Automation Engine Usage Report Generator

Generates a json report containing a breakdown of all clients & agents


Easily Generate a JSON report of the Automation Engine usage, including:

  • List of all clients and their status, number of activities, users, etc.
  • List of all agents and their version, type, license info, permissions etc.
  • List of Queues
  • List of Quarantined items
  • List of Cache
  • List of Users connected
  • List of AE processes


-Unzip jar file

-Modify the connection.config appropriatly


-View available parameters for this binary:

java -jar SystemOverview_Show.jar -h

-View available connection parameters:

java -jar SystemOverview_Show.jar -help

-Run jar file with appropriate parameters:

java -jar UTIL_SystemOverview_Show.jar -C -D -L -W -all

ex: java -jar SystemOverview_Show.jar -L UC -W UC -D UC -all


  • this must execute in Client 0.
  • Connection parameters (-C, -D, -L, -W dont need to be passed as parameters if they are specified in the config file)

Generate a JSON report of the Automation Engine usage, including:

  • List of all clients and their status, number of activities, users, etc.
  • List of all agents and their version, type, license info, permissions etc.
  • List of Queues 
  • List of Quarantined items
  • List of Cache
  • List of Users connected
  • List of AE processes
No content available.
Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Please log in using your Broadcom account to download this plugin.
Products Workload Automation, Automic Automation
Operating Systems AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows
Last update 2016-12-01 13:25:11.0
Supported by
Community Source automation-engine-usage-report-generator

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