Installing the AE - Windows

The following steps will help you install the Automation Engine in Windows.



To Install the Automation Engine for Windows

  1. Install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package from the IMAGE > CRTS directory (server computer).

    This installation step can be omitted if the required version of the package is already installed. Navigate to the Control Panel > Programs and Features to see if the package is installed, and if so, which version.

  2. Install the Automation Engine (server computer).

    Start the program SETUP.EXE in the corresponding subdirectory of IMAGE: AUTOMATIONENGINE > WINDOWS > x64.

  3. (Optional) Install the AE SNMP subagent. You may want to install this subagent to monitor the various conditions which occur within an AE system, such as the availability of the Automation Engine and agents, active notifications or blocking tasks (server computer). For more information, see Installing the Automation Engine SNMP Subagent (Windows).

  4. Set up the system environment (server computer).

    1. Adjust the UCSrv.INI file to the system environment. For more information, see Automation Engine.
    2. A temp folder (C:\AUTOMIC\SERVER\TEMP) is created automatically to save the log files. Refer to the INI file if you need to make any changes.
    3. If not already done, use the database client to create a connection to the database. If you use the MS SQL Server, create the data source "AE" for ODBC access (64 bit ODBC). For more information, see Creating an ODBC Data Source.
  5. Start and end the Automation Engine (server computer).

    1. An AE system requires at least one communication process and one work process. Start them from the Windows Start menu > Automic folder (WP-Server first, CP-Server afterward) for testing purposes.

      If the processes run successfully, their corresponding symbols will be displayed in the task bar.

    2. Right-click the Server-process symbol in the task bar and click Close to end one or Shutdown to end all server processes.
    3. After all other programs have been installed and tested, the Automation Engine should run as a service. Use the ServiceManager to start the Automation Engine as a service. The server processes can be started and ended using the ServiceManager Dialog.
      More Information:

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