Deployment Profiles

A Deployment Profile links an Application to one specific Environment. Typically it is an intersection between the Application Components and the Environment Deployment Targets. For example, Tomcat application components are mapped to the Tomcat deployment target. The Deployment Profile is used during the deployment execution and defines where to deploy.

Note: The following graphic illustrates the role of Profiles in the Deployment Model. Select the image to expand it.

Graphic depicting role of deployment profiles in deployment model

In the CDA Deployment Model, the deployment profile links the Application to a specific Environment.

For each of the dynamic properties stored with a Component definition, a profile-specific value may override the default, making it easy to separate the deployment model (what and how) from the Environment (where).

Each Deployment Profile for an Application can be stored within a separate folder. This allows separation of access rights by Environment, for example, for development, QA and operations teams.

See also: