Process Analytics > User Guide > FAQ


Q: The Gantt Chart displays too many tasks. How can I reduce the results that are displayed in Process Analytics?

In Process Analytics, you can filter tasks depending on attributes or runtime parameters. For example, you can define a filter that applies to all tasks that have been activated during the last month. For a detailed explanation, please refer to Filter Management.

Q: I want to search a particular task in Process Analytics. How can I do that?

Press the shortcut [Ctrl] + [F] which opens the search dialog. Enter the task's RunID and click on the magnifying glasses or press ENTER.
If you want to search for the object name, use the prefix obj: at the beginning. The arrow keys can be used to switch between the individual instances if there are several tasks of the same name.

For more information about the search function, please refer to Fast Navigation.


I can not successfully log on to Process Analytics although I have already verified that the user exists and that the passwordA secret combination of characters for a Automation Engine user. is correct.


When you log on to Process Analytics, the system tries to establish a connection to a AE system in order to check the user and the password. Your login attempt fails if no connection can be established. Ensure that the system is active and that the maximum number of connections to the system is not exceeded.

Q: The displayed tasks are shifted in time. Obviously, they are not synchronized with the AE databaseA database is an organized collection of data including relevant data structures.. What is the problem and what can I do to avoid this?

A possible reason is that different time settings have been specified on the AE database computer and the Process Analytics database computer. This causes a time offset during the ETL process.