About Properties

What are Properties?

Every entity has properties. However, the notion of property is particularly relevant for Components and Deployment Targets, because they carry technical references that must be interpreted on the system. Properties flow to Workflow actions using PromptSets, and from there they are passed to agents as parameters.

Types of Properties

Sequence of Events

  1. The Components pass the values to the action workflow (third-level workflow). Because an action deploys a component and nothing else, other entities never talk to the workflow directly. The Component, however, is able to source values from other entities (targets, applications, environments...). For example, if a weather application component is being deployed to a Tomcat Server with a given URL, you can source that URL from the deployment target in the dynamic properties of the component.
  2. In actions, PromptSet values flow from the components being deployed.
  3. The artifacts defining properties are passed to the agents as parameters.
  4. For an artifact to be deployed to a system, you need an AE agent installed on that system. The agent performs the deployment work via system process submits called AE.

See also: