UC_CLIENT_SETTINGS - Various Client Settings

Some settings that are stored in the variables can differ from clientEnvironnement indépendant pour la création et l'exécution d'objets dans un système AE. Le nom d'un client est un nombre de quatre chiffres à saisir lors de la connexion d'un utilisateur au système AE. Les utilisateurs et leurs droits y sont aussi définis.Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. to client. They regulate the system's behavior when a Automation EngineCe composant commande un système Automation Engine. Il se compose de plusieurs processus serveur. starts, or the authorization system's access control management, they determine the maximum life-span of user passwords, or log the system status.

The same settings are also available in the Client object and can be edited here.



Restart required


The indication of specific characters that are allowed to be used in the alias names of workflow"Permet d'ajouter, regrouper, associer, caractériser ou supprimer les tâches d'un workflow. Egalement un type d'objet propre à Automation Engine. [Anciennement appelé ""chaîne de traitement"" et ""chaîne de job"".]" tasks.

Default value: -#

Blanks are ignored.


The alias name of workflow tasks which can be set in the properties (General tab) is limited to specific characters. To allow characters in the alias names that are usually not available (such as "-"), you can make use of this setting.

All the characters that should be allowed must be entered in a row, blanks will be ignored. The order of the individual characters is irrelevant.

For example: To allow the characters "-", ":" and "+", you must specify the value in the format -:+.


The QueueDéfinit le nombre maximal de Tâches exécutées en parallèle, leur priorité et l'ordre des objets à exécuter.Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. object that is used to execute CallAPIInterface de programmation pouvant être exécutée en direct ou à partir d'un autre programme, afin d'exécuter un Script dans le système AE. scripts.

Default value: "CLIENT_QUEUE"

No In the Automation Engine, all tasks start in a Queue object. This also includes the execution of CallAPI scripts. By default, the Client Queue (CLIENT_QUEUE) is used for CallAPIs. This key can be used to specify a particular Queue object.

Full URL (including protocol and port) of an Automic Release Automation"Automic Release Automation (ARA) est une solution de bout en bout qui coordonne et automatise les processus logiciels, ainsi que le déploiement des applications pour des environnements de serveurs à grande échelle, en couvrant tous les cas d''utilisation mentionnés. [auparavant désigné ""Application Release Automation"", ""Release Manager"" et ""Deployment Manager""]" instance.

No Full URL of an Automic Release AutomationNom de la perspective AWI permettant de contrôler Automic Release Automation. (ARA) instance that contains both port and protocol (such as https). For example: http://devhost01.test.spoc.global:80/ARA
This setting is required if ARA workflows should be started via the Automation Engine.


The number of days that are included in the AutoForecast calculation.

Default value: "1"


The AutoForecast creates forecast data for activities that run in ScheduleDémarre des objets activables à intervalles périodiques. Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. objects and Event objects. Depending on the active Schedule and Event objects in the client, a forecast will be created for these objects for a previously defined number of days.


The beginning of the names of forecasts that are created by the AutoForecast.


The AutoForecast creates forecast data for activities that run in Schedule objects and Event objects. A prefix needs to be defined for these specific Forecast data so that they can be distinguished from individually-created Forecasts. The whole Forecast name consists of a prefix, the object's name, a date and must not exceed 200 characters.


The maximum number of days that is considered for calculating the next valid date based on calendar conditions.

Allowed values: "0 - 9999"
Default value: "14"


The maximum number of days that is considered when you calculate the next valid date using the scriptEgalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. element CALE_LOOK_AHEAD  can be specified in this variable on a client-wide basis. The default value is "14". Keep this value low if you specify individual values in order to avoid performance losses.


The notification that is activated if the advance expiration warning occurs.


When the Automation Engine starts and when a new day begins, the validity dates of all calendars are checked whether they expire within the defined number of days. The specified notification starts for each calendar whose validity date expires. The name of the calendar can be read in the script using the READ buffer as shown below:


No alert is sent for Calendar objects of the system client 0000, because you cannot activate objects in this client.


The number of days prior to a calendar's expiration date that triggers an advance warning.



The priority of the client.

Allowed values: "200" - "255"


You can specify a priority of AE's internal processing for each client. This includes that you can reduce the priority of a non-productive client compared to a productive client. The default setting is 200


"GO" - Automatic processing is active.
"STOP" - Automatic processing is stopped.


You can stop automatic processing and release it within a client. To change the system status, the user requires the relevant privilege in order to do so. Only the system itself can write to the variable.
DEACT_FAULT_OTHER Allowed values: "Y" or "N" (default) No

"Y[es]": If the tasks end with FAULT_OTHER, the deactivation options will not be considered. The task will be deactivated.

"N[o]": If tasks end with FAULT_OTHER, the deactivation options will be considered


Allowed values: Integers only.

Valid value range: [0,999999]


Deactivation time in minutes
(This value corresponds with the one in the "Time delay" field in the Attributes tab of the respective objects.)

If the following applies, no client-wide delay time will be considered:

  • Key is not set or
  • key has no value or
  • key has no valid value.

For certain executable objects, deactivation options can be set in two ways: By using this key or setting the corresponding value in the UserInterface field of the relevant object. This applies to WorkflowLes workflows sont utilisés pour effectuer des déploiements physiques. Un workflow décrit toutes les étapes nécessaires au déploiement de votre application. Votre application étant composée de différents éléments, le niveau le plus élevé du workflow (workflow d'application) représente l'architecture de votre application, et les workflows de composants sont utilisés pour déployer chacun des composants. Vous pouvez définir votre workflow de composants rapidement grâce à des actions prédéfinies. , Event (Console, Time, Database, File, Time), NotificationEnvoi de messages à un Utilisateur ou un Groupe Utilisateur unique du système AE. Egalement un type d'objet propre à l'Automation Engine. [Anciennement appelé "CallOperator".] (Alarm, Mail, Standard), Group, Script, JobTraitement sur un système cible. Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. and FileTransfer. Please refer to the respective object's parameter descriptions for detailed information.


The default number of hours in integer form to check for Process Monitoring filters in the AWIProduit Automic : interface Web, simple et claire, qui permet l'+char(39)+'accès aux différentes fonctionnalités d'+char(39)+'Automation Engine..

Default value: 12 hours

AWI The default number of hours to check for Process Monitoring filters in the AWI. This setting is overridden when a user selects a time frame. For more information, see Filtrer les tâches.

This activates the client's deployment functionality.

Allowed values: "Y" and "N" (default value)

"Y" - This activates the deployment functionalities.
"N" - This deactivates the deployment functionalities.

UserInterface If the client should be used for the Release Manager, you can use this setting in order to activate its deployment functions.

Note that you cannot use the system client 0000 as a deployment client.

When you activate this setting (Y), the Deployment tab becomes available in workflows and the General tab, which is available in the properties of workflow tasks, includes the option "Run per Patch" .


The refresh interval that can be specified for the task view in the Activity Window and monitors.

Default value: 3 seconds


If the properties of a task have changed (for example, start, status, end), the UserInterface receives a message from the Server and the Activity Window and monitor view can be refreshed. You can specify the interval in which messages should be sent to the UserInterface in this key. In doing so, messages are sent in blocks which has positive effects on the performance of your system. 

No message is sent to the UserInterface if tasks do not change during an interval.


Activation/deactivation of adaptive ERT calculation for the entire client.

Permitted values: "Y" (default value) or "N"

"Y" - Adaptive ERT calculation is active.
"N" - Deactivation of adaptive ERT calculation.


Settings for the adaptive calculation of the expected runtime (ERT).

The adaptive calculation can be activated/deactivated for the entire client using the ERT_ADAPTIVE setting. If the adaptive calculation is deactivated, the tasks that the dynamic ERT method "Adaptive" was defined for ( "Runtime" tab) use the alternative method (ERT_ADAPTIVE_FALLBACK_METHOD).

The setting ERT_ADAPTIVE_FALLBACK_METHOD defines the alternative ERT method to be used if either the JWP is not available (Java-based work process, takes over the adaptive ERT calculation), or if the overall calculation has been deactivated (ERT_ADAPTIVE="N").

With ERT_ADAPTIVE_DEFAULT_CONTEXT, you can define factors to be taken into account in the adaptive ERT calculation. You can also specify any object attributes; these must be separated by semicolons. The following factors are taken into account by default:


Information which should be taken into account in the adaptive ERT calculation.

You can also specify object attributes; these must be separated by semicolons (;) .



Alternative method for calculating the ERT if adaptive calculation is not possible.

Permitted values: "FIXED," "MAXIMUM," "AVERAGE," "LINEAR_REGRESSION" (default value)

"FIXED" - Static predefined value
"AVERAGE" - Dynamically determined average
"LINEAR_REGRESSION" - Dynamically based linear regression
"MAXIMUM" - Dynamically longest actual runtime.



The method to evaluate the estimated runtime (ERT).


"FIXED" - Static predefined value.
"AVERAGE" - Dynamically determined average.
"LINEAR_REGRESSION" - Dynamically based linear regression.
"MAXIMUM" - Dynamically longest actual runtime.
"ADAPTIVE" - Intelligent calculation of the ERT taking into account various factors and runtime parameters.

Default value: "LINEAR_REGRESSION"


By deactivating the estimated runtime (ERT) calculation, you can improve the performance of the Automation Engine. If it is deactivated (ERT_CALCULATION/BATCH), you can determine it subsequently for all objects in the database. Use the utility AE DB LoadPour réaliser différents objectifs, l'utilitaire DBLoad charge des données dans la base de données Automation Engine. in order to load the file UC_UPD_ESTIMATE_ERT.TXT. The duration for calculating the expected runtime depends on the number of objects that is involved.

The file UC_UPD_ESTIMATE_ERT.TXT contains a line at its end that calls the ERT calculation function. If you specify a client, ERT calculation takes place in this client, otherwise the whole system is included in the calculation.

For example:


All other validity keys that start with "ERT_" form the default values for calculating the expected runtime (ERT). You can adjust them in the Runtime tab of each object if needed.


The fixed value for the estimated runtime in seconds.

Three-digit value, default: "0"


By deactivating the estimated runtime (ERT) calculation, you can improve the performance of the Automation Engine. If it is deactivated (ERT_CALCULATION/BATCH), you can determine it subsequently for all objects in the database. Use the utility AE DB Load in order to load the file UC_UPD_ESTIMATE_ERT.TXT. The duration for calculating the expected runtime depends on the number of objects that is involved.

The file UC_UPD_ESTIMATE_ERT.TXT contains a line at its end that calls the ERT calculation function. If you specify a client, ERT calculation takes place in this client, otherwise the whole system is included in the calculation.

For example:


All other validity keys that start with "ERT_" form the default values for calculating the expected runtime (ERT). You can adjust them in the Runtime tab of each object if needed.


The number of calculated runs.

Two-digit value between "1" and "25", default: "20"


By deactivating the estimated runtime (ERT) calculation, you can improve the performance of the Automation Engine. If it is deactivated (ERT_CALCULATION/BATCH), you can determine it subsequently for all objects in the database. Use the utility AE DB Load in order to load the file UC_UPD_ESTIMATE_ERT.TXT. The duration for calculating the expected runtime depends on the number of objects that is involved.

The file UC_UPD_ESTIMATE_ERT.TXT contains a line at its end that calls the ERT calculation function. If you specify a client, ERT calculation takes place in this client, otherwise the whole system is included in the calculation.

For example:


All other validity keys that start with "ERT_" form the default values for calculating the expected runtime (ERT). You can adjust them in the Runtime tab of each object if needed.


The positive correction value in percent.

Three-digit value, default: "0"



The deviation in percent.

Three-digit value, default: "0"



The minimum number of runs that should be counted for deviation.

Two-figure value between "1" and "ERT_CHECK_COUNT", default value: "0"



The determination of the estimated runtime (ERT) by the Automation Engine.

Allowed value: BATCH, IMMEDIATE
Default: "IMMEDIATE"
"BATCH" = Determination of the estimated runtime (ERT) is inactive
"IMMEDIATE" = Determination of the estimated runtime is active



Creates extended task reports.

Allowed values: SCRIPT, JCL, HOST_JCL, OBJECT_ACCESS separated by commas.
"SCRIPT" = Log of the entire script.
"JCL" = Log of all job attributes and the generated JCL.
"HOST_JCL" = JCL is taken from the target host (platform-specific).
"OBJECT_ACCESS" = Log of access to objects.


You can use this entry in order to specify whether extended reports should be created in addition to standard reports, and which ones.


The starting day of the week.

Allowed values: 1 - 7
Default value: "2"

"1" - Sunday
"2" - Monday
"3" - Tuesday
"4" - Wednesday
"5" - Thursday
"6" - Friday
"7" - Saturday


The key FIRST_WEEK_METHOD can be used to define the first calendar week of a new year. By default, the week that includes at least 4 days of a new year is used as the first calendar week. You can also determine the starting day of a week using the entry  FIRST_DAY_OF_WEEK (default: Monday).

Note that the definitions that are made for the first calendar week influence the results of the script function WEEK_NR which retrieves the calendar week.


The definition of the week that is regarded the first calendar week of a year.

Allowed values: 1, 4, 7
Default value: "4"

"1" - The week that includes January 1st.
"4" - The first week that includes at least 4 day of the new year.
"7" - The first week that includes 7 days of the new year.

CP and WP processes


This is the setting for saving workflows.

Allowed values: YES, NO or ASK (default)

"YES" - The workflow will always be saved.
"NO" - The workflow cannot be saved because there are still tasks that have no predecessors and/or successors.
"ASK" - A query displays and asks whether the workflow should be saved.


The tasks of a workflow must be linked with lines in order to have them executed in the required order. You can define a predecessor and a successor for each task. You can set storage properties using the entry JOBP_SAVE_INCOMPLETE if some lines are missing. In this case, you can specify that the workflow should be stored (YES) or not (NO), or that it should only be stored after a request (ASK).

Forces authentication via Kerberos Distribution Center. (optional)

Allowed values: "Y[es]" or "N[o]"


The authentication via Kerberos is forced for all users of a client at once.
The advantage of this method is that User objects have not to be changed one by one.

If this parameter is set to "N" or is not set, the KDC_LOGIN_FORCED has no effect.


Allowed values: Integers only.

Valid value range: [1,50]

Default value: 10 rows

AWI Sets the maximum number of results to return from the AWI Search drop down.


The maximum number of UserInterfaces that can be logged on at the same time.

Allowed values: "1" to max. license count


For each client, you can specify the maximum number of UserInterfaces that can be connected to the AE system at the same time. If there is no entry, the system uses the value that is defined in the license.


The number of years that is considered in dynamic calendar calculation.

Allowed values: "1" to "5"
Default value: "1"


It is not required to specify a validity period if you create a calendar keyword. The days are automatically calculated on the basis of the determined date intervals. You can use these two keys to specify the number of years that should be calculated to the past and to the future.


The number of years that is considered in dynamic calendar calculation.

Allowed values: "1" to"10"
Default value: "6"



The logging for the revision report.

Allowed values: "Y" and "N" (default value)

"Y" - Logging for the revision report is made.
"N" - There is no logging.


This setting can be used to activate object logging and store the results in Revision Reports.

The time in minutes that the system waits for a task's PromptSet dialog to be confirmed.
The task aborts if this time is exceeded.

Default value: 0 (= unlimited)


These settings define the maximum waiting time for a task that includes PromptSets. Depending on the particular situation, the task aborts if this time is exceeded.

    Maximum time that the system waits until the user confirms a task's PromptSet input prompt. It is irrelevant whether the dialog includes one or several PromptSet objects. The task aborts if this time is exceeded. The time is reset when the input dialog is confirmed with "Done" (this is relevant for workflows, that display the PromptSet dialogs of several tasks in succession).
    If a PromptSet input mask cannot be displayed because the particular user has not logged on, the corresponding task switches to the waiting condition "Waiting for user input". In this case, the maximum waiting time is the time that has been determined in PROMPT_TIMEOUT. The task aborts if this time is exceeded.
    The PromptSet dialog is called if the user logs on again within this time period.

The task aborts if the graphical interface is closed although the PromptSet dialog is still open.


The time in minutes that the system waits for a user to log on in order to display a PromptSet dialog.
The task aborts if this time is exceeded.

Default value: 0 (= unlimited)



The life span of the user passwords in days.


Settings for user passwords:

MAX_PASSWORD_AGE used in the key "Freely selected" serves to define the maximum life span of user passwords. The value specifies the number of days (as an integer) that a password is valid. If 75% of the value's life span is over, users are informed that the password will soon expire when they log on. If the password has already expired, it must be changed the next time a user logs on. If there is no entry for this key (default value), the system does not check the expiration time.

Here you can limit the number of invalid login attempts. Users who exceed the specified value will be locked. Authorized persons can unlock affected users in the corresponding User object. By default, the number of invalid login attempts is not limited. The time delay until the message "Access denied" displays increases as of the third invalid attempt.

This setting specifies the default password for new users defined without a password. You might want to use this setting to specify a default password that complies with your configured password policy. If you specify a default password here, you must let new users know what it is so they can use it the first time they log into this client. When a password is specified here, users will use this password when logging into the client for the first time. They will then be prompted to change their password. If nothing is specified here, the default password for new users defined without a password will be "pass".

This setting defines the last n passwords that must not be used again. The new password must differ from these last n passwords. The Automation Engine stores all passwords and this key only determines the number of passwords that are compared with the new password.

All other keys that start with "PWD" define the criteria that a user password must meet.

If no value is specified for the above settings, the system searches for a default value in the variable UC_SYSTEM_SETTINGS. It uses the fixed default value if it does not include these PWD keys.


The number of invalid login attempts.



You can use this key to force the use of lowercase letters in user passwords.

Allowed values: "Y" and "N" (default value)



You can use this key to force the use of numbers in user passwords.

Allowed values: "Y" and "N" (default value)



You can use this key to force the use of special characters in user passwords.

Allowed values: "Y" and "N" (default value)



You can use this key to force the use of uppercase letters in user passwords.

Allowed values: "Y" and "N" (default value)


PWD_DEFAULT Specifies the default password for new users defined without a password. No


You can use this key to forbid user names in user passwords.

Allowed values: "Y" and "N" (default value)



The number of the last n passwords that must not be used again.

Allowed values: "1" - "99"
Default value: "0"

"0" signals that the password is not checked against older passwords



The maximum length of user passwords.

Allowed values: "0" - "32"
Default value: "32"



The minimum length of user passwords.

Allowed values: "0" - "32"
Default value: "0"



The search for object use in script.

Allowed values: "Y", "L" and "N" (default value)

"Y" - Search for objects used in scripts (with regular expressions).
"L" - Search for objects used in scripts (normal search without regular expressions).
"N" -  No search for object usage in scripts.


When deleting, renaming or manually searching the use of an object, AE checks if this object is used in other objects as well (for example, in Schedule objects). If so, you can have a list of all these objects displayed. With the specification of the key SEARCH_SCRIPT_FOR_USAGE and the values "Y" and "L", objects that are used in scripts (for example,  ACTIVATE_UC_OBJECT) are included in the search. There are different search types:

"Y" - The searched string is handled as a word that is enclosed in delimiters such as blanks, left and right parentheses, equals, commas, single quotations, double quotations, end of lines and script ends.

For example: Searching for MM only lists results in which this term is enclosed in the listed delimiters.

  • (MM)
  • =MM=
  • 'MM'
  • (MM,
  • =MM at the end of a line

Underscores are not delimiters. Searching for MM is not successful if you search for _MM_.

Note that this search specification is only supported for the MS SQL Server and Oracle version 10g and beyond.

Searching by using the option "Y" is more complex and takes longer.

"L" - The searched string must be somewhere in the script as otherwise, it is not displayed as a search result.

For example: Searching for MM lists results in which this term is included as a whole or partially.

  • MM

"L" search result are limited to 1000 entries for performance reasons.


The authorization system's access control management.

"HOST_ACCESS" - All the denied attempts to access a host will be logged.
,"LOGON" - All the denied login attempts will be logged.
"OBJECT_ACCESS" - The denied attempts to access an object will be logged.
"USER_PRIVILEGES" - All denied user privileges will be logged.


The authorization system's access trace function can be defined for each individual client. You can log authorized and/or denied accesses in the categories login, privilege, host access and object access. Single assignments to variable values must be separated by commas. Specify the variable values exactly as described (case sensitive). Single assignments to values are not case sensitive.

The access trace function can be reviewed in the System Overview (provided that the required privileges are assigned). Each access results in a security message that informs about the access time, user, access category, host and the actual access. Host information is only available if the user is logged on to the UserInterface. Usually, you cannot retrieve host information for tasks that are activated at runtime.

If an unknown user makes an attempt to log on to the system, the access denial is logged in client 0000 provided that the access trace function is activated in the variable of client 0000.


The authorization system's access control management.

"HOST_ACCESS" - Authorized host accesses will be logged.
"LOGON" - Authorized logins will be logged.
"OBJECT_ACCESS" - Authorized object accesses will be logged.
"USER_PRIVILEGES" - Authorized user privilege uses will be logged.



Key for setting the parameters Agent and LoginDonnées de connexion pour les systèmes cible. Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans l'Automation Engine. used in SEND_MAIL script functions client-wide.

Format: SEND_MAIL_DEFAULT = <agent object>,<login object>


(optional) This key sets the default values for the agent to be used to send emails and the Login object containing the desired login data for sending emails and attachments.

If the parameters Agent and Login are specified in individual SEND_MAIL script functions anywhere throughout the client, those script statement values will be overridden by this setting.

SMTP_FROM_ADDR The sender's email address. No These settings are part of the Automation Engine's E-mail connection. 

Using the Automation Engine's Email connection requires the keys SMTP_SERVER and SMTP_FROM_ADDR to be specified. All other settings are optional.


The name of the Login object that is used to log on to the SMTP Server.


The maximum size (in bytes) for the report file that is sent via email.

Default value: "8000"
Minimum value: "400"
Maximum value: "50000"

In the Notification page of the Notification object, you can enter the RunIDAbréviation du numéro d'identification unique. Il s'agit plus précisément d'un nombre qui identifie clairement l'exécution d'une Tâche. Le RunID peut comporter entre 7 et 10 caractères . Ils sont attribués par le composant Automation Engine. of a task whose reports should be included in the message. The setting SMTP_MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE limits the report-file sizes.

When the report file exceeds the maximum value,only the allowed size is read and sent. The file end includes the following note: "Truncated through SMTP_MAX_ATTACHMENT_SIZE limit".

This limitation does not affect files that are sent via email.

SMTP_REPLY_TO The email address for the response. No
SMTP_SERVER The name of the SMTP Server. No

The maximum time in seconds that the system waits for an SMTP Server to respond.

Allowed values: "0" - "999"
Default value: "20"



"STOP" - The system stops after the Automation Engine has started.
"WAIT x" - The system waits x seconds after the Automation Engine has started.


By using the entry STARTUP_ACTION in the scope "Freely selected", you can influence the behavior of the system after the Automation Engine has started. The client can either stop automatic processing when the Automation Engine starts or suspend it specified period of time. By default, automatic processing is immediately active when the Automation Engine has started.

Note that the parameter SystemStop=YES in the Automation Engine's INI file overrides the settings that have been made in STARTUP_ACTION.


The priority of tasks.

Allowed values: "1" - "255"


1 stands for the highest, 255 for the lowest priority. If 0 is selected for executable objects in the Attributes tab, the priority that is defined for the client in this entry is used. If no default priority is specified, or the variable is not available in the client, the priority is 200

Note that 0 is the highest possible task priority. It can only be specified here.


This key affects the list of object types that is shown when objects are created.

Allowed values: "Y" (default) and "N"

"Y" - The selection dialog shows all object types.
"N" - The selection dialog only lists the object types that can be created by the particular user.


The content of the selection dialog that is shown while an object is created depends on the following factors:

If value "N" has been specified, only the object types that can be created by the particular user (for example, the user has a "write" privilege) are listed.

If you specify "Y", the users can see all the object types but can only create objects for which they have write access. If a filter has been placed in the authorizations , this filter is compared to the name of the template when a new object is created.


Here you can specify the required behavior if VariableEnregistre ou fournit les valeurs dynamiques de l'exécution. Egalement un type d'objet distinct dans Automation Engine. objects cannot be found whose value should be used to replace placeholders in attributes at runtime.

Allowed values: "Y" (default value) and "N"
"Y" - An error occurs and processing aborts.
"N" - Processing continues. The value is assigned as specified and no replacement takes place.


In AE, you can insert values of Variable objects in the attributes of executable objects at runtime. As a placeholder, specify the variable name enclosed in { } brackets as and optionally the key and the column.

{ Variable object [, Key [, Column number ]] }

The placeholder is replaced by the corresponding value when the task is generated. The value of the result column (in dynamic variables) or the first Value column (in static variables) of the first entry (Key) is used if neither a column nor a key have been specified.

The setting VARA_ERROR_ON_REPLACEMENTcan be used in order to determine whether the task should be canceled if the specified variable cannot be found. If "N" is used (system settings) and the Variable object is not available, the attribute value including the invalid placeholder are assumed.


"Y" - The version control of objects is activated
"N" - No version control takes place (default setting)


The entry VERSION_MANAGEMENT can be used you determine whether the Version Management of objects should be activated. If so, the entry VERSION_MANAGEMENT_SUFFIX is also important. It is limited to 8 characters and is inserted in the name part of the object that has been duplicated for the Version Management. Entries that include more characters are truncated. Note that the same naming conventions apply for suffixes as for objects. Allowed are the characters: A-Z, 0-9, $, @, _, -, . If you use German Umlauts or do not enter a suffix, the default value "OLD" is used.


The part of the name that is inserted in objects that are created in the sequel of a Version Management.

Default value: "OLD"
Maximum 8 characters



Stores specific information about tasks that are in a waiting status because of a queue in the AE database.

Allowed values:
"QUEUE" - Logs information about the waiting condition of all the queue's tasks in the database.

This option is deactivated when you specify a different value or no value (=default value).


This setting is only relevant when you want to monitor the time slot of tasks relating to queues using the Automic product Predictive AnalyticsDeprecated Term. and / or Process AnalyticsProduit Automic. Outil d'analyse graphique : regroupe, pour chaque utilisateur d'un système AE, les données de simulation, d'activités et de statistiques dans un diagramme à barre et permet ainsi le calcul du chemin critique. Disponible dans le centre de téléchargement Automic. [Anciennement appelé "ClearView", "Graphical Workload Analyzer" ou "JobMonitoringStudio (JMS)".].

When you set the value "QUEUE", the details of all tasks that are in a waiting status because of a queue stop or a queue limit will be logged in the AE database.


Setting for completion acceleration of Workflows, which have the highest amount of already completed tasks.

Allowed values:
"NO" (default value) - No acceleration (same behavior as in previous versions)

"ABSOLUTE"- Tasks in Workflow structures with the highest amount of already completed tasks will be preferred in waiting states .


The execution order of tasks in waiting states such as 'Waiting for SYNC / .. Queue slot/ ...resource / ...end of parallel task /... is determined by two environmental conditions:
1. Automation Engine priority
2. FIFO (a first in - first out) mechanism.

With this key set to value "ABSOLUTE" an additional measure will be added, which prefers tasks in running workflows, depending on the absolute amount of already completed tasks in the parentUn objet peut être activé de différentes façons. L'initiateur de l'activation s'appelle Tâche de niveau supérieur (parent). (voir aussi Enfant, Enfants) workflow structure.
The execution order will then be determined by
1. Automation Engine priority
2. Task completion rate
3. FIFO mechanism.


External report analysis.

Allowed values: "Y" and "N" (default value)

"Y" - Report data of jobs and file transfers are logged.
"N" - Reports are not logged.


This key permits the activation of a particular logging that facilitates external report analyses of jobs and file transfers.

See also: