Working with Deployment Profiles

As an Application Developer you create Deployment Profiles to link Applications to Environments.

Important! The actions that you can perform depend on your folder permissions, see: Folder Permissions.

This page includes the following:

Viewing Deployment Profiles

Deployment Profiles are managed within the Application main section of the Release Automation perspective.

  1. Double-click an Application to open it.
  2. Click the Profiles tab.

From the All Profiles list you can:

Tip: For more information about how to search for entities and narrow down the results, see: Global Search

Creating Deployment Profiles

  1. Double-click the Application where you want to create the Deployment Profile.
  2. Click the Profiles tab and select All Profiles.
  3. Click the Create button on the toolbar. The Create Deployment Profile dialog is displayed.
  4. Enter a name for the new Deployment Profile.
  5. Assign an Environment. Only environments where the current user has use rights on are selectable.
  6. Select the folder where you want to store your Deployment Profile.
  7. Assign an owner to the Deployment Profile.

    You can select the current user or one of the user groups the user belongs to as owner (or one of all active user groups for administrators). To assign a different user, edit the entity after creating it.

  8. Click Assign Login Object and select a Login Object from the list.

Note: For each component in the application, the system will automatically assign the matching (type + filters) deployment targets within the environment. It will also set the component links wherever there is only one possible target.

Editing the Properties of Deployment Profiles

You can change the following Profile properties:

Overriding Dynamic Properties

Deployment profiles allow you to override dynamic properties of the components that are assigned to the deployment profile (have targets assignments).

To Override Dynamic Properties

  1. Navigate to Profiles > All Profiles.
  2. Right-click the deployment profile and select Go to details/ Dynamic Properties.
  3. Select the component where the dynamic property you want to override is defined from the properties of drop-down list.
  4. Select the property you want to override.
  5. Click the override button in the toolbar. The Override Property on Component dialog is displayed.
  6. In the Override section, select the type of value you want to override ( Static or Expression) and edit the existing text or expression.
  7. Click Save.


Duplicating Deployment Profiles

  1. Click the Duplicate button on the toolbar.
  2. Optionally, enter a new name for the Profile. It can only contain alphanumeric characters, blanks, ., -, _, @, $, #".

    Note: The name must be unique if stored in the same folder.

  3. Confirm or edit the following:
    • Target Application: (source and target Application can be the same).
    • Folder: folder where the new Profile will be stored.
    • Owner: owner of the new Profile.
  4. Assign a new Login object.

    Note: Login objects store account credentials used by Agents.

Important! Dynamic Property overrides defined on the Profile are only copied if both a Component and a Dynamic Property with the same name exist in the target Application.

Deleting Deployment Profiles

You can delete a deployment profile if you are the owner and have the appropriate permissions on the folder of the application. (See Security Concept).

To Delete Deployment Profiles

Note: You may only delete the entity when you have the appropriate permission on the containing folder (see Security Concept) and all of the listed conditions are met.

Conditions to delete entities of type Deployment Profile