owner. The group must correspond to the identification AE. Modifications can only be made by a privileged user, such as root.

      • chown UC4 * changes the owner of all files to AE

      • chgrpGroup name * changes user group for all files.

    8. Rename the supplied INI file ucybsmgr.ori.ini to ucybsmgr.ini.

    9. Rename the supplied file uc4.ori.smd to uc4.smd

      , see Setting Up an SMD File.

    10. Adjust the INI file to the system environment, see Service Manager Service.

    11. Set the variable:

      AIX: export LIBPATH=Path of the system library directory

      HP-UX: export SHLIB_PATH=Path of the system library directory

      Solaris, Linux, zLinux: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=Path of the system library directory

  2. Start and stop services with the ServiceManager. (Host)

    Start the ServiceManager:

    nohup ./ucybsmgr [-iPath and Name of the INI file] Phrase > /dev/null 2>&1 &

    The phrase is a ServiceManager environment.

Next step: