What does the Test Perform?
The performance test runs the same four database operations (INSERT / SELECT / ROLLBACK / SELECT) 1000 times and checks how
long it took to perform each operation.
These are the SQL's looped 1000 times.
Bind parameter used for insert:
Looks within a trace:
Test's logical flow:
The result is shown in the LogFile / StandardOut (if ucdbconntest is used). The same is shown every time a c-based CP/WP is
started or the hourly build-in check is executed:
U00003533 UCUDB: Check of data source finished: No errors. Performance CPU/DB: '100411155'/'2791 (1000/0.358228 s)'
The value is calculated with:
1000 / (EndTimeMain - StartTimeMain (0,358228)) = DbValue (2791)