Monitored Areas

The following areas are logged and can be stored in Revision Reports either completely or sorted by categories.

Creating and Renaming Objects

The creation and renaming of objects are logged.

Moving Objects

Source and target folder are recorded when objects are moved.

Imported and Transported Objects

Import time and transportation time are stored. Contents of the XML and transport files are not written to the Revision Report.

Task Starts and Restarts

The start time (i.e. the activation time) is stored.

Modifications at Runtime

Modifications at runtime are logged. This includes modifications made via monitors or concerning states. In the case of JCL modifications, the JCL is not written to the revision report. It can be viewed in the object report.

Task Abortion

Aborted tasks are registered.

Deleted or Restored Objects

Deletion and restoring processes of objects are recorded.

Object Modifications

Changes of object definitions are logged (e.g. modifications of priority, start type etc.).

The Revision Report informs about changes. You can also view the new and old values. The particular part of the object's XML structure which contains the modified attribute is output for this purpose.

Accesses of Any Kind

Accesses to objects and folders are recorded. This includes successful accesses and access violations which occurred due to restricted AE authorizations.

Note that accesses made to AE can only be logged if the entries SECURITY_AUDIT_FAILURE and SECURITY_AUDIT_SUCCESS are activated in the variable UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS.

User Login/Logoff

Times of individual user logins and logoffs are also logged.

Note that manual modifications as well as modifications made via scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. elements are logged (exemption: see "Object modifications").

See also:

Revision Report
Structure of XML Files for Imports and Exports