Stopping, Starting, Restarting the AAI Server

At times, after AAI is installed and running, you, as an AAI administrator, need to stop the AAI application server for maintenance or troubleshooting, or to upgrade AAI or one of its major components. To safely stop and start, or restart the AAI application server, you need to stop, start or restart the service under which AAI runs.


When you install AAI, a operating system service that controls running the AAI server (JAWS) is created on the physical server that AAI is installed on.

This topic covers how you can best stop and start, or restart the AAI service safely so that no data is lost or corrupted and no processes are disrupted in an unrecoverable state during those actions.

For information about taking these actions on the Insight Reporting Server, see Stopping, Starting, Restarting the Reporting Server .

This page includes the following:

Stopping, Starting, Restarting the AAI Server on Linux

In the root directory where the AAI server is installed, you find the shell script:


This script contains commands related to starting and stopping the service that runs AAI. The command options are:

./ stop|stopsync|kill|startbg|startfg|restart|status|help

  • stop: Ask the JAWS process to shut down.

  • stopsync: Shutdown the JAWS process. Wait for shutdown and kill it, if needed.

  • kill: Kill the JAWS process, when stop does not work.

  • startbg: Start JAWS in background and create a nohup.out file that tracks the progress of the start process.

  • startfg: Start JAWS in the foreground.

    Important !

    Never use the startfg command in a production environment. However, it can be useful in a test environment to observe the start-up process.

  • restart: Stop JAWS process, then wait for process to complete, and finally start JAWS in the background.

  • status: Get the status of the JAWS server.

  • help: Display the help for the script.

Stopping the AAI server

To stop the AAI server application safely, stop the service that runs it.

  1. Go to the root directory where the AAI server is installed.

  2. Enter./ stopsync.

This shuts down the service gracefully because it initiates a 120-second countdown to allow time for any processes to complete before either stopping the service or killing the service if it does not stop on its own.

Starting the AAI Server

To start the AAI server application after you stopped it, start the service that runs it.

  1. Go to the root directory where the AAI server is installed.

  2. Enter./ startbg.

    The startbg command starts the AAI service in the background. In addition, the command creates a nohup.out file in the directory where you ran startbg. You can use the command tail -f nohup.out to view the output file and follow the progress of the start-up process.

Restarting the AAI server

To stop and restart the AAI server application safely, restart the service that runs it.

  1. Go to the root directory where the AAI server is installed.

  2. Enter./ status to verify that the main process of the AAI service has really stopped.

  3. Verify that the jboss process associated with the AAI service is down.

    1. Enter ps -eaf | grep jboss.

    2. Kill any active processes (PIDs) that are associated with jboss.

  4. Enter./ startbg to restart the AAI service in the background.

    The startbg command starts the AAI service in the background. In addition, the command creates a nohup.out file in the directory where you ran startbg. You can use the command tail -f nohup.out to view the output file and follow the progress of the start-up process.

Stopping, Starting, Restarting the AAI Server on Windows

When the AAI application server is installed on Windows, it runs under a Windows service. The safe way to start, stop or restart the AAI server is to use the Windows Services Manager to start, stop or restart the related service.

To stop, start or restart the AAI server application, take the related action on the Windows service that runs AAI.

  1. Open the Windows Services Manager in one of these ways:

    • In the Windows search box in the task bar, type services.msc and press ENTER.

    • Use the Run window:

      1. Right-click the Windows Start button on the task bar to open the WinX menu.

      2. Select Run.

      3. In the Run box that opens, type services.msc and press ENTER.

  2. On the list of services, right-click the service called Automation Analytics & Intelligence (JAWS on older versions) and then select Start, Stop, or Restart, as needed.

See also: