User Guide > Objects > Working with Objects > About Statistics

About Statistics

Statistical data, logs and reports are written while the AE system is active. This stored information can be used to trace all AE controlled and monitored processes in detail at any time. This ensures the auditing acceptability of AE.

Statistical data is kept until it is explicitly removed through a reorganization run. Its reports are also deleted.

Statistical data is available for:

The statistics of servers, agents and executable objects are constantly recorded and archived. There is no way to disable this function. You can specify that the collected data should be stored permanently. The administrator can use the variable UC_STATISTIC_OPTIONS to determine whether statistical data should be kept after a user has logged off correctly. All security-relevant data (e.g. attempts to log on with an invalid passwordA secret combination of characters for a Automation Engine user.) is stored. By default, the statistics of user sessions are also stored.

Statistical data can be accessed in the form of an overview which is the first window that is displayed. It lists the available data records for which various functions are provided in the context menu (right-click on a statistics file):

The availability of the above functions depends on the particular object. Access to statistics is protected through AE's authorization system.

The number of statistical records that should be displayed in the overview can be specified in the UserInterface's settings. The content of the statistical overview can be stored in a file. Do so using the popup-menu command Export to file... from within the statistical overview or the UserInterface's File menu. Right-click without highlighting a statistical record in order to save the whole content.

The size, position and order of the columns shown in the statistics window can now be stored. You can adjust it according to your requirements and call the command Save window settings now from the menu Options. The specified settings then apply to all statistics window you open.

 Comments are available in tasks whose RunID shows a small red edge.

 When activating by script, start type SCR is used in the statistical record.