This document describes the installation and configurationA set of constituent components that make up a system. This includes information on how the components are connected including the settings applied. process for the Connect for WebSphere MQ on a Windows platform.
1. Setting up queues for AE with WebSphere MQ Queue Manager Server |
crtmqm -q queue.manager1
strmqm queue.manager1
define qlocal ('UC4CInputQueue') maxmsgl (4096)
define qlocal ('UC4CReplyQueue')
2. Installing AE Connector using SETUP.EXE from the delivery directory |
3. Adapting the AE Connector INI file |
4. Starting the AE Connector |
5. Testing a request to AE via WebSphere MQ Queue Manager |
6. Entering the AE Connector into the ServiceManager |
See also: