Modifying Object Attributes

The attributes of an object can be modified both permanently or for a particular execution of the object.

Modifying the Attributes for a Particular Execution

When you define an object type, you specify the general attributes that will always apply to objects with this type. In some cases, however, it might be necessary to change specific settings for a particular run of an object without modifying its general definitions. You can design your object to cater for this possibility in two ways:

As a result, when executing (Execute once) and restarting the task either from the Process Assembly or from the Process Monitoring perspective, a dialog pops up displaying the fields defined in the corresponding Include object. The user must then enter the values that will apply to this object for the current execution. Once it is done, the values entered here are not valid anymore and the general definitions apply again.

Modifying the Attributes Permanently

You can specify the object attributes at different points in time and on different places:

Modifying Attributes Via the AE.DB Change Utility

Attributes can also be changed by using the AE.DB Change utility, see AE DB Change.

An exception applies for attributes that allow the values "Y" and "N". These two letters cannot be assigned to the AE DB Change utility. In this case, Automic recommends using the number "1" instead of "Y" and "20" instead of "N".

Also, you cannot assign abbreviations to AE.DB Change. Always use complete attribute names (such as "GROUP" instead of " S").

This utility can also be used to modify Object variables. Do so by specifying the name "VALUE" followed by a colon and the Object properties variable's name.

You can also change folder names by using the AE DB Change utility. In this case, the corresponding attribute is FOLDER_NAME.