Saving Views on the Jobstream Runs Grid

what are saved views, saved views definition, saved views where,

When you filter and organize the list on the Jobstream Runs - Grid View page, you can save the configuration as a named view that you can call up any time without having to reconfigure the Grid View each time. These view are saved to your user ID and are available every time you log in. By saving several views with different filters and configurations, you can create a personalized catalog of views tailored to your needs. This helps make your daily monitoring more efficient, smooth, and consistent.

This topic describes how to create and manage your saved views on the Jobstream Runs - Grid View page.

This page includes the following:

Creating a Saved View

create saved views, ways to create saved view ,

You always create a new saved view of the Jobstream Runs - Grid View from an existing one using the Save a Copy button to the right of the name of the current view in the title bar.

When you make a copy, the new view starts out looking identical to the view you started from, with all its filters and column configurations at the time you created the copy. Therefore you can approach creating a new view in one of two ways, and you will find each helpful at different times:

  • You open a view that is close to what you want to create and save a copy of it. Then you change the filters and table configurations in the new view.

  • While working on a view, you make various changes to the filter settings and/or the column configurations, then decide it is worth saving as a new view. When you save a copy, the new view is already configured as you want. In this case, remember to return to the original view and use Revert View to undo all your changes and reset the filters and column configurations.

Either way, the steps for creating a new view are similar.

To create a new view

  1. On the Jobstream Runs - Grid View page, start at a view that you want to base your new view on.

    If it is not the current view, click the down arrow to the right of the name of the current view in the title bar to open a drop-down window listing all your saved views, click the name of the one you want to open.

  2. Click Save a Copy and in the Save as New View window, enter a name for the view and click Save.

    The new view opens. You see the new name in the title bar and the filter settings and column configurations just as they were set on the view that you copied.


    The previous view is kept just as it was when you copied it. When you open it again, any unsaved changes to the view will still be there, even if you open a view after logging out and back in again.

    If you had unsaved changes but want to use the view without those changes, you have to click Reset View after you open it.

  3. Define the filters that you want. For information, see Using Filters (Web Interface).

  4. Make changes to the table columns as you want. This can include showing/hiding columns, rearranging the order of the columns, resizing the column widths, and sorting the data by one or more columns. For information, see Working with Tables (Web Interface).

  5. Click Save in the title bar next to the name of the filter.

The Saved View Tools

saved views buttons, work with saved views,

The tools for the saved views are both on the title bar, where you see the name of the view in large, bold letters, and in the drop-down window that lists the saved views .

Buttons and Controls on the Save View Toolbar

The saved views toolbar is the left part of the title bar, next to the view name. It has the following buttons and controls on it:

  • Access to open the list of saved views

    Click the down-arrow to the right of the name of the view to open drop-down window listing all your saved views, from which you can choose a different view to open, or rename or delete a saved view.

  • Save

    The Save button is enabled as soon as you make any change, no matter how small (such as adjusting a column width) to the table configuration or the filters. Click it to save your changes to the current view. This button is always disabled on the Default View.

  • Save a Copy

    The Save a Copy button is always enabled. Click it to open the Save As New View window and create a new saved view based on the table configuration and filters on the view that you clicked the button on.

  • Reset View

    undo changes on saved view, reset saved view

    Reset View is enabled as soon as you make any change, no matter how small (such as adjusting a column width) to the table configuration or the filters. Click it to undo all changes and revert to the view to the way it was when it was last saved.

The filters toolbar is a standard tool on AAI pages and views. Here, on the Jobstream Runs - Grid View page, it also becomes a tool for defining saved views, because the filter settings are saved with the views. As with changes to the column configurations, as soon as you change a filter setting, the Save button and Reset View are enabled. When you click Reset View, the filters are reverted to the way they were defined when the view was last saved. To undo only the changes to the filter settings, click Reset Filter on the filters toolbar.

For information about working with the filters, see Using Filters (Web Interface).

Buttons and Controls in the Saved View Drop-down Window

When you click the down-arrow to the right of the name of the view in the title bar of the Jobstream Runs - Grid View page, a drop-down window opens with a list of all of your saved views. The window has three areas:

  • At the top of the list is search bar to help you find views when your list is long.

  • In the main part, under MY VIEWS is a list of all your saved views, which you can scroll through, if the list is long.

  • At the bottom of the list, under a separator line, is the Default View. This is always shown.


    If you have not yet created your own saved views, then nothing will be listed under MY VIEWS. Go back to the Default View and create a new view with Save a Copy. For information, see .Creating a Saved View

These are the actions you can take on a saved view in this window:

  • Open a view

    Click the name of a view to open it in the current tab page, replacing the view that you opened the window from.

    switching saved views, saved views changes when switching views, saved views at logout,

    When you switch from one saved view to another, any unsaved changes to the views retained. When you switch back to a view, the settings will be just as you left them. Even if you open a view after logging out and back in again.

Mouseover to the right of a view name and several buttons appear:

  • Rename

    Click the pencil button to rename the view. This is not available for the Default View.

  • Open view in a new tab

    Click the webpage button to open the view in a new browser tab.

  • Delete

    Click the trash bin to delete the view. This is not available for the Default View.

Renaming a Saved View

Especially as your catalog of saved views grows, you might want to rename some of your views to better reflect the key settings of the views, and to organize the list, which is always in alphabetical order. To change the name of one of your saved views, do the following:

  1. In the title bar, click the down arrow to the right of the name of the current view to open a drop-down window listing all your saved views.

  2. Find the view that you want to rename.

  3. Mouseover to the right of the view's name and from the buttons that appear, click the pencil button. The name opens in a box for editing.


    This option is not available for the Default View.

  4. Type the new name and press Enter.

    Press Esc to cancel renaming.

Deleting a Saved View

To keep your catalog of saved views clear of views you do not use or that are redundant, you can delete the unnecessary saved views. To delete a saved view, do the following:

  1. In the title bar, click the down arrow to the right of the name of the current view to open a drop-down window listing all your saved views.

  2. Find the view that you want to delete.

  3. Mouseover to the right of the view's name and from the buttons that appear, click the trash bin button.

    If you are trying to delete the view that you are currently on, a confirmation window appears, click Yes. The view is deleted, and the Default View opens. Otherwise, the view is deleted immediately.


    This option is not available for the Default View.

See also: