Job Details - Run History

{"URL":["/aai/web/v2/jobs/*/history"],"heroDescriptionIdentifier":"ice_description_JobDetails_History_Intro","customCards":[{"id":"ice_description_JobDetails_History","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Monitoring/monitoring_job_details_Run_hy.htm","title":"Job Run History Details"},{"id":"ice_researching_jobs","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/Monitoring/monitoring_Researching_Jobs.htm","title":"Researching Jobs"},{"id":"ice_description_search_for_jobs","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/_Common/CommonFunctions/CF_search_for_jobs_web_interface.htm","title":"Searching for Jobs"},{"id":"ice_using_filters","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/_Common/CommonFunctions/CF_Filters_web_interface.htm","title":"Using Filters"},{"id":"ice_description_Working_w_Tables","type":"customize","url":"*.*/AAI%20Guides/Content/_Common/CommonFunctions/CF_Working_with_Tables.htm","title":"Working with Tables"}]}

The Run History tab of a job's details contains a list of all the execution runs of the job within a selected date range. This includes any run that is currently executing. You can click any job run to open a panel with all details of the run. In the table that lists the job runs, you can select and arrange columns of run data as well as sort on data columns or filter the list to see only some kinds of runs. Use these options to get a meaningful overview of the job runs that help you identify patterns as well to recognize anomalies that can give you insight into the behavior of the job in its execution environment and help you identify possible flaws in the way the job or its related jobstreams are defined.

This page includes the following:

Job Run History Data

The Run History tab contains a table of execution data about every time the selected job ran during the time range that you define in the filter at the top left of the table.


Remember that, in some schedulers, jobs that run together to deliver a process can be grouped in a container job. For example, in AutoSys related jobs are often grouped into "box" jobs. In this case, when you look at the job history of the box job, you see statistics for the overall process. When you look at the job history of one of the individual jobs, you see the statistics related to its execution only.

For parentage information for a job, Job Details - Related Jobs and Jobstreams.

The following are the columns that you can see in the Job History table. Use the column selector at the top right of the table to select the columns that you want to show or hide.

  • Start Time

    When the job run started. For boxes or other group jobs, this is the start time of the first job.

  • End Time

    When the job run completed. For boxes or other group jobs, this is the end time of the last job.

  • Running Time

    When the job entered the Running status. Boxes or other group jobs do not have a Running Time value.

  • Duration

    The length of time that the job ran from start to finish.

  • Status

    For an in-progress job run, this is the current status of the job. For a completed job run, this is the final status of the job run.

  • Deviation from Average

    The deviation of the run time of selected job run from the absolute average of the run times of all executions of this job that are stored in the historical AAI database. On the Average Runs tab, you can see a summary of various averages of execution data for a job over time. You can also zoom in on running averages over specific time ranges. For more information, see Job Details - Average Runs.

  • Run Type

    This is a scheduler-specific execution type that is related to the scheduler-specific job type. You see the job type on the Basic Information tab. For information, see Job Details - Basic Information

  • Number of Retries

    The number of times that a job was restarted due to failures or other unusual conditions. The maximum number of allowed retries for a job is defined on its scheduler.

  • Exit Code

    The scheduler-specific exit code for the job run. Some schedulers call them "return codes." This code is valuable for debugging because it indicates whether the job ended successfully and, if not, why it failed.

  • External Run ID

    The unique identifier of the job run on its scheduler. This run identifier is important when you need to talk with the developers about specific job runs on their schedulers.

  • Machine

    The machine (agent) for the job run, whether the job execution has ended, is running or is predicted to run.

  • Built-In Delay

    This is any delay that is hard-coded into the schedule, such as a hard-coded start time. (These were previously called "system delays" in the Thick Client .)


    Although there might be exceptions, defining hard-coded job start times is not recommendable in a production environment because they can lead to inefficient gaps in processing time. Furthermore, some time after the job was originally defined, this kind of hard-coding can lead to semantic errors in your job processes. Problems like a reference to a deprecated calendar, a deleted job or other missing object that goes undetected.

    Rather than specifying hard start times, you should define start times based on direct dependencies on predecessors.

  • Finish-to-Start Delay

    The time that passed after the job's last predecessor finished and before the current job started. High finish-to-start delays indicate scheduler inefficiencies because there is too much wait time that could be used in processing time. You might want to redistribute the workload on your agents. See also, The Processing Load Data Insight.

    The finish-to-start delay of a job is included in the System Delay for the jobstream as a whole.

    Be aware that the time when a job is on-hold is included in finish-to-start delay, not operational delay.

  • Start-to-Running Delay

    The difference between the Start Time and the Running Time for the selected job. This indicates the time that the scheduler takes to prepare resources to run the job. High start-to-finish delays can point to scheduler inefficiencies or suboptimal load distribution.

    The start-to-running delay of a job is included in the System Delay for the jobstream as a whole.

  • Unexpected Delay

    This covers all other causes for delays that are not covered in the previous delay types and not tracked specifically by AAI. They tend to be scheduler or process specific. For example, if the processing is handed over to an external application and the return is late, AAI cannot track what happened in that time.

Filtering the Run History Job Details

Applying filters in the Run History tab of the Job Details allows you to customize data and display only the job runs that you want to have displayed. On this page, you can apply the following job filter attributes:

  • Date Range
  • Exit Code
  • External Run Id
  • Machine
  • Number of Retries
  • Run Type
  • Status

You can also define further filter parameters for each attribute to customize the Run History list even more. The parameters available are directly related to the attribute that you have selected.

The Date Range attribute is always set and displayed by default because the Run History list needs a time frame as reference. You cannot remove it, you can only adapt it.

The External Run Id, Machine, Run Type, and Status attributes relate to text fields and can be narrowed down using the following text related filter parameters:

  • Equals
  • Not equals
  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Starts with
  • Does not start with
  • Ends with
  • Does not end with

To narrow down the Exit Code and Number of Retries attributes you can use the following value related filter parameters:

  • Equals
  • Not equals
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equal to
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to


You can add multiple attributes to your filter; they are put together as AND conditions, which means all conditions must be true. You can also add more than one filter parameter for each attribute. These values are put together as OR conditions, which means any criteria can be true.

For more information on how to define and apply filter attributes and filter parameters in the AAI web interface, see Using Filters (Web Interface).

See also: